I like my Prandin okay, but I do need to snack at about 3-4 hours after eating. My other issue is I still tend to have high sugars in the morning, especially if I don't have my 16 oz. of water, first thing in the morning, with my Prandin. I do try to take it at least 15 mins before I eat, if not 30 (my doctor said 15, but the literature about it said 15-30, and 30 mins. works better for me). I also don't take it with every meal, if I am having a low carb meal, and I have been known to take a half if a meal is borderline (yes, I am on the .5 too). I have also been known to take a half if I know I am going to have, say, birthday cake, lol <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> .
But, it doesn't work great for breakfast for me, and my tummy can be tempermental about what goes in it first thing (not to mention, I am not a bacon and eggs kind of girl- I <i>love</i> cereal <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), so I am going to ask about getting insulin for the mornings. I also like to eat asap (as does my daughter, and I like eating with her in the mornings, not to mention 15 mins is a big deal to me in the mornings!), so I think a shot of insulin would work better for me then. Plus, I eat practically the same thing every single morning, so the carb counting would be easy for that meal <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> .
But for the rest of the day, the Prandin works fine for me (I am a snacker anyways, which was a bs problem before the Prandin), and I only have low blood sugar problems if I forget to have that snack, or I am late for lunch or dinner <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> . For some reason too, my blood sugar highs are less of a problem the later in the day it gets, whether I am controlling my bs by diet (like I did when I was pregnant) or with the Prandin, so I don't know how that figures in...
I don't know if this helps you any or not- sorry!