Low blood sugar and CFRD?


New member
Oh, and yes, thanks for the info about the high bs and SOB- I knew it caused inflamation, but I didn't know why- now I do <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> . For some reason, knowing the "why" helps make me more compliant with my treatments- must be my lazy/stubborn attitude (can give myself "the speech" lol).

Maybe one of these days, we will get an Endocrinologist who does CFRD. We have one who sees us, but even my nurse says he doesn't always "get it" because of the differences between regular diabetes and CFRD (mainly our nutritional needs vs. a "regular" diabetes patient) *sigh*. I really appreciate all your help!


New member
Oh, and yes, thanks for the info about the high bs and SOB- I knew it caused inflamation, but I didn't know why- now I do <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> . For some reason, knowing the "why" helps make me more compliant with my treatments- must be my lazy/stubborn attitude (can give myself "the speech" lol).

Maybe one of these days, we will get an Endocrinologist who does CFRD. We have one who sees us, but even my nurse says he doesn't always "get it" because of the differences between regular diabetes and CFRD (mainly our nutritional needs vs. a "regular" diabetes patient) *sigh*. I really appreciate all your help!


New member
Oh, and yes, thanks for the info about the high bs and SOB- I knew it caused inflamation, but I didn't know why- now I do <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> . For some reason, knowing the "why" helps make me more compliant with my treatments- must be my lazy/stubborn attitude (can give myself "the speech" lol).

Maybe one of these days, we will get an Endocrinologist who does CFRD. We have one who sees us, but even my nurse says he doesn't always "get it" because of the differences between regular diabetes and CFRD (mainly our nutritional needs vs. a "regular" diabetes patient) *sigh*. I really appreciate all your help!


New member
Oh, and yes, thanks for the info about the high bs and SOB- I knew it caused inflamation, but I didn't know why- now I do <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> . For some reason, knowing the "why" helps make me more compliant with my treatments- must be my lazy/stubborn attitude (can give myself "the speech" lol).

Maybe one of these days, we will get an Endocrinologist who does CFRD. We have one who sees us, but even my nurse says he doesn't always "get it" because of the differences between regular diabetes and CFRD (mainly our nutritional needs vs. a "regular" diabetes patient) *sigh*. I really appreciate all your help!


New member
Oh, and yes, thanks for the info about the high bs and SOB- I knew it caused inflamation, but I didn't know why- now I do <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> . For some reason, knowing the "why" helps make me more compliant with my treatments- must be my lazy/stubborn attitude (can give myself "the speech" lol).

Maybe one of these days, we will get an Endocrinologist who does CFRD. We have one who sees us, but even my nurse says he doesn't always "get it" because of the differences between regular diabetes and CFRD (mainly our nutritional needs vs. a "regular" diabetes patient) *sigh*. I really appreciate all your help!


What a great forum! I'm so glad that I found it. I started my new prescription of Prandin (.5 mg) today. Here are my readings

Fasting - 123 (I'm usually around 135-145)
Ate cherrios, grits, cinnamon/sugar apples, Prandin
1 hour later - 297
2 hours later - 76
3 hours later - 56 (started feeling the shakes)
immediately drank 1/2 coke, cheese puffs, 1 hearsheys kiss
10 minutes later - 99
15 minutes later - 167
30 minutes later - 172

I'm wondering if I just need to find the right foods to eat with Prandin or if it's just too strong for me. It's almost like it took a while to kick in, because I still got that spike of 297, one hour after eating breakfast. Should I be taking it 30 minutes before I start to eat? Should I eat a little something around the 2 hour mark to avoid my bs from getting too low? Please tell me what works for you.


What a great forum! I'm so glad that I found it. I started my new prescription of Prandin (.5 mg) today. Here are my readings

Fasting - 123 (I'm usually around 135-145)
Ate cherrios, grits, cinnamon/sugar apples, Prandin
1 hour later - 297
2 hours later - 76
3 hours later - 56 (started feeling the shakes)
immediately drank 1/2 coke, cheese puffs, 1 hearsheys kiss
10 minutes later - 99
15 minutes later - 167
30 minutes later - 172

I'm wondering if I just need to find the right foods to eat with Prandin or if it's just too strong for me. It's almost like it took a while to kick in, because I still got that spike of 297, one hour after eating breakfast. Should I be taking it 30 minutes before I start to eat? Should I eat a little something around the 2 hour mark to avoid my bs from getting too low? Please tell me what works for you.


What a great forum! I'm so glad that I found it. I started my new prescription of Prandin (.5 mg) today. Here are my readings

Fasting - 123 (I'm usually around 135-145)
Ate cherrios, grits, cinnamon/sugar apples, Prandin
1 hour later - 297
2 hours later - 76
3 hours later - 56 (started feeling the shakes)
immediately drank 1/2 coke, cheese puffs, 1 hearsheys kiss
10 minutes later - 99
15 minutes later - 167
30 minutes later - 172

I'm wondering if I just need to find the right foods to eat with Prandin or if it's just too strong for me. It's almost like it took a while to kick in, because I still got that spike of 297, one hour after eating breakfast. Should I be taking it 30 minutes before I start to eat? Should I eat a little something around the 2 hour mark to avoid my bs from getting too low? Please tell me what works for you.


What a great forum! I'm so glad that I found it. I started my new prescription of Prandin (.5 mg) today. Here are my readings

Fasting - 123 (I'm usually around 135-145)
Ate cherrios, grits, cinnamon/sugar apples, Prandin
1 hour later - 297
2 hours later - 76
3 hours later - 56 (started feeling the shakes)
immediately drank 1/2 coke, cheese puffs, 1 hearsheys kiss
10 minutes later - 99
15 minutes later - 167
30 minutes later - 172

I'm wondering if I just need to find the right foods to eat with Prandin or if it's just too strong for me. It's almost like it took a while to kick in, because I still got that spike of 297, one hour after eating breakfast. Should I be taking it 30 minutes before I start to eat? Should I eat a little something around the 2 hour mark to avoid my bs from getting too low? Please tell me what works for you.


What a great forum! I'm so glad that I found it. I started my new prescription of Prandin (.5 mg) today. Here are my readings

Fasting - 123 (I'm usually around 135-145)
Ate cherrios, grits, cinnamon/sugar apples, Prandin
1 hour later - 297
2 hours later - 76
3 hours later - 56 (started feeling the shakes)
immediately drank 1/2 coke, cheese puffs, 1 hearsheys kiss
10 minutes later - 99
15 minutes later - 167
30 minutes later - 172

I'm wondering if I just need to find the right foods to eat with Prandin or if it's just too strong for me. It's almost like it took a while to kick in, because I still got that spike of 297, one hour after eating breakfast. Should I be taking it 30 minutes before I start to eat? Should I eat a little something around the 2 hour mark to avoid my bs from getting too low? Please tell me what works for you.


New member
I had a lot of sugar drops when they had me on Prandin in the hospital. They told me to increase my food intake. Obviously at the time I couldnt/wouldnt do that. So I ended up going off the Prandin. I was on the smalles dose available also BTW.

Do you think its "practical" for you to take the Prandin 30 minutes before you eat? It wouldnt be for me. I also dont think you should NEED to eat something to make up for the sugar drop, but that is JMHO. If you would rather not use insulin & eating something small at the 2 hour mark will carry you thru then go for it.

Its much easier to use my Novalog pen. The last two days my sugars have been a bit out of sorts, but for the most part they are consistant.


New member
I had a lot of sugar drops when they had me on Prandin in the hospital. They told me to increase my food intake. Obviously at the time I couldnt/wouldnt do that. So I ended up going off the Prandin. I was on the smalles dose available also BTW.

Do you think its "practical" for you to take the Prandin 30 minutes before you eat? It wouldnt be for me. I also dont think you should NEED to eat something to make up for the sugar drop, but that is JMHO. If you would rather not use insulin & eating something small at the 2 hour mark will carry you thru then go for it.

Its much easier to use my Novalog pen. The last two days my sugars have been a bit out of sorts, but for the most part they are consistant.


New member
I had a lot of sugar drops when they had me on Prandin in the hospital. They told me to increase my food intake. Obviously at the time I couldnt/wouldnt do that. So I ended up going off the Prandin. I was on the smalles dose available also BTW.

Do you think its "practical" for you to take the Prandin 30 minutes before you eat? It wouldnt be for me. I also dont think you should NEED to eat something to make up for the sugar drop, but that is JMHO. If you would rather not use insulin & eating something small at the 2 hour mark will carry you thru then go for it.

Its much easier to use my Novalog pen. The last two days my sugars have been a bit out of sorts, but for the most part they are consistant.


New member
I had a lot of sugar drops when they had me on Prandin in the hospital. They told me to increase my food intake. Obviously at the time I couldnt/wouldnt do that. So I ended up going off the Prandin. I was on the smalles dose available also BTW.

Do you think its "practical" for you to take the Prandin 30 minutes before you eat? It wouldnt be for me. I also dont think you should NEED to eat something to make up for the sugar drop, but that is JMHO. If you would rather not use insulin & eating something small at the 2 hour mark will carry you thru then go for it.

Its much easier to use my Novalog pen. The last two days my sugars have been a bit out of sorts, but for the most part they are consistant.


New member
I had a lot of sugar drops when they had me on Prandin in the hospital. They told me to increase my food intake. Obviously at the time I couldnt/wouldnt do that. So I ended up going off the Prandin. I was on the smalles dose available also BTW.

Do you think its "practical" for you to take the Prandin 30 minutes before you eat? It wouldnt be for me. I also dont think you should NEED to eat something to make up for the sugar drop, but that is JMHO. If you would rather not use insulin & eating something small at the 2 hour mark will carry you thru then go for it.

Its much easier to use my Novalog pen. The last two days my sugars have been a bit out of sorts, but for the most part they are consistant.


New member
I like my Prandin okay, but I do need to snack at about 3-4 hours after eating. My other issue is I still tend to have high sugars in the morning, especially if I don't have my 16 oz. of water, first thing in the morning, with my Prandin. I do try to take it at least 15 mins before I eat, if not 30 (my doctor said 15, but the literature about it said 15-30, and 30 mins. works better for me). I also don't take it with every meal, if I am having a low carb meal, and I have been known to take a half if a meal is borderline (yes, I am on the .5 too). I have also been known to take a half if I know I am going to have, say, birthday cake, lol <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> .

But, it doesn't work great for breakfast for me, and my tummy can be tempermental about what goes in it first thing (not to mention, I am not a bacon and eggs kind of girl- I <i>love</i> cereal <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), so I am going to ask about getting insulin for the mornings. I also like to eat asap (as does my daughter, and I like eating with her in the mornings, not to mention 15 mins is a big deal to me in the mornings!), so I think a shot of insulin would work better for me then. Plus, I eat practically the same thing every single morning, so the carb counting would be easy for that meal <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> .

But for the rest of the day, the Prandin works fine for me (I am a snacker anyways, which was a bs problem before the Prandin), and I only have low blood sugar problems if I forget to have that snack, or I am late for lunch or dinner <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> . For some reason too, my blood sugar highs are less of a problem the later in the day it gets, whether I am controlling my bs by diet (like I did when I was pregnant) or with the Prandin, so I don't know how that figures in...

I don't know if this helps you any or not- sorry!


New member
I like my Prandin okay, but I do need to snack at about 3-4 hours after eating. My other issue is I still tend to have high sugars in the morning, especially if I don't have my 16 oz. of water, first thing in the morning, with my Prandin. I do try to take it at least 15 mins before I eat, if not 30 (my doctor said 15, but the literature about it said 15-30, and 30 mins. works better for me). I also don't take it with every meal, if I am having a low carb meal, and I have been known to take a half if a meal is borderline (yes, I am on the .5 too). I have also been known to take a half if I know I am going to have, say, birthday cake, lol <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> .

But, it doesn't work great for breakfast for me, and my tummy can be tempermental about what goes in it first thing (not to mention, I am not a bacon and eggs kind of girl- I <i>love</i> cereal <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), so I am going to ask about getting insulin for the mornings. I also like to eat asap (as does my daughter, and I like eating with her in the mornings, not to mention 15 mins is a big deal to me in the mornings!), so I think a shot of insulin would work better for me then. Plus, I eat practically the same thing every single morning, so the carb counting would be easy for that meal <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> .

But for the rest of the day, the Prandin works fine for me (I am a snacker anyways, which was a bs problem before the Prandin), and I only have low blood sugar problems if I forget to have that snack, or I am late for lunch or dinner <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> . For some reason too, my blood sugar highs are less of a problem the later in the day it gets, whether I am controlling my bs by diet (like I did when I was pregnant) or with the Prandin, so I don't know how that figures in...

I don't know if this helps you any or not- sorry!


New member
I like my Prandin okay, but I do need to snack at about 3-4 hours after eating. My other issue is I still tend to have high sugars in the morning, especially if I don't have my 16 oz. of water, first thing in the morning, with my Prandin. I do try to take it at least 15 mins before I eat, if not 30 (my doctor said 15, but the literature about it said 15-30, and 30 mins. works better for me). I also don't take it with every meal, if I am having a low carb meal, and I have been known to take a half if a meal is borderline (yes, I am on the .5 too). I have also been known to take a half if I know I am going to have, say, birthday cake, lol <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> .

But, it doesn't work great for breakfast for me, and my tummy can be tempermental about what goes in it first thing (not to mention, I am not a bacon and eggs kind of girl- I <i>love</i> cereal <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), so I am going to ask about getting insulin for the mornings. I also like to eat asap (as does my daughter, and I like eating with her in the mornings, not to mention 15 mins is a big deal to me in the mornings!), so I think a shot of insulin would work better for me then. Plus, I eat practically the same thing every single morning, so the carb counting would be easy for that meal <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> .

But for the rest of the day, the Prandin works fine for me (I am a snacker anyways, which was a bs problem before the Prandin), and I only have low blood sugar problems if I forget to have that snack, or I am late for lunch or dinner <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> . For some reason too, my blood sugar highs are less of a problem the later in the day it gets, whether I am controlling my bs by diet (like I did when I was pregnant) or with the Prandin, so I don't know how that figures in...

I don't know if this helps you any or not- sorry!


New member
I like my Prandin okay, but I do need to snack at about 3-4 hours after eating. My other issue is I still tend to have high sugars in the morning, especially if I don't have my 16 oz. of water, first thing in the morning, with my Prandin. I do try to take it at least 15 mins before I eat, if not 30 (my doctor said 15, but the literature about it said 15-30, and 30 mins. works better for me). I also don't take it with every meal, if I am having a low carb meal, and I have been known to take a half if a meal is borderline (yes, I am on the .5 too). I have also been known to take a half if I know I am going to have, say, birthday cake, lol <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> .

But, it doesn't work great for breakfast for me, and my tummy can be tempermental about what goes in it first thing (not to mention, I am not a bacon and eggs kind of girl- I <i>love</i> cereal <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), so I am going to ask about getting insulin for the mornings. I also like to eat asap (as does my daughter, and I like eating with her in the mornings, not to mention 15 mins is a big deal to me in the mornings!), so I think a shot of insulin would work better for me then. Plus, I eat practically the same thing every single morning, so the carb counting would be easy for that meal <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> .

But for the rest of the day, the Prandin works fine for me (I am a snacker anyways, which was a bs problem before the Prandin), and I only have low blood sugar problems if I forget to have that snack, or I am late for lunch or dinner <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> . For some reason too, my blood sugar highs are less of a problem the later in the day it gets, whether I am controlling my bs by diet (like I did when I was pregnant) or with the Prandin, so I don't know how that figures in...

I don't know if this helps you any or not- sorry!


New member
I like my Prandin okay, but I do need to snack at about 3-4 hours after eating. My other issue is I still tend to have high sugars in the morning, especially if I don't have my 16 oz. of water, first thing in the morning, with my Prandin. I do try to take it at least 15 mins before I eat, if not 30 (my doctor said 15, but the literature about it said 15-30, and 30 mins. works better for me). I also don't take it with every meal, if I am having a low carb meal, and I have been known to take a half if a meal is borderline (yes, I am on the .5 too). I have also been known to take a half if I know I am going to have, say, birthday cake, lol <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> .

But, it doesn't work great for breakfast for me, and my tummy can be tempermental about what goes in it first thing (not to mention, I am not a bacon and eggs kind of girl- I <i>love</i> cereal <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), so I am going to ask about getting insulin for the mornings. I also like to eat asap (as does my daughter, and I like eating with her in the mornings, not to mention 15 mins is a big deal to me in the mornings!), so I think a shot of insulin would work better for me then. Plus, I eat practically the same thing every single morning, so the carb counting would be easy for that meal <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> .

But for the rest of the day, the Prandin works fine for me (I am a snacker anyways, which was a bs problem before the Prandin), and I only have low blood sugar problems if I forget to have that snack, or I am late for lunch or dinner <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> . For some reason too, my blood sugar highs are less of a problem the later in the day it gets, whether I am controlling my bs by diet (like I did when I was pregnant) or with the Prandin, so I don't know how that figures in...

I don't know if this helps you any or not- sorry!