For what it is worth. When I first got diagnosed with CFRD they had me on pills but my CF doc did not like that cause he said insulin works best for CF patients and it is more easier to control your sugars cause the insulin works better than pills. I was VERY reluctant but I was so unpredictable with my sugars with the pills. Sometimes it seemed the pill worked and other times it did not and I was eating the same stuff . So I finally said I would try insulin. Granted I only take 3 units with meals and if I eat sweets like cake, pies and cookies then I take 4 units which is not alot and yes the insulin works ALOT better and more predictable. I would reccommend the insulin just cause it works better than pills and it is a little bit less of a guessing game. I do get some lows but I just manage it with some juice or pop if I am really low.
Doing the shots does suck but they work better than the pills and I just want to control my diabetes the best way I can. I have been doing shots for over a year and I still hate them!
I was on the pill Starliz when I first started. Good luck!!!!
Jennifer 35 years old ( soon 36 at end of month) Cf and CFRD
Doing the shots does suck but they work better than the pills and I just want to control my diabetes the best way I can. I have been doing shots for over a year and I still hate them!
I was on the pill Starliz when I first started. Good luck!!!!
Jennifer 35 years old ( soon 36 at end of month) Cf and CFRD