Well, I was surprised to see this thread come back up, lol, but thanks for the additional information! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It was a cf doctor (not one I usually see, either), not the endo, who wanted me to take an enzyme with the Prandin pill.
I am actually going to the endocrynologist for the first time on the 21st, after my clinic appt. this month, to get some options. We'll see- we don't have an endo that is familiar with CFRD yet- these are the prototypes (lol) that clinic is trying to break in right now.
My main problems seem to be in the mornings, and I suspect have to do with the normal overnight "dehydration". My typical day goes like this:
90-110 -wake up- am (usually 90's)
breakfast around 8-8:30am
high (around 170-200) until 11am- 12pm
12 pm starts dropping and will get low if I don't eat something (like lunch) by 1pm
Most of the time, I don't need another pill for the rest of the evening (depending on what I eat, of course, but it has to be a high carb load meal/snack, with candy or something)
If I do, it's usually a <i>half </i>of a .5 Prandin...and I have to be sure to eat, in 2-3 hours, with or without the pill, or I will drop into the low range- especially if I do something like vacuum, excercise, etc. in the afternoon.
Just carbs (pasta, fruit, etc.) aren't too bad on me, just straight sugar- candy, ice cream, etc. (???)
PMS week- toss everything out the window...it's all running higher, about 20-50 pts <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0"> .
I'll let y'all know how my appt. goes <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .