Managing CF, College, and still having a life!


New member
I can totally feel you Dawn....Same here...I tried naps.It help.!I will start a bit of exercise and see how it goes...Energy drinks?


New member
I can totally feel you Dawn....Same here...I tried naps.It help.!I will start a bit of exercise and see how it goes...Energy drinks?


New member
I can totally feel you Dawn....Same here...I tried naps.It help.!I will start a bit of exercise and see how it goes...Energy drinks?


New member
I can totally feel you Dawn....Same here...I tried naps.It help.!I will start a bit of exercise and see how it goes...Energy drinks?


New member
I can totally feel you Dawn....Same here...I tried naps.It help.!I will start a bit of exercise and see how it goes...Energy drinks?


New member
I am a senior in a university and I am tired of school and my health is declining fast. I am think at some point (maybe now) I may either have to drop out, or take a leave of absence. Has anyone dealt with these issues? Any advice? I am really wondering if I can talk to my advisor on getting some kind of expedited graduation. Do you think they'd do that kind of thing for someone with CF?


New member
I am a senior in a university and I am tired of school and my health is declining fast. I am think at some point (maybe now) I may either have to drop out, or take a leave of absence. Has anyone dealt with these issues? Any advice? I am really wondering if I can talk to my advisor on getting some kind of expedited graduation. Do you think they'd do that kind of thing for someone with CF?


New member
I am a senior in a university and I am tired of school and my health is declining fast. I am think at some point (maybe now) I may either have to drop out, or take a leave of absence. Has anyone dealt with these issues? Any advice? I am really wondering if I can talk to my advisor on getting some kind of expedited graduation. Do you think they'd do that kind of thing for someone with CF?


New member
I am a senior in a university and I am tired of school and my health is declining fast. I am think at some point (maybe now) I may either have to drop out, or take a leave of absence. Has anyone dealt with these issues? Any advice? I am really wondering if I can talk to my advisor on getting some kind of expedited graduation. Do you think they'd do that kind of thing for someone with CF?


New member
I am a senior in a university and I am tired of school and my health is declining fast. I am think at some point (maybe now) I may either have to drop out, or take a leave of absence. Has anyone dealt with these issues? Any advice? I am really wondering if I can talk to my advisor on getting some kind of expedited graduation. Do you think they'd do that kind of thing for someone with CF?


New member
Can't hurt to try and talk to the administration about it. I got to graduate a year after. I just couldn'd fit in all classes and take care of myself. I definately had the support of all my professors and administration.

JenWren: 1982 Graduate.


New member
Can't hurt to try and talk to the administration about it. I got to graduate a year after. I just couldn'd fit in all classes and take care of myself. I definately had the support of all my professors and administration.

JenWren: 1982 Graduate.


New member
Can't hurt to try and talk to the administration about it. I got to graduate a year after. I just couldn'd fit in all classes and take care of myself. I definately had the support of all my professors and administration.

JenWren: 1982 Graduate.


New member
Can't hurt to try and talk to the administration about it. I got to graduate a year after. I just couldn'd fit in all classes and take care of myself. I definately had the support of all my professors and administration.

JenWren: 1982 Graduate.


New member
Can't hurt to try and talk to the administration about it. I got to graduate a year after. I just couldn'd fit in all classes and take care of myself. I definately had the support of all my professors and administration.
<br />
<br />JenWren: 1982 Graduate.