Managing CF, College, and still having a life!


New member
My advice would be to put yourself and your health first. I think we know deep inside ourselves, I call it sprirtual discernment what is right for us. We push and push and it really isn't worth it in the end. Slow down , learn to meditate if only for 15 min a day. When it will seem to make a difference is when you live a year longer than ever thought you would.



New member
My advice would be to put yourself and your health first. I think we know deep inside ourselves, I call it sprirtual discernment what is right for us. We push and push and it really isn't worth it in the end. Slow down , learn to meditate if only for 15 min a day. When it will seem to make a difference is when you live a year longer than ever thought you would.



New member
My advice would be to put yourself and your health first. I think we know deep inside ourselves, I call it sprirtual discernment what is right for us. We push and push and it really isn't worth it in the end. Slow down , learn to meditate if only for 15 min a day. When it will seem to make a difference is when you live a year longer than ever thought you would.



New member
My advice would be to put yourself and your health first. I think we know deep inside ourselves, I call it sprirtual discernment what is right for us. We push and push and it really isn't worth it in the end. Slow down , learn to meditate if only for 15 min a day. When it will seem to make a difference is when you live a year longer than ever thought you would.



New member
My advice would be to put yourself and your health first. I think we know deep inside ourselves, I call it sprirtual discernment what is right for us. We push and push and it really isn't worth it in the end. Slow down , learn to meditate if only for 15 min a day. When it will seem to make a difference is when you live a year longer than ever thought you would.
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<br />JenWren