Sorry, I was out of town last night and today...Thanks for all the replies! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I really, really appreciate you all trying to help me figure this out!
Let's see- it happened 3 days after I got my period, I had a chicken salad sandwich (on whole wheat bread) for dinner (a little less than usual, but not much), a mini chocolate chip muffin at church, and a bowl of cereal with milk with the last of my pills sometime before bed (midnight?) like usual.
I<i> think </i>the Prandin is short acting- it just gets your pancreas to produce insulin ahead of time, instead of taking a shot of insulin, but I'll ask about the levels too, Linsdey. Maybe my dingbat self missed something when I googled it- wouldn't be a first... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .
What is bs supposed to run at 1 hour? I can't find that anywhere. I also can't find how many carbs = bs points. For example, if my bs is 65, how many carbs do I need to eat to get it back up to 100-120? and should they be sugars, longer lasting carbs, carbs and protein, sugars then carbs and proteins...?
And, as a side note, pure sugars- candy, etc. (but chocolate isn't as bad) seem to really mess up (spike) my sugars, as opposed to other things like pasta. One thing I eat that has always ended up with a good 2 hour bs is spagetti and meatballs- I found this out when I had gestational diabetes...
I usually feel pretty good when I am between 90-140, at 170 I get tired, over 200 I get short of breath (does this sound normal?)...but when I hit 90 or slightly lower, I feel, hmm, "too good"? if that makes sense? and I know I need to check it, and get something to eat. If I'm busy, though, I probably won't notice that, and won't know it until I get shakey, sweaty and weak. I'll keep logging this week, and let you know what happens.
Oh, I did think of one thing- I had 2 or 3 (splenda) Chai Tea Lattes that day. Usually I have one in the morning, and maybe a decaf one in the evenings? Does caffeine make a difference?