Low blood sugar and CFRD?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>coltsfan715</b></i>

Oh and too add you have NOT had an entire day of HYPOglycemia. You have had an entire day of normal blood sugars. If it is unusual for you to have normal sugars without the Prandin then I would maybe talk to your doc and see what they think about it. I would not be too bothered by your blood sugars though as they have been in PERFECT range all day - at least the values you listed in your post. That is RIGHT where you want them to be. Yes you were snacking all day and such BUT that may again be because of the working out and burning extra sugar/energy.</end quote></div>

EXCELLENT point, Lindsay. I was hoping you'd chime in on this topic. In my opinion you're the "go-to-gal" for CFRD stuff.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>coltsfan715</b></i>

Oh and too add you have NOT had an entire day of HYPOglycemia. You have had an entire day of normal blood sugars. If it is unusual for you to have normal sugars without the Prandin then I would maybe talk to your doc and see what they think about it. I would not be too bothered by your blood sugars though as they have been in PERFECT range all day - at least the values you listed in your post. That is RIGHT where you want them to be. Yes you were snacking all day and such BUT that may again be because of the working out and burning extra sugar/energy.</end quote></div>

EXCELLENT point, Lindsay. I was hoping you'd chime in on this topic. In my opinion you're the "go-to-gal" for CFRD stuff.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>coltsfan715</b></i>

Oh and too add you have NOT had an entire day of HYPOglycemia. You have had an entire day of normal blood sugars. If it is unusual for you to have normal sugars without the Prandin then I would maybe talk to your doc and see what they think about it. I would not be too bothered by your blood sugars though as they have been in PERFECT range all day - at least the values you listed in your post. That is RIGHT where you want them to be. Yes you were snacking all day and such BUT that may again be because of the working out and burning extra sugar/energy.</end quote></div>

EXCELLENT point, Lindsay. I was hoping you'd chime in on this topic. In my opinion you're the "go-to-gal" for CFRD stuff.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>coltsfan715</b></i>

Oh and too add you have NOT had an entire day of HYPOglycemia. You have had an entire day of normal blood sugars. If it is unusual for you to have normal sugars without the Prandin then I would maybe talk to your doc and see what they think about it. I would not be too bothered by your blood sugars though as they have been in PERFECT range all day - at least the values you listed in your post. That is RIGHT where you want them to be. Yes you were snacking all day and such BUT that may again be because of the working out and burning extra sugar/energy.</end quote>

EXCELLENT point, Lindsay. I was hoping you'd chime in on this topic. In my opinion you're the "go-to-gal" for CFRD stuff.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>coltsfan715</b></i>

Oh and too add you have NOT had an entire day of HYPOglycemia. You have had an entire day of normal blood sugars. If it is unusual for you to have normal sugars without the Prandin then I would maybe talk to your doc and see what they think about it. I would not be too bothered by your blood sugars though as they have been in PERFECT range all day - at least the values you listed in your post. That is RIGHT where you want them to be. Yes you were snacking all day and such BUT that may again be because of the working out and burning extra sugar/energy.</end quote>

EXCELLENT point, Lindsay. I was hoping you'd chime in on this topic. In my opinion you're the "go-to-gal" for CFRD stuff.


New member
Thanks Lindsey! Yes, you're right, not too low except for the overnight one- I was just afraid that they would have kept dropping if I hadn't watched them and eaten something, because I had some -I don't know how to describe it- "warning feelings" that it was dropping fast/getting close to time to eat something... But maybe they wouldn't have kept dropping??? Hmmm....

The Prandin is a pill- sorry, I left that out too (that's what I get for posting so late at night-incomplete/inaccurate posting-sorry-). I have been on it for a little over a month now, with pretty good results except for the morning (usually 170-200 at 2 hours then).

My fasting blood sugars are normal and my morning ones are usually the highest, and the rest of the day is usually moderately/slightly high at 2 hours.

But yesterday I didn't take it at all, because of the overnight low.

I also usually do work out 3 days a week (swimming) and it doesn't make too much of a dent in my bs- which surprised me. And I have been off excercising for 2 weeks before while on this med (pool was closed between semesters, and I didn't get my butt in gear and do something else). But I did only make it to swim Wed. of last week. Maybe that and the staying up late was it.

Can being a little more stressed out than usual and being sick (I have a sinus infection) make them low, too? Or just higher? I also started the fizzy NAC the other day- would that affect my blood sugars? Just brainstorming here...

I will mention this to my nurse if it keeps up this week, and if my bs are close to normal this morning (I didn't take it this morning- I'm my own guinea pig today <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), I will skip it for lunch too, etc. And I'm keeping track in my log book, too. We'll see! Thanks y'all!


New member
Thanks Lindsey! Yes, you're right, not too low except for the overnight one- I was just afraid that they would have kept dropping if I hadn't watched them and eaten something, because I had some -I don't know how to describe it- "warning feelings" that it was dropping fast/getting close to time to eat something... But maybe they wouldn't have kept dropping??? Hmmm....

The Prandin is a pill- sorry, I left that out too (that's what I get for posting so late at night-incomplete/inaccurate posting-sorry-). I have been on it for a little over a month now, with pretty good results except for the morning (usually 170-200 at 2 hours then).

My fasting blood sugars are normal and my morning ones are usually the highest, and the rest of the day is usually moderately/slightly high at 2 hours.

But yesterday I didn't take it at all, because of the overnight low.

I also usually do work out 3 days a week (swimming) and it doesn't make too much of a dent in my bs- which surprised me. And I have been off excercising for 2 weeks before while on this med (pool was closed between semesters, and I didn't get my butt in gear and do something else). But I did only make it to swim Wed. of last week. Maybe that and the staying up late was it.

Can being a little more stressed out than usual and being sick (I have a sinus infection) make them low, too? Or just higher? I also started the fizzy NAC the other day- would that affect my blood sugars? Just brainstorming here...

I will mention this to my nurse if it keeps up this week, and if my bs are close to normal this morning (I didn't take it this morning- I'm my own guinea pig today <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), I will skip it for lunch too, etc. And I'm keeping track in my log book, too. We'll see! Thanks y'all!


New member
Thanks Lindsey! Yes, you're right, not too low except for the overnight one- I was just afraid that they would have kept dropping if I hadn't watched them and eaten something, because I had some -I don't know how to describe it- "warning feelings" that it was dropping fast/getting close to time to eat something... But maybe they wouldn't have kept dropping??? Hmmm....

The Prandin is a pill- sorry, I left that out too (that's what I get for posting so late at night-incomplete/inaccurate posting-sorry-). I have been on it for a little over a month now, with pretty good results except for the morning (usually 170-200 at 2 hours then).

My fasting blood sugars are normal and my morning ones are usually the highest, and the rest of the day is usually moderately/slightly high at 2 hours.

But yesterday I didn't take it at all, because of the overnight low.

I also usually do work out 3 days a week (swimming) and it doesn't make too much of a dent in my bs- which surprised me. And I have been off excercising for 2 weeks before while on this med (pool was closed between semesters, and I didn't get my butt in gear and do something else). But I did only make it to swim Wed. of last week. Maybe that and the staying up late was it.

Can being a little more stressed out than usual and being sick (I have a sinus infection) make them low, too? Or just higher? I also started the fizzy NAC the other day- would that affect my blood sugars? Just brainstorming here...

I will mention this to my nurse if it keeps up this week, and if my bs are close to normal this morning (I didn't take it this morning- I'm my own guinea pig today <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), I will skip it for lunch too, etc. And I'm keeping track in my log book, too. We'll see! Thanks y'all!


New member
Thanks Lindsey! Yes, you're right, not too low except for the overnight one- I was just afraid that they would have kept dropping if I hadn't watched them and eaten something, because I had some -I don't know how to describe it- "warning feelings" that it was dropping fast/getting close to time to eat something... But maybe they wouldn't have kept dropping??? Hmmm....

The Prandin is a pill- sorry, I left that out too (that's what I get for posting so late at night-incomplete/inaccurate posting-sorry-). I have been on it for a little over a month now, with pretty good results except for the morning (usually 170-200 at 2 hours then).

My fasting blood sugars are normal and my morning ones are usually the highest, and the rest of the day is usually moderately/slightly high at 2 hours.

But yesterday I didn't take it at all, because of the overnight low.

I also usually do work out 3 days a week (swimming) and it doesn't make too much of a dent in my bs- which surprised me. And I have been off excercising for 2 weeks before while on this med (pool was closed between semesters, and I didn't get my butt in gear and do something else). But I did only make it to swim Wed. of last week. Maybe that and the staying up late was it.

Can being a little more stressed out than usual and being sick (I have a sinus infection) make them low, too? Or just higher? I also started the fizzy NAC the other day- would that affect my blood sugars? Just brainstorming here...

I will mention this to my nurse if it keeps up this week, and if my bs are close to normal this morning (I didn't take it this morning- I'm my own guinea pig today <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), I will skip it for lunch too, etc. And I'm keeping track in my log book, too. We'll see! Thanks y'all!


New member
Thanks Lindsey! Yes, you're right, not too low except for the overnight one- I was just afraid that they would have kept dropping if I hadn't watched them and eaten something, because I had some -I don't know how to describe it- "warning feelings" that it was dropping fast/getting close to time to eat something... But maybe they wouldn't have kept dropping??? Hmmm....

The Prandin is a pill- sorry, I left that out too (that's what I get for posting so late at night-incomplete/inaccurate posting-sorry-). I have been on it for a little over a month now, with pretty good results except for the morning (usually 170-200 at 2 hours then).

My fasting blood sugars are normal and my morning ones are usually the highest, and the rest of the day is usually moderately/slightly high at 2 hours.

But yesterday I didn't take it at all, because of the overnight low.

I also usually do work out 3 days a week (swimming) and it doesn't make too much of a dent in my bs- which surprised me. And I have been off excercising for 2 weeks before while on this med (pool was closed between semesters, and I didn't get my butt in gear and do something else). But I did only make it to swim Wed. of last week. Maybe that and the staying up late was it.

Can being a little more stressed out than usual and being sick (I have a sinus infection) make them low, too? Or just higher? I also started the fizzy NAC the other day- would that affect my blood sugars? Just brainstorming here...

I will mention this to my nurse if it keeps up this week, and if my bs are close to normal this morning (I didn't take it this morning- I'm my own guinea pig today <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> ), I will skip it for lunch too, etc. And I'm keeping track in my log book, too. We'll see! Thanks y'all!


New member
I can't say anything in regards to the NAC though I am sure anything is possible when you start taking a new su pplement - there is no telling how some of those things can affect your body.

Also wanted to put this out there. Did what you ate change the other day. There are certain foods that affect your sugars in different ways. Foods with more <b>protein</b> make your sugar rise at a more constant rate - tends to help prevent the immediate sugar spike that comes with other foods. Foods higher in <b>fat</b> tend to make your body take longer to process the sugars - hence why your sugar may be fine 2 hours after eating Pizza but 4 hours afterwards it is through the roof. Foods high in <b>carbs and sugars</b> as most of us know make your sugar spike fast and then come down over a shorter amount of time (meaning that 2 hour range).

If you were eating foods that were maybe healthier and contained a little more protein than usual then I would say that could be contributing too. The banana has me a little puzzled as to why it didn't raise you sugar cause those are loaded with sugars BUT I am thinking it may be because you had just worked out.

Also something in regards to the "symptoms" of feeling low. You may have gotten those symptoms of feeling low when your sugar was in a normal range if your sugar has been running a bit elevated for a while. Meaning when your sugar runs aroun 180-200 for a good while you tend to not get the "high" feelings because your body is used to it. Your body will start to feel "normal" when your sugar is high ... THEN when your sugars get within a true normal range say 80-120 your body feels that it is low and starts to send out those signals. Once your body gets adjusted to consistently having a normal range of blood sugars those "symptoms" may start to go away. When your sugar was in the 80s that is a good thing to get symptoms though - like you said a low is coming on - but I am meaning for the 90-120 range sugars.

Also something else this may be occuring because the Prandin is now in your system to a proper level and doing what it is supposed to do. Just a thought. Some meds take some time to get in your system and build up to do their job properly. Please just give your doc a call on the withholding the med cause there may be a reason that your sugars were normal all day yesterday when they are normally somewhat elevated at certain times. If you don't call them before your next appointment just make sure to let them know when you see them again what you have been doing.

As for the being sick and having low blood sugars it is possible I suppose. You don't hear about it often but if you have NOT been eating as much then that can affect it and also our bodies respond differently. So even if it is not a typical response for most people it may be typical for you. Are you taking any new meds for the congestion - that med may be interacting with the Prandin also and that could be the reason behind it.

Take Care and Good luck with the experimenting.



New member
I can't say anything in regards to the NAC though I am sure anything is possible when you start taking a new su pplement - there is no telling how some of those things can affect your body.

Also wanted to put this out there. Did what you ate change the other day. There are certain foods that affect your sugars in different ways. Foods with more <b>protein</b> make your sugar rise at a more constant rate - tends to help prevent the immediate sugar spike that comes with other foods. Foods higher in <b>fat</b> tend to make your body take longer to process the sugars - hence why your sugar may be fine 2 hours after eating Pizza but 4 hours afterwards it is through the roof. Foods high in <b>carbs and sugars</b> as most of us know make your sugar spike fast and then come down over a shorter amount of time (meaning that 2 hour range).

If you were eating foods that were maybe healthier and contained a little more protein than usual then I would say that could be contributing too. The banana has me a little puzzled as to why it didn't raise you sugar cause those are loaded with sugars BUT I am thinking it may be because you had just worked out.

Also something in regards to the "symptoms" of feeling low. You may have gotten those symptoms of feeling low when your sugar was in a normal range if your sugar has been running a bit elevated for a while. Meaning when your sugar runs aroun 180-200 for a good while you tend to not get the "high" feelings because your body is used to it. Your body will start to feel "normal" when your sugar is high ... THEN when your sugars get within a true normal range say 80-120 your body feels that it is low and starts to send out those signals. Once your body gets adjusted to consistently having a normal range of blood sugars those "symptoms" may start to go away. When your sugar was in the 80s that is a good thing to get symptoms though - like you said a low is coming on - but I am meaning for the 90-120 range sugars.

Also something else this may be occuring because the Prandin is now in your system to a proper level and doing what it is supposed to do. Just a thought. Some meds take some time to get in your system and build up to do their job properly. Please just give your doc a call on the withholding the med cause there may be a reason that your sugars were normal all day yesterday when they are normally somewhat elevated at certain times. If you don't call them before your next appointment just make sure to let them know when you see them again what you have been doing.

As for the being sick and having low blood sugars it is possible I suppose. You don't hear about it often but if you have NOT been eating as much then that can affect it and also our bodies respond differently. So even if it is not a typical response for most people it may be typical for you. Are you taking any new meds for the congestion - that med may be interacting with the Prandin also and that could be the reason behind it.

Take Care and Good luck with the experimenting.



New member
I can't say anything in regards to the NAC though I am sure anything is possible when you start taking a new su pplement - there is no telling how some of those things can affect your body.

Also wanted to put this out there. Did what you ate change the other day. There are certain foods that affect your sugars in different ways. Foods with more <b>protein</b> make your sugar rise at a more constant rate - tends to help prevent the immediate sugar spike that comes with other foods. Foods higher in <b>fat</b> tend to make your body take longer to process the sugars - hence why your sugar may be fine 2 hours after eating Pizza but 4 hours afterwards it is through the roof. Foods high in <b>carbs and sugars</b> as most of us know make your sugar spike fast and then come down over a shorter amount of time (meaning that 2 hour range).

If you were eating foods that were maybe healthier and contained a little more protein than usual then I would say that could be contributing too. The banana has me a little puzzled as to why it didn't raise you sugar cause those are loaded with sugars BUT I am thinking it may be because you had just worked out.

Also something in regards to the "symptoms" of feeling low. You may have gotten those symptoms of feeling low when your sugar was in a normal range if your sugar has been running a bit elevated for a while. Meaning when your sugar runs aroun 180-200 for a good while you tend to not get the "high" feelings because your body is used to it. Your body will start to feel "normal" when your sugar is high ... THEN when your sugars get within a true normal range say 80-120 your body feels that it is low and starts to send out those signals. Once your body gets adjusted to consistently having a normal range of blood sugars those "symptoms" may start to go away. When your sugar was in the 80s that is a good thing to get symptoms though - like you said a low is coming on - but I am meaning for the 90-120 range sugars.

Also something else this may be occuring because the Prandin is now in your system to a proper level and doing what it is supposed to do. Just a thought. Some meds take some time to get in your system and build up to do their job properly. Please just give your doc a call on the withholding the med cause there may be a reason that your sugars were normal all day yesterday when they are normally somewhat elevated at certain times. If you don't call them before your next appointment just make sure to let them know when you see them again what you have been doing.

As for the being sick and having low blood sugars it is possible I suppose. You don't hear about it often but if you have NOT been eating as much then that can affect it and also our bodies respond differently. So even if it is not a typical response for most people it may be typical for you. Are you taking any new meds for the congestion - that med may be interacting with the Prandin also and that could be the reason behind it.

Take Care and Good luck with the experimenting.



New member
I can't say anything in regards to the NAC though I am sure anything is possible when you start taking a new su pplement - there is no telling how some of those things can affect your body.

Also wanted to put this out there. Did what you ate change the other day. There are certain foods that affect your sugars in different ways. Foods with more <b>protein</b> make your sugar rise at a more constant rate - tends to help prevent the immediate sugar spike that comes with other foods. Foods higher in <b>fat</b> tend to make your body take longer to process the sugars - hence why your sugar may be fine 2 hours after eating Pizza but 4 hours afterwards it is through the roof. Foods high in <b>carbs and sugars</b> as most of us know make your sugar spike fast and then come down over a shorter amount of time (meaning that 2 hour range).

If you were eating foods that were maybe healthier and contained a little more protein than usual then I would say that could be contributing too. The banana has me a little puzzled as to why it didn't raise you sugar cause those are loaded with sugars BUT I am thinking it may be because you had just worked out.

Also something in regards to the "symptoms" of feeling low. You may have gotten those symptoms of feeling low when your sugar was in a normal range if your sugar has been running a bit elevated for a while. Meaning when your sugar runs aroun 180-200 for a good while you tend to not get the "high" feelings because your body is used to it. Your body will start to feel "normal" when your sugar is high ... THEN when your sugars get within a true normal range say 80-120 your body feels that it is low and starts to send out those signals. Once your body gets adjusted to consistently having a normal range of blood sugars those "symptoms" may start to go away. When your sugar was in the 80s that is a good thing to get symptoms though - like you said a low is coming on - but I am meaning for the 90-120 range sugars.

Also something else this may be occuring because the Prandin is now in your system to a proper level and doing what it is supposed to do. Just a thought. Some meds take some time to get in your system and build up to do their job properly. Please just give your doc a call on the withholding the med cause there may be a reason that your sugars were normal all day yesterday when they are normally somewhat elevated at certain times. If you don't call them before your next appointment just make sure to let them know when you see them again what you have been doing.

As for the being sick and having low blood sugars it is possible I suppose. You don't hear about it often but if you have NOT been eating as much then that can affect it and also our bodies respond differently. So even if it is not a typical response for most people it may be typical for you. Are you taking any new meds for the congestion - that med may be interacting with the Prandin also and that could be the reason behind it.

Take Care and Good luck with the experimenting.



New member
I can't say anything in regards to the NAC though I am sure anything is possible when you start taking a new su pplement - there is no telling how some of those things can affect your body.

Also wanted to put this out there. Did what you ate change the other day. There are certain foods that affect your sugars in different ways. Foods with more <b>protein</b> make your sugar rise at a more constant rate - tends to help prevent the immediate sugar spike that comes with other foods. Foods higher in <b>fat</b> tend to make your body take longer to process the sugars - hence why your sugar may be fine 2 hours after eating Pizza but 4 hours afterwards it is through the roof. Foods high in <b>carbs and sugars</b> as most of us know make your sugar spike fast and then come down over a shorter amount of time (meaning that 2 hour range).

If you were eating foods that were maybe healthier and contained a little more protein than usual then I would say that could be contributing too. The banana has me a little puzzled as to why it didn't raise you sugar cause those are loaded with sugars BUT I am thinking it may be because you had just worked out.

Also something in regards to the "symptoms" of feeling low. You may have gotten those symptoms of feeling low when your sugar was in a normal range if your sugar has been running a bit elevated for a while. Meaning when your sugar runs aroun 180-200 for a good while you tend to not get the "high" feelings because your body is used to it. Your body will start to feel "normal" when your sugar is high ... THEN when your sugars get within a true normal range say 80-120 your body feels that it is low and starts to send out those signals. Once your body gets adjusted to consistently having a normal range of blood sugars those "symptoms" may start to go away. When your sugar was in the 80s that is a good thing to get symptoms though - like you said a low is coming on - but I am meaning for the 90-120 range sugars.

Also something else this may be occuring because the Prandin is now in your system to a proper level and doing what it is supposed to do. Just a thought. Some meds take some time to get in your system and build up to do their job properly. Please just give your doc a call on the withholding the med cause there may be a reason that your sugars were normal all day yesterday when they are normally somewhat elevated at certain times. If you don't call them before your next appointment just make sure to let them know when you see them again what you have been doing.

As for the being sick and having low blood sugars it is possible I suppose. You don't hear about it often but if you have NOT been eating as much then that can affect it and also our bodies respond differently. So even if it is not a typical response for most people it may be typical for you. Are you taking any new meds for the congestion - that med may be interacting with the Prandin also and that could be the reason behind it.

Take Care and Good luck with the experimenting.



New member
Also something to consider - if this pattern continues with the normal sugars without the med then I would try checking your sugars ONE -1- hour after meals. Just to see what it is in that time period. You never know your sugar may be spiking very high and just dropping fast on its own.

I am tending to think that it may just be a combination of what you ate the other day and the med getting in your system at the appropriate levels and taking some time to reallly start working properly.

Take Care,


New member
Also something to consider - if this pattern continues with the normal sugars without the med then I would try checking your sugars ONE -1- hour after meals. Just to see what it is in that time period. You never know your sugar may be spiking very high and just dropping fast on its own.

I am tending to think that it may just be a combination of what you ate the other day and the med getting in your system at the appropriate levels and taking some time to reallly start working properly.

Take Care,


New member
Also something to consider - if this pattern continues with the normal sugars without the med then I would try checking your sugars ONE -1- hour after meals. Just to see what it is in that time period. You never know your sugar may be spiking very high and just dropping fast on its own.

I am tending to think that it may just be a combination of what you ate the other day and the med getting in your system at the appropriate levels and taking some time to reallly start working properly.

Take Care,


New member
Also something to consider - if this pattern continues with the normal sugars without the med then I would try checking your sugars ONE -1- hour after meals. Just to see what it is in that time period. You never know your sugar may be spiking very high and just dropping fast on its own.

I am tending to think that it may just be a combination of what you ate the other day and the med getting in your system at the appropriate levels and taking some time to reallly start working properly.

Take Care,


New member
Also something to consider - if this pattern continues with the normal sugars without the med then I would try checking your sugars ONE -1- hour after meals. Just to see what it is in that time period. You never know your sugar may be spiking very high and just dropping fast on its own.

I am tending to think that it may just be a combination of what you ate the other day and the med getting in your system at the appropriate levels and taking some time to reallly start working properly.

Take Care,