Malabsorption? Need some answers?



I have a 3 1/2 year old that despite eating great amounts of food and drinking his pediasure is just not gaining weight. He is full off energy and never stops. He is currently taking 6 ultralase with meals (we have tried Creon too). Nothing seems to be helping. His stools are rarely formed and he has Bm's about 4 days a day.I have charted his calorie intake and he should be gaining. They mentioned a G-tube but my argument was that it seems to be that the problem is not that he is not eating enough but that he is not absorbing enough. A g tube will not help his body absorb. Has anyone else have/had this issue. I did not know if there was something he could take to help the body absrob more in conjuction with the enzyemes. I just feel that something else is going on in him? Mom intuition I guess. Thanks!


I have a 3 1/2 year old that despite eating great amounts of food and drinking his pediasure is just not gaining weight. He is full off energy and never stops. He is currently taking 6 ultralase with meals (we have tried Creon too). Nothing seems to be helping. His stools are rarely formed and he has Bm's about 4 days a day.I have charted his calorie intake and he should be gaining. They mentioned a G-tube but my argument was that it seems to be that the problem is not that he is not eating enough but that he is not absorbing enough. A g tube will not help his body absorb. Has anyone else have/had this issue. I did not know if there was something he could take to help the body absrob more in conjuction with the enzyemes. I just feel that something else is going on in him? Mom intuition I guess. Thanks!


I have a 3 1/2 year old that despite eating great amounts of food and drinking his pediasure is just not gaining weight. He is full off energy and never stops. He is currently taking 6 ultralase with meals (we have tried Creon too). Nothing seems to be helping. His stools are rarely formed and he has Bm's about 4 days a day.I have charted his calorie intake and he should be gaining. They mentioned a G-tube but my argument was that it seems to be that the problem is not that he is not eating enough but that he is not absorbing enough. A g tube will not help his body absorb. Has anyone else have/had this issue. I did not know if there was something he could take to help the body absrob more in conjuction with the enzyemes. I just feel that something else is going on in him? Mom intuition I guess. Thanks!


I have a 3 1/2 year old that despite eating great amounts of food and drinking his pediasure is just not gaining weight. He is full off energy and never stops. He is currently taking 6 ultralase with meals (we have tried Creon too). Nothing seems to be helping. His stools are rarely formed and he has Bm's about 4 days a day.I have charted his calorie intake and he should be gaining. They mentioned a G-tube but my argument was that it seems to be that the problem is not that he is not eating enough but that he is not absorbing enough. A g tube will not help his body absorb. Has anyone else have/had this issue. I did not know if there was something he could take to help the body absrob more in conjuction with the enzyemes. I just feel that something else is going on in him? Mom intuition I guess. Thanks!


I have a 3 1/2 year old that despite eating great amounts of food and drinking his pediasure is just not gaining weight. He is full off energy and never stops. He is currently taking 6 ultralase with meals (we have tried Creon too). Nothing seems to be helping. His stools are rarely formed and he has Bm's about 4 days a day.I have charted his calorie intake and he should be gaining. They mentioned a G-tube but my argument was that it seems to be that the problem is not that he is not eating enough but that he is not absorbing enough. A g tube will not help his body absorb. Has anyone else have/had this issue. I did not know if there was something he could take to help the body absrob more in conjuction with the enzyemes. I just feel that something else is going on in him? Mom intuition I guess. Thanks!


New member
We were just recently having some issues with absorption when Nathan stopped taking his prilosec because insurance refused to cover it and we were in the process of trying to find one (prevacid, prilosec, etc) that they would cover. I was unaware that they need something like prevacid, zantac, etc in order to get the best absorption from the enzymes. It has something to do with the digestion, gases, and acids. Is your child on one of those meds with the enzymes? They have them in liquid form as well as pill. As soon as we got him back onto the prilosec, omerphiacil (something like that) is the generic name, he started slowly gaining weight again.

If he is not on some kind of 24 hour antacid, I would ask the doc about it.

Also, follow your intuition! It would be great to hear that the problem is as simple as ours was and that you can fix it without all the trauma of a tube.


New member
We were just recently having some issues with absorption when Nathan stopped taking his prilosec because insurance refused to cover it and we were in the process of trying to find one (prevacid, prilosec, etc) that they would cover. I was unaware that they need something like prevacid, zantac, etc in order to get the best absorption from the enzymes. It has something to do with the digestion, gases, and acids. Is your child on one of those meds with the enzymes? They have them in liquid form as well as pill. As soon as we got him back onto the prilosec, omerphiacil (something like that) is the generic name, he started slowly gaining weight again.

If he is not on some kind of 24 hour antacid, I would ask the doc about it.

Also, follow your intuition! It would be great to hear that the problem is as simple as ours was and that you can fix it without all the trauma of a tube.


New member
We were just recently having some issues with absorption when Nathan stopped taking his prilosec because insurance refused to cover it and we were in the process of trying to find one (prevacid, prilosec, etc) that they would cover. I was unaware that they need something like prevacid, zantac, etc in order to get the best absorption from the enzymes. It has something to do with the digestion, gases, and acids. Is your child on one of those meds with the enzymes? They have them in liquid form as well as pill. As soon as we got him back onto the prilosec, omerphiacil (something like that) is the generic name, he started slowly gaining weight again.

If he is not on some kind of 24 hour antacid, I would ask the doc about it.

Also, follow your intuition! It would be great to hear that the problem is as simple as ours was and that you can fix it without all the trauma of a tube.


New member
We were just recently having some issues with absorption when Nathan stopped taking his prilosec because insurance refused to cover it and we were in the process of trying to find one (prevacid, prilosec, etc) that they would cover. I was unaware that they need something like prevacid, zantac, etc in order to get the best absorption from the enzymes. It has something to do with the digestion, gases, and acids. Is your child on one of those meds with the enzymes? They have them in liquid form as well as pill. As soon as we got him back onto the prilosec, omerphiacil (something like that) is the generic name, he started slowly gaining weight again.

If he is not on some kind of 24 hour antacid, I would ask the doc about it.

Also, follow your intuition! It would be great to hear that the problem is as simple as ours was and that you can fix it without all the trauma of a tube.


New member
We were just recently having some issues with absorption when Nathan stopped taking his prilosec because insurance refused to cover it and we were in the process of trying to find one (prevacid, prilosec, etc) that they would cover. I was unaware that they need something like prevacid, zantac, etc in order to get the best absorption from the enzymes. It has something to do with the digestion, gases, and acids. Is your child on one of those meds with the enzymes? They have them in liquid form as well as pill. As soon as we got him back onto the prilosec, omerphiacil (something like that) is the generic name, he started slowly gaining weight again.

If he is not on some kind of 24 hour antacid, I would ask the doc about it.

Also, follow your intuition! It would be great to hear that the problem is as simple as ours was and that you can fix it without all the trauma of a tube.


New member
Have you checked to make sure that he is not lactose intolerant or sensitive to any of the foods he is eating? Maybe that could cause some absorption issues.


New member
Have you checked to make sure that he is not lactose intolerant or sensitive to any of the foods he is eating? Maybe that could cause some absorption issues.


New member
Have you checked to make sure that he is not lactose intolerant or sensitive to any of the foods he is eating? Maybe that could cause some absorption issues.


New member
Have you checked to make sure that he is not lactose intolerant or sensitive to any of the foods he is eating? Maybe that could cause some absorption issues.


New member
Have you checked to make sure that he is not lactose intolerant or sensitive to any of the foods he is eating? Maybe that could cause some absorption issues.


New member
Ditto on the Prevacid; it is almost like our daughter isn't taking enzymes at all if we forget her daily Prevacid. Which we NEVER do anymore, now that we've got this million meds a day thing down.


New member
Ditto on the Prevacid; it is almost like our daughter isn't taking enzymes at all if we forget her daily Prevacid. Which we NEVER do anymore, now that we've got this million meds a day thing down.


New member
Ditto on the Prevacid; it is almost like our daughter isn't taking enzymes at all if we forget her daily Prevacid. Which we NEVER do anymore, now that we've got this million meds a day thing down.


New member
Ditto on the Prevacid; it is almost like our daughter isn't taking enzymes at all if we forget her daily Prevacid. Which we NEVER do anymore, now that we've got this million meds a day thing down.


New member
Ditto on the Prevacid; it is almost like our daughter isn't taking enzymes at all if we forget her daily Prevacid. Which we NEVER do anymore, now that we've got this million meds a day thing down.