Whenever I am actively sick, having a flareup of my PA, MRSA or Staph, my blood pressure drops. My normal BP is around 120/72, but when I'm sick, it drops (and stays low for periods of time). The lowest was 80/42.<br><br>During these times, I have felt l pretty weak and tired, but it's hard to differentiate between what the infection is doing and what the low BP is doing. It has happened both while inpatient (it's never not happened during a stay for IV antibiotics), and at home (I have a home BP monitor). When it has happened in the hospital, the nurse returns every so often to recheck me.<br><br>
At first I thought it was because I lay down more when sick, but sitting up doesn't necessarily rectify it. During these times, my heart rate is usually accelerated bc my O2 sats are down, which I think would have the opposite affect. I've asked doctors and nurses why this happens and they never have a good reason other than "it happens". As I improve from the infection, my BP goes back to normal, but I was wondering if anyone else experiences this.<br><br><br><br>
At first I thought it was because I lay down more when sick, but sitting up doesn't necessarily rectify it. During these times, my heart rate is usually accelerated bc my O2 sats are down, which I think would have the opposite affect. I've asked doctors and nurses why this happens and they never have a good reason other than "it happens". As I improve from the infection, my BP goes back to normal, but I was wondering if anyone else experiences this.<br><br><br><br>