Hey Jenn,
I have felt this way alot. Like I am overcompensating in other areas that I am able to overcompensate in. For instance I always did well in school and worked extremely hard because it was one thing that I KNEW I could excel at despite not being able to do certain physical things.
I try to be fun and up lifting to people even when I don't want to be because I don't want to bring them down too. For me it is more of a "you can't do anything about it so why make a big deal over it" thing than anything though. I have always - up until recently - kept my feelings and fears about CF and my health to myself. NO ONE - not my parents, not Kurt, not my best friends ... NO ONE knew how terrified I was and no one really knew how sick I really was until this year when I finally said okay I have to stop hiding this. You will reach a point - GOD how I hope it doesn't happen anytime soon - but you will reach a point where even if you don't want to be open about things you will have no choice because of your health. It is very hard for me to tell people things even now because I have never been the type to just openly talk about CF and myself. Now I am at a point that it is obvious by my activities and abilities though and it is just easier to explain than have people stare at me lol.
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> Where does it say everyone on the planet has to like you?
~Debi</end quote></div>
Obviously you don't read Clauses ... it says that right below .... "life is fair" lol. Seriously though not everyone will like you and that is a good thing ... do you really want obnoxious people that you don't like to like you anyway lol.
I completely understand fearing that people will leave you I am afraid of the same thing. I am afraid everyday that something else happens that one day it will just be too much and the people in my life will say "umm ... okay well I could handle this before but now that you are .. blah blah blah .. I'm outta here!" I think that is a realistic fear for people because many people can not handle all the stuff that comes with something like CF ... or the other health issues you have going on. My thoughts on this though ... trust in your heart. If it feels right it feels right and be open to it. Share with people because then you will find out if the person is right or not. If you tell them about your issues and they leave it sucks, but at least you found out now before you REALLY needed someone to be there all the time. How much would that suck if you were with someone and you never told them the truth and were never open - who cares if THEY are happy with that - in that situation they are happy with not knowing all of you and that isn't right.
I hope you are able to sort through these feelings Jenn. I will say though that - being that I have had the same feelings even if you do sort through them they can still linger in the back of your mind. At least that is how it is for me at times.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
I have felt this way alot. Like I am overcompensating in other areas that I am able to overcompensate in. For instance I always did well in school and worked extremely hard because it was one thing that I KNEW I could excel at despite not being able to do certain physical things.
I try to be fun and up lifting to people even when I don't want to be because I don't want to bring them down too. For me it is more of a "you can't do anything about it so why make a big deal over it" thing than anything though. I have always - up until recently - kept my feelings and fears about CF and my health to myself. NO ONE - not my parents, not Kurt, not my best friends ... NO ONE knew how terrified I was and no one really knew how sick I really was until this year when I finally said okay I have to stop hiding this. You will reach a point - GOD how I hope it doesn't happen anytime soon - but you will reach a point where even if you don't want to be open about things you will have no choice because of your health. It is very hard for me to tell people things even now because I have never been the type to just openly talk about CF and myself. Now I am at a point that it is obvious by my activities and abilities though and it is just easier to explain than have people stare at me lol.
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> Where does it say everyone on the planet has to like you?
~Debi</end quote></div>
Obviously you don't read Clauses ... it says that right below .... "life is fair" lol. Seriously though not everyone will like you and that is a good thing ... do you really want obnoxious people that you don't like to like you anyway lol.
I completely understand fearing that people will leave you I am afraid of the same thing. I am afraid everyday that something else happens that one day it will just be too much and the people in my life will say "umm ... okay well I could handle this before but now that you are .. blah blah blah .. I'm outta here!" I think that is a realistic fear for people because many people can not handle all the stuff that comes with something like CF ... or the other health issues you have going on. My thoughts on this though ... trust in your heart. If it feels right it feels right and be open to it. Share with people because then you will find out if the person is right or not. If you tell them about your issues and they leave it sucks, but at least you found out now before you REALLY needed someone to be there all the time. How much would that suck if you were with someone and you never told them the truth and were never open - who cares if THEY are happy with that - in that situation they are happy with not knowing all of you and that isn't right.
I hope you are able to sort through these feelings Jenn. I will say though that - being that I have had the same feelings even if you do sort through them they can still linger in the back of your mind. At least that is how it is for me at times.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.