Low blood sugar and CFRD?


New member
I havent read any of the responses so i dont know if this has been brought up yet, but i figured i'd throw it out there anyway. Is this happening around the time of your menstrual cycle? I have had this problem for years and finally one day put two and two together. I have been diabetic 27 years now, always insulin dependant. One or two days each month i would have low blood sugar all day long no matter what i ate or how much. On these days i wouldnt take any insulin at all and still have low blood sugar. I finally started to notice a pattern and realized it happens a few days before my period starts. So once i figured that all out i am always on the lookout in the mornings a few days before my period for the low blood sugar so that i know not to take any insulin. A lot of people dont know this but insulin is a hormone, and our menstrual cycles are run by hormones so it kind of all makes sense.


New member
I havent read any of the responses so i dont know if this has been brought up yet, but i figured i'd throw it out there anyway. Is this happening around the time of your menstrual cycle? I have had this problem for years and finally one day put two and two together. I have been diabetic 27 years now, always insulin dependant. One or two days each month i would have low blood sugar all day long no matter what i ate or how much. On these days i wouldnt take any insulin at all and still have low blood sugar. I finally started to notice a pattern and realized it happens a few days before my period starts. So once i figured that all out i am always on the lookout in the mornings a few days before my period for the low blood sugar so that i know not to take any insulin. A lot of people dont know this but insulin is a hormone, and our menstrual cycles are run by hormones so it kind of all makes sense.


New member
I havent read any of the responses so i dont know if this has been brought up yet, but i figured i'd throw it out there anyway. Is this happening around the time of your menstrual cycle? I have had this problem for years and finally one day put two and two together. I have been diabetic 27 years now, always insulin dependant. One or two days each month i would have low blood sugar all day long no matter what i ate or how much. On these days i wouldnt take any insulin at all and still have low blood sugar. I finally started to notice a pattern and realized it happens a few days before my period starts. So once i figured that all out i am always on the lookout in the mornings a few days before my period for the low blood sugar so that i know not to take any insulin. A lot of people dont know this but insulin is a hormone, and our menstrual cycles are run by hormones so it kind of all makes sense.


New member
I havent read any of the responses so i dont know if this has been brought up yet, but i figured i'd throw it out there anyway. Is this happening around the time of your menstrual cycle? I have had this problem for years and finally one day put two and two together. I have been diabetic 27 years now, always insulin dependant. One or two days each month i would have low blood sugar all day long no matter what i ate or how much. On these days i wouldnt take any insulin at all and still have low blood sugar. I finally started to notice a pattern and realized it happens a few days before my period starts. So once i figured that all out i am always on the lookout in the mornings a few days before my period for the low blood sugar so that i know not to take any insulin. A lot of people dont know this but insulin is a hormone, and our menstrual cycles are run by hormones so it kind of all makes sense.


New member
I havent read any of the responses so i dont know if this has been brought up yet, but i figured i'd throw it out there anyway. Is this happening around the time of your menstrual cycle? I have had this problem for years and finally one day put two and two together. I have been diabetic 27 years now, always insulin dependant. One or two days each month i would have low blood sugar all day long no matter what i ate or how much. On these days i wouldnt take any insulin at all and still have low blood sugar. I finally started to notice a pattern and realized it happens a few days before my period starts. So once i figured that all out i am always on the lookout in the mornings a few days before my period for the low blood sugar so that i know not to take any insulin. A lot of people dont know this but insulin is a hormone, and our menstrual cycles are run by hormones so it kind of all makes sense.


New member
this might be a stupid question, can a coughing spell raise you bs levels? i have gestational diabetes and sometimes in the morning i have a coughing spell and its around 100-110, when i don't have a coughing spell its between 70-80.
also, if you are feeling crappy or sick can't that contribute to differences in your bs?


New member
this might be a stupid question, can a coughing spell raise you bs levels? i have gestational diabetes and sometimes in the morning i have a coughing spell and its around 100-110, when i don't have a coughing spell its between 70-80.
also, if you are feeling crappy or sick can't that contribute to differences in your bs?


New member
this might be a stupid question, can a coughing spell raise you bs levels? i have gestational diabetes and sometimes in the morning i have a coughing spell and its around 100-110, when i don't have a coughing spell its between 70-80.
also, if you are feeling crappy or sick can't that contribute to differences in your bs?


New member
this might be a stupid question, can a coughing spell raise you bs levels? i have gestational diabetes and sometimes in the morning i have a coughing spell and its around 100-110, when i don't have a coughing spell its between 70-80.
also, if you are feeling crappy or sick can't that contribute to differences in your bs?


New member
this might be a stupid question, can a coughing spell raise you bs levels? i have gestational diabetes and sometimes in the morning i have a coughing spell and its around 100-110, when i don't have a coughing spell its between 70-80.
also, if you are feeling crappy or sick can't that contribute to differences in your bs?


New member
AnD-I did not read all responses so sorry if I repeat.

This happened in past to me all the time. For me it was due to rebounding, if I ate sugary items without fat and protein mixed in I would go high say 30-60min after eating then by 2 hours I would be low and shaking and sweating. I had to learn to control my BS with diet by encorporating protein with each meal/snack. If I ate what you described my blood sugars would be a mess. Is this your 'norm'? If so that doesnt really explain it I guess unless of course due to feeling ill or something your body is less able to handle it.

Also, while your blood sugars aren't actually too low, aside from the 65 maybe and that depends on who you ask, they 'feel' low for you perhaps because of where you are used to having yours? I know when I eat really healthy and low sugar then sometimes I 'feel' low if I have been previously eating alot of sugar even though my blood sugar may be at 80 simply because I am not used to beign that low whereas if I have been eatin glow sugar for a while I can have it in the 50's before I 'feel' low. Dont know if this makes sense.


New member
AnD-I did not read all responses so sorry if I repeat.

This happened in past to me all the time. For me it was due to rebounding, if I ate sugary items without fat and protein mixed in I would go high say 30-60min after eating then by 2 hours I would be low and shaking and sweating. I had to learn to control my BS with diet by encorporating protein with each meal/snack. If I ate what you described my blood sugars would be a mess. Is this your 'norm'? If so that doesnt really explain it I guess unless of course due to feeling ill or something your body is less able to handle it.

Also, while your blood sugars aren't actually too low, aside from the 65 maybe and that depends on who you ask, they 'feel' low for you perhaps because of where you are used to having yours? I know when I eat really healthy and low sugar then sometimes I 'feel' low if I have been previously eating alot of sugar even though my blood sugar may be at 80 simply because I am not used to beign that low whereas if I have been eatin glow sugar for a while I can have it in the 50's before I 'feel' low. Dont know if this makes sense.


New member
AnD-I did not read all responses so sorry if I repeat.

This happened in past to me all the time. For me it was due to rebounding, if I ate sugary items without fat and protein mixed in I would go high say 30-60min after eating then by 2 hours I would be low and shaking and sweating. I had to learn to control my BS with diet by encorporating protein with each meal/snack. If I ate what you described my blood sugars would be a mess. Is this your 'norm'? If so that doesnt really explain it I guess unless of course due to feeling ill or something your body is less able to handle it.

Also, while your blood sugars aren't actually too low, aside from the 65 maybe and that depends on who you ask, they 'feel' low for you perhaps because of where you are used to having yours? I know when I eat really healthy and low sugar then sometimes I 'feel' low if I have been previously eating alot of sugar even though my blood sugar may be at 80 simply because I am not used to beign that low whereas if I have been eatin glow sugar for a while I can have it in the 50's before I 'feel' low. Dont know if this makes sense.


New member
AnD-I did not read all responses so sorry if I repeat.

This happened in past to me all the time. For me it was due to rebounding, if I ate sugary items without fat and protein mixed in I would go high say 30-60min after eating then by 2 hours I would be low and shaking and sweating. I had to learn to control my BS with diet by encorporating protein with each meal/snack. If I ate what you described my blood sugars would be a mess. Is this your 'norm'? If so that doesnt really explain it I guess unless of course due to feeling ill or something your body is less able to handle it.

Also, while your blood sugars aren't actually too low, aside from the 65 maybe and that depends on who you ask, they 'feel' low for you perhaps because of where you are used to having yours? I know when I eat really healthy and low sugar then sometimes I 'feel' low if I have been previously eating alot of sugar even though my blood sugar may be at 80 simply because I am not used to beign that low whereas if I have been eatin glow sugar for a while I can have it in the 50's before I 'feel' low. Dont know if this makes sense.


New member
AnD-I did not read all responses so sorry if I repeat.

This happened in past to me all the time. For me it was due to rebounding, if I ate sugary items without fat and protein mixed in I would go high say 30-60min after eating then by 2 hours I would be low and shaking and sweating. I had to learn to control my BS with diet by encorporating protein with each meal/snack. If I ate what you described my blood sugars would be a mess. Is this your 'norm'? If so that doesnt really explain it I guess unless of course due to feeling ill or something your body is less able to handle it.

Also, while your blood sugars aren't actually too low, aside from the 65 maybe and that depends on who you ask, they 'feel' low for you perhaps because of where you are used to having yours? I know when I eat really healthy and low sugar then sometimes I 'feel' low if I have been previously eating alot of sugar even though my blood sugar may be at 80 simply because I am not used to beign that low whereas if I have been eatin glow sugar for a while I can have it in the 50's before I 'feel' low. Dont know if this makes sense.


New member
Sorry, I was out of town last night and today...Thanks for all the replies! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I really, really appreciate you all trying to help me figure this out!

Let's see- it happened 3 days after I got my period, I had a chicken salad sandwich (on whole wheat bread) for dinner (a little less than usual, but not much), a mini chocolate chip muffin at church, and a bowl of cereal with milk with the last of my pills sometime before bed (midnight?) like usual.

I<i> think </i>the Prandin is short acting- it just gets your pancreas to produce insulin ahead of time, instead of taking a shot of insulin, but I'll ask about the levels too, Linsdey. Maybe my dingbat self missed something when I googled it- wouldn't be a first... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

What is bs supposed to run at 1 hour? I can't find that anywhere. I also can't find how many carbs = bs points. For example, if my bs is 65, how many carbs do I need to eat to get it back up to 100-120? and should they be sugars, longer lasting carbs, carbs and protein, sugars then carbs and proteins...?

And, as a side note, pure sugars- candy, etc. (but chocolate isn't as bad) seem to really mess up (spike) my sugars, as opposed to other things like pasta. One thing I eat that has always ended up with a good 2 hour bs is spagetti and meatballs- I found this out when I had gestational diabetes...

I usually feel pretty good when I am between 90-140, at 170 I get tired, over 200 I get short of breath (does this sound normal?)...but when I hit 90 or slightly lower, I feel, hmm, "too good"? if that makes sense? and I know I need to check it, and get something to eat. If I'm busy, though, I probably won't notice that, and won't know it until I get shakey, sweaty and weak. I'll keep logging this week, and let you know what happens.

Oh, I did think of one thing- I had 2 or 3 (splenda) Chai Tea Lattes that day. Usually I have one in the morning, and maybe a decaf one in the evenings? Does caffeine make a difference?


New member
Sorry, I was out of town last night and today...Thanks for all the replies! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I really, really appreciate you all trying to help me figure this out!

Let's see- it happened 3 days after I got my period, I had a chicken salad sandwich (on whole wheat bread) for dinner (a little less than usual, but not much), a mini chocolate chip muffin at church, and a bowl of cereal with milk with the last of my pills sometime before bed (midnight?) like usual.

I<i> think </i>the Prandin is short acting- it just gets your pancreas to produce insulin ahead of time, instead of taking a shot of insulin, but I'll ask about the levels too, Linsdey. Maybe my dingbat self missed something when I googled it- wouldn't be a first... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

What is bs supposed to run at 1 hour? I can't find that anywhere. I also can't find how many carbs = bs points. For example, if my bs is 65, how many carbs do I need to eat to get it back up to 100-120? and should they be sugars, longer lasting carbs, carbs and protein, sugars then carbs and proteins...?

And, as a side note, pure sugars- candy, etc. (but chocolate isn't as bad) seem to really mess up (spike) my sugars, as opposed to other things like pasta. One thing I eat that has always ended up with a good 2 hour bs is spagetti and meatballs- I found this out when I had gestational diabetes...

I usually feel pretty good when I am between 90-140, at 170 I get tired, over 200 I get short of breath (does this sound normal?)...but when I hit 90 or slightly lower, I feel, hmm, "too good"? if that makes sense? and I know I need to check it, and get something to eat. If I'm busy, though, I probably won't notice that, and won't know it until I get shakey, sweaty and weak. I'll keep logging this week, and let you know what happens.

Oh, I did think of one thing- I had 2 or 3 (splenda) Chai Tea Lattes that day. Usually I have one in the morning, and maybe a decaf one in the evenings? Does caffeine make a difference?


New member
Sorry, I was out of town last night and today...Thanks for all the replies! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I really, really appreciate you all trying to help me figure this out!

Let's see- it happened 3 days after I got my period, I had a chicken salad sandwich (on whole wheat bread) for dinner (a little less than usual, but not much), a mini chocolate chip muffin at church, and a bowl of cereal with milk with the last of my pills sometime before bed (midnight?) like usual.

I<i> think </i>the Prandin is short acting- it just gets your pancreas to produce insulin ahead of time, instead of taking a shot of insulin, but I'll ask about the levels too, Linsdey. Maybe my dingbat self missed something when I googled it- wouldn't be a first... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

What is bs supposed to run at 1 hour? I can't find that anywhere. I also can't find how many carbs = bs points. For example, if my bs is 65, how many carbs do I need to eat to get it back up to 100-120? and should they be sugars, longer lasting carbs, carbs and protein, sugars then carbs and proteins...?

And, as a side note, pure sugars- candy, etc. (but chocolate isn't as bad) seem to really mess up (spike) my sugars, as opposed to other things like pasta. One thing I eat that has always ended up with a good 2 hour bs is spagetti and meatballs- I found this out when I had gestational diabetes...

I usually feel pretty good when I am between 90-140, at 170 I get tired, over 200 I get short of breath (does this sound normal?)...but when I hit 90 or slightly lower, I feel, hmm, "too good"? if that makes sense? and I know I need to check it, and get something to eat. If I'm busy, though, I probably won't notice that, and won't know it until I get shakey, sweaty and weak. I'll keep logging this week, and let you know what happens.

Oh, I did think of one thing- I had 2 or 3 (splenda) Chai Tea Lattes that day. Usually I have one in the morning, and maybe a decaf one in the evenings? Does caffeine make a difference?


New member
Sorry, I was out of town last night and today...Thanks for all the replies! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I really, really appreciate you all trying to help me figure this out!

Let's see- it happened 3 days after I got my period, I had a chicken salad sandwich (on whole wheat bread) for dinner (a little less than usual, but not much), a mini chocolate chip muffin at church, and a bowl of cereal with milk with the last of my pills sometime before bed (midnight?) like usual.

I<i> think </i>the Prandin is short acting- it just gets your pancreas to produce insulin ahead of time, instead of taking a shot of insulin, but I'll ask about the levels too, Linsdey. Maybe my dingbat self missed something when I googled it- wouldn't be a first... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

What is bs supposed to run at 1 hour? I can't find that anywhere. I also can't find how many carbs = bs points. For example, if my bs is 65, how many carbs do I need to eat to get it back up to 100-120? and should they be sugars, longer lasting carbs, carbs and protein, sugars then carbs and proteins...?

And, as a side note, pure sugars- candy, etc. (but chocolate isn't as bad) seem to really mess up (spike) my sugars, as opposed to other things like pasta. One thing I eat that has always ended up with a good 2 hour bs is spagetti and meatballs- I found this out when I had gestational diabetes...

I usually feel pretty good when I am between 90-140, at 170 I get tired, over 200 I get short of breath (does this sound normal?)...but when I hit 90 or slightly lower, I feel, hmm, "too good"? if that makes sense? and I know I need to check it, and get something to eat. If I'm busy, though, I probably won't notice that, and won't know it until I get shakey, sweaty and weak. I'll keep logging this week, and let you know what happens.

Oh, I did think of one thing- I had 2 or 3 (splenda) Chai Tea Lattes that day. Usually I have one in the morning, and maybe a decaf one in the evenings? Does caffeine make a difference?


New member
Sorry, I was out of town last night and today...Thanks for all the replies! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I really, really appreciate you all trying to help me figure this out!

Let's see- it happened 3 days after I got my period, I had a chicken salad sandwich (on whole wheat bread) for dinner (a little less than usual, but not much), a mini chocolate chip muffin at church, and a bowl of cereal with milk with the last of my pills sometime before bed (midnight?) like usual.

I<i> think </i>the Prandin is short acting- it just gets your pancreas to produce insulin ahead of time, instead of taking a shot of insulin, but I'll ask about the levels too, Linsdey. Maybe my dingbat self missed something when I googled it- wouldn't be a first... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

What is bs supposed to run at 1 hour? I can't find that anywhere. I also can't find how many carbs = bs points. For example, if my bs is 65, how many carbs do I need to eat to get it back up to 100-120? and should they be sugars, longer lasting carbs, carbs and protein, sugars then carbs and proteins...?

And, as a side note, pure sugars- candy, etc. (but chocolate isn't as bad) seem to really mess up (spike) my sugars, as opposed to other things like pasta. One thing I eat that has always ended up with a good 2 hour bs is spagetti and meatballs- I found this out when I had gestational diabetes...

I usually feel pretty good when I am between 90-140, at 170 I get tired, over 200 I get short of breath (does this sound normal?)...but when I hit 90 or slightly lower, I feel, hmm, "too good"? if that makes sense? and I know I need to check it, and get something to eat. If I'm busy, though, I probably won't notice that, and won't know it until I get shakey, sweaty and weak. I'll keep logging this week, and let you know what happens.

Oh, I did think of one thing- I had 2 or 3 (splenda) Chai Tea Lattes that day. Usually I have one in the morning, and maybe a decaf one in the evenings? Does caffeine make a difference?