Mayo Clinic Cystic Fibrosis center


New member
Is there anyone perticular as far as pulmonologist that you have heard is better or are they both great? There are two we could choose from and I am not sure. Thanks for you help-it's much appreciated!


New member
Is there anyone perticular as far as pulmonologist that you have heard is better or are they both great? There are two we could choose from and I am not sure. Thanks for you help-it's much appreciated!


New member
Is there anyone perticular as far as pulmonologist that you have heard is better or are they both great? There are two we could choose from and I am not sure. Thanks for you help-it's much appreciated!


New member
Is there anyone perticular as far as pulmonologist that you have heard is better or are they both great? There are two we could choose from and I am not sure. Thanks for you help-it's much appreciated!


New member
Is there anyone perticular as far as pulmonologist that you have heard is better or are they both great? There are two we could choose from and I am not sure. Thanks for you help-it's much appreciated!