Malabsorption? Need some answers?


New member
we just learned that our 5 year old was not getting enough prevacid and it took him losing so much weight to get this issue resolved. i am happy to say he is 46.9 pounds and been on 15 mg in am and 15 mg in pm and this has made a world of difference.So too little can cause weight to go done and bowels to malabsorb for some is tricky i am learning...


New member
we just learned that our 5 year old was not getting enough prevacid and it took him losing so much weight to get this issue resolved. i am happy to say he is 46.9 pounds and been on 15 mg in am and 15 mg in pm and this has made a world of difference.So too little can cause weight to go done and bowels to malabsorb for some is tricky i am learning...


New member
we just learned that our 5 year old was not getting enough prevacid and it took him losing so much weight to get this issue resolved. i am happy to say he is 46.9 pounds and been on 15 mg in am and 15 mg in pm and this has made a world of difference.So too little can cause weight to go done and bowels to malabsorb for some is tricky i am learning...


New member
we just learned that our 5 year old was not getting enough prevacid and it took him losing so much weight to get this issue resolved. i am happy to say he is 46.9 pounds and been on 15 mg in am and 15 mg in pm and this has made a world of difference.So too little can cause weight to go done and bowels to malabsorb for some is tricky i am learning...


New member
we just learned that our 5 year old was not getting enough prevacid and it took him losing so much weight to get this issue resolved. i am happy to say he is 46.9 pounds and been on 15 mg in am and 15 mg in pm and this has made a world of difference.So too little can cause weight to go done and bowels to malabsorb for some is tricky i am learning...


Hey there,
Just another Pancrecarb MS-8 fan here! Our son was switched to it from Ultrase when he was three. He also takes 30 mg of prevacid a day. Like another poster, Andrew is very reliant on both meds. If we forget prevacid, he pays dearly. It has only happened a couple of times when we stayed later at a friends house and did not have them with us, but we know that the pancrecarb and prevacid are a very good mix for him. Good luck!


Hey there,
Just another Pancrecarb MS-8 fan here! Our son was switched to it from Ultrase when he was three. He also takes 30 mg of prevacid a day. Like another poster, Andrew is very reliant on both meds. If we forget prevacid, he pays dearly. It has only happened a couple of times when we stayed later at a friends house and did not have them with us, but we know that the pancrecarb and prevacid are a very good mix for him. Good luck!


Hey there,
Just another Pancrecarb MS-8 fan here! Our son was switched to it from Ultrase when he was three. He also takes 30 mg of prevacid a day. Like another poster, Andrew is very reliant on both meds. If we forget prevacid, he pays dearly. It has only happened a couple of times when we stayed later at a friends house and did not have them with us, but we know that the pancrecarb and prevacid are a very good mix for him. Good luck!


Hey there,
Just another Pancrecarb MS-8 fan here! Our son was switched to it from Ultrase when he was three. He also takes 30 mg of prevacid a day. Like another poster, Andrew is very reliant on both meds. If we forget prevacid, he pays dearly. It has only happened a couple of times when we stayed later at a friends house and did not have them with us, but we know that the pancrecarb and prevacid are a very good mix for him. Good luck!


Hey there,
Just another Pancrecarb MS-8 fan here! Our son was switched to it from Ultrase when he was three. He also takes 30 mg of prevacid a day. Like another poster, Andrew is very reliant on both meds. If we forget prevacid, he pays dearly. It has only happened a couple of times when we stayed later at a friends house and did not have them with us, but we know that the pancrecarb and prevacid are a very good mix for him. Good luck!


New member
I've reported on this before. My experience MAY be helpful. My son had so many issues with loose stool. We hit the max point on the enzymes and still no help. We played around with different brands of enzyme and no help. I finally pushed for him to be tested for lactose intolorance. The test showed that he was NOT lactose intolorant BUT THAT HE HAD BACTERIAL OVERGROWTH of the bowel. This bacterial overgrowth was causing the malabsorption. Digestive enzymes do NOT work for malabsorption in the gut. He was put on a special antibiotic to kill the overgrowth while simultaneously taking good bacteria (culturelle). After doing this consistently, our son was able to seriously back down on his enzymes (at that point the problem was corrected enough and he was becoming constipated from too much enzyme).
Just an idea to keep in mind. There may be something else causing the malabsorption. I know that bacterial overgrowth can be a problem with CF patients (because of the frequent use of antibiotics killing the good bacteria in the gut) and many use a probiotic like Culturelle to replenish this good bacteria. Once we FINALLY figured out the cause, it was so simple to correct. I would CERTAINLY have your son tested for this. If nothing else, at least try the probiotic - it's over the counter - but you still may need the special antibiotic to kill the bad bacteria if this is in fact your son's problem.
FYI - Our son was also 3 1/2 when we were struggling with this.
Good luck!
7yr old with cf


New member
I've reported on this before. My experience MAY be helpful. My son had so many issues with loose stool. We hit the max point on the enzymes and still no help. We played around with different brands of enzyme and no help. I finally pushed for him to be tested for lactose intolorance. The test showed that he was NOT lactose intolorant BUT THAT HE HAD BACTERIAL OVERGROWTH of the bowel. This bacterial overgrowth was causing the malabsorption. Digestive enzymes do NOT work for malabsorption in the gut. He was put on a special antibiotic to kill the overgrowth while simultaneously taking good bacteria (culturelle). After doing this consistently, our son was able to seriously back down on his enzymes (at that point the problem was corrected enough and he was becoming constipated from too much enzyme).
Just an idea to keep in mind. There may be something else causing the malabsorption. I know that bacterial overgrowth can be a problem with CF patients (because of the frequent use of antibiotics killing the good bacteria in the gut) and many use a probiotic like Culturelle to replenish this good bacteria. Once we FINALLY figured out the cause, it was so simple to correct. I would CERTAINLY have your son tested for this. If nothing else, at least try the probiotic - it's over the counter - but you still may need the special antibiotic to kill the bad bacteria if this is in fact your son's problem.
FYI - Our son was also 3 1/2 when we were struggling with this.
Good luck!
7yr old with cf


New member
I've reported on this before. My experience MAY be helpful. My son had so many issues with loose stool. We hit the max point on the enzymes and still no help. We played around with different brands of enzyme and no help. I finally pushed for him to be tested for lactose intolorance. The test showed that he was NOT lactose intolorant BUT THAT HE HAD BACTERIAL OVERGROWTH of the bowel. This bacterial overgrowth was causing the malabsorption. Digestive enzymes do NOT work for malabsorption in the gut. He was put on a special antibiotic to kill the overgrowth while simultaneously taking good bacteria (culturelle). After doing this consistently, our son was able to seriously back down on his enzymes (at that point the problem was corrected enough and he was becoming constipated from too much enzyme).
Just an idea to keep in mind. There may be something else causing the malabsorption. I know that bacterial overgrowth can be a problem with CF patients (because of the frequent use of antibiotics killing the good bacteria in the gut) and many use a probiotic like Culturelle to replenish this good bacteria. Once we FINALLY figured out the cause, it was so simple to correct. I would CERTAINLY have your son tested for this. If nothing else, at least try the probiotic - it's over the counter - but you still may need the special antibiotic to kill the bad bacteria if this is in fact your son's problem.
FYI - Our son was also 3 1/2 when we were struggling with this.
Good luck!
7yr old with cf


New member
I've reported on this before. My experience MAY be helpful. My son had so many issues with loose stool. We hit the max point on the enzymes and still no help. We played around with different brands of enzyme and no help. I finally pushed for him to be tested for lactose intolorance. The test showed that he was NOT lactose intolorant BUT THAT HE HAD BACTERIAL OVERGROWTH of the bowel. This bacterial overgrowth was causing the malabsorption. Digestive enzymes do NOT work for malabsorption in the gut. He was put on a special antibiotic to kill the overgrowth while simultaneously taking good bacteria (culturelle). After doing this consistently, our son was able to seriously back down on his enzymes (at that point the problem was corrected enough and he was becoming constipated from too much enzyme).
Just an idea to keep in mind. There may be something else causing the malabsorption. I know that bacterial overgrowth can be a problem with CF patients (because of the frequent use of antibiotics killing the good bacteria in the gut) and many use a probiotic like Culturelle to replenish this good bacteria. Once we FINALLY figured out the cause, it was so simple to correct. I would CERTAINLY have your son tested for this. If nothing else, at least try the probiotic - it's over the counter - but you still may need the special antibiotic to kill the bad bacteria if this is in fact your son's problem.
FYI - Our son was also 3 1/2 when we were struggling with this.
Good luck!
7yr old with cf


New member
I've reported on this before. My experience MAY be helpful. My son had so many issues with loose stool. We hit the max point on the enzymes and still no help. We played around with different brands of enzyme and no help. I finally pushed for him to be tested for lactose intolorance. The test showed that he was NOT lactose intolorant BUT THAT HE HAD BACTERIAL OVERGROWTH of the bowel. This bacterial overgrowth was causing the malabsorption. Digestive enzymes do NOT work for malabsorption in the gut. He was put on a special antibiotic to kill the overgrowth while simultaneously taking good bacteria (culturelle). After doing this consistently, our son was able to seriously back down on his enzymes (at that point the problem was corrected enough and he was becoming constipated from too much enzyme).
Just an idea to keep in mind. There may be something else causing the malabsorption. I know that bacterial overgrowth can be a problem with CF patients (because of the frequent use of antibiotics killing the good bacteria in the gut) and many use a probiotic like Culturelle to replenish this good bacteria. Once we FINALLY figured out the cause, it was so simple to correct. I would CERTAINLY have your son tested for this. If nothing else, at least try the probiotic - it's over the counter - but you still may need the special antibiotic to kill the bad bacteria if this is in fact your son's problem.
FYI - Our son was also 3 1/2 when we were struggling with this.
Good luck!
7yr old with cf