Meconium Ileus and CF and Gene Question


New member
I am 27wks preg and me and my fiance' both have the DeltaF508 gene. Our baby also has meconium ileus. Dr's are monitoring me. But i don't see them very often. My next appt isn't for another 5 weeks. I am worried that is too long away. I am wondering if you delivered early and how early because of the bowel, if there are any complications you had or anyother info you can give me. Also, since me and my fiance carry the same gene, will that mean she will carry the same one?


New member
I am 27wks preg and me and my fiance' both have the DeltaF508 gene. Our baby also has meconium ileus. Dr's are monitoring me. But i don't see them very often. My next appt isn't for another 5 weeks. I am worried that is too long away. I am wondering if you delivered early and how early because of the bowel, if there are any complications you had or anyother info you can give me. Also, since me and my fiance carry the same gene, will that mean she will carry the same one?


New member
I am 27wks preg and me and my fiance' both have the DeltaF508 gene. Our baby also has meconium ileus. Dr's are monitoring me. But i don't see them very often. My next appt isn't for another 5 weeks. I am worried that is too long away. I am wondering if you delivered early and how early because of the bowel, if there are any complications you had or anyother info you can give me. Also, since me and my fiance carry the same gene, will that mean she will carry the same one?


New member
I am 27wks preg and me and my fiance' both have the DeltaF508 gene. Our baby also has meconium ileus. Dr's are monitoring me. But i don't see them very often. My next appt isn't for another 5 weeks. I am worried that is too long away. I am wondering if you delivered early and how early because of the bowel, if there are any complications you had or anyother info you can give me. Also, since me and my fiance carry the same gene, will that mean she will carry the same one?


New member
I am 27wks preg and me and my fiance' both have the DeltaF508 gene. Our baby also has meconium ileus. Dr's are monitoring me. But i don't see them very often. My next appt isn't for another 5 weeks. I am worried that is too long away. I am wondering if you delivered early and how early because of the bowel, if there are any complications you had or anyother info you can give me. Also, since me and my fiance carry the same gene, will that mean she will carry the same one?


New member
I dont have actual experience regarding deliverying early because of meconium ileus, but we have many people with experience who I am sure will reply.

As to your child being a carrier....there is a 50% chance she will be a carrier only, 25% she will have the illness itself & 25% of getting neither one of them.

BTW Congrats on the baby to come!


New member
I dont have actual experience regarding deliverying early because of meconium ileus, but we have many people with experience who I am sure will reply.

As to your child being a carrier....there is a 50% chance she will be a carrier only, 25% she will have the illness itself & 25% of getting neither one of them.

BTW Congrats on the baby to come!


New member
I dont have actual experience regarding deliverying early because of meconium ileus, but we have many people with experience who I am sure will reply.

As to your child being a carrier....there is a 50% chance she will be a carrier only, 25% she will have the illness itself & 25% of getting neither one of them.

BTW Congrats on the baby to come!


New member
I dont have actual experience regarding deliverying early because of meconium ileus, but we have many people with experience who I am sure will reply.

As to your child being a carrier....there is a 50% chance she will be a carrier only, 25% she will have the illness itself & 25% of getting neither one of them.

BTW Congrats on the baby to come!


New member
I dont have actual experience regarding deliverying early because of meconium ileus, but we have many people with experience who I am sure will reply.
<br />
<br />As to your child being a carrier....there is a 50% chance she will be a carrier only, 25% she will have the illness itself & 25% of getting neither one of them.
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<br />BTW Congrats on the baby to come!


Staff member
I'd be checking into what type of medical facilities/nicu/pediatric surgical... do you have in your area? DS was born a few weeks early -- still considered full term. He had surgery the day after he was born at a children's hospital. He had to be transferred 'cuz the local pediatric surgeon was on vacation. Talk with your doctor about your concerns, ask if he's had similar cases... Figure out a plan of action...

Apparently when I had my ultrasound there was no indication of any problems. Normal pregnancy, didn't have a clue that either DH or I were carriers.


Staff member
I'd be checking into what type of medical facilities/nicu/pediatric surgical... do you have in your area? DS was born a few weeks early -- still considered full term. He had surgery the day after he was born at a children's hospital. He had to be transferred 'cuz the local pediatric surgeon was on vacation. Talk with your doctor about your concerns, ask if he's had similar cases... Figure out a plan of action...

Apparently when I had my ultrasound there was no indication of any problems. Normal pregnancy, didn't have a clue that either DH or I were carriers.


Staff member
I'd be checking into what type of medical facilities/nicu/pediatric surgical... do you have in your area? DS was born a few weeks early -- still considered full term. He had surgery the day after he was born at a children's hospital. He had to be transferred 'cuz the local pediatric surgeon was on vacation. Talk with your doctor about your concerns, ask if he's had similar cases... Figure out a plan of action...

Apparently when I had my ultrasound there was no indication of any problems. Normal pregnancy, didn't have a clue that either DH or I were carriers.


Staff member
I'd be checking into what type of medical facilities/nicu/pediatric surgical... do you have in your area? DS was born a few weeks early -- still considered full term. He had surgery the day after he was born at a children's hospital. He had to be transferred 'cuz the local pediatric surgeon was on vacation. Talk with your doctor about your concerns, ask if he's had similar cases... Figure out a plan of action...

Apparently when I had my ultrasound there was no indication of any problems. Normal pregnancy, didn't have a clue that either DH or I were carriers.


Staff member
I'd be checking into what type of medical facilities/nicu/pediatric surgical... do you have in your area? DS was born a few weeks early -- still considered full term. He had surgery the day after he was born at a children's hospital. He had to be transferred 'cuz the local pediatric surgeon was on vacation. Talk with your doctor about your concerns, ask if he's had similar cases... Figure out a plan of action...
<br />
<br />Apparently when I had my ultrasound there was no indication of any problems. Normal pregnancy, didn't have a clue that either DH or I were carriers.


New member
My son as well had a MI he was born 4 weeks early.. my water broke i wasent induced.. he went straight into the NICU and had surgery the next day( ended up with a total of 4 surgeries due to where the MI was part of his bowel had not formed) he had an ostomy placed and then had that retracted and his bowels reconnected!!! Not trying to scare you but this is our experience.. he spent 2.5 mo in the NICU... My husband and I didnt know we were carries either until the prenatal screen came back... My son has DDF508... Halthy as a horse now knock on wood nothing has found him this winter!!! I did change where i delivered to make sure that i had the NICU available for him in case he needed surgey because they told me they wouldnt know the severity until he was born... They gave him 24 hours to have a BM then they did the surgery.....


New member
My son as well had a MI he was born 4 weeks early.. my water broke i wasent induced.. he went straight into the NICU and had surgery the next day( ended up with a total of 4 surgeries due to where the MI was part of his bowel had not formed) he had an ostomy placed and then had that retracted and his bowels reconnected!!! Not trying to scare you but this is our experience.. he spent 2.5 mo in the NICU... My husband and I didnt know we were carries either until the prenatal screen came back... My son has DDF508... Halthy as a horse now knock on wood nothing has found him this winter!!! I did change where i delivered to make sure that i had the NICU available for him in case he needed surgey because they told me they wouldnt know the severity until he was born... They gave him 24 hours to have a BM then they did the surgery.....


New member
My son as well had a MI he was born 4 weeks early.. my water broke i wasent induced.. he went straight into the NICU and had surgery the next day( ended up with a total of 4 surgeries due to where the MI was part of his bowel had not formed) he had an ostomy placed and then had that retracted and his bowels reconnected!!! Not trying to scare you but this is our experience.. he spent 2.5 mo in the NICU... My husband and I didnt know we were carries either until the prenatal screen came back... My son has DDF508... Halthy as a horse now knock on wood nothing has found him this winter!!! I did change where i delivered to make sure that i had the NICU available for him in case he needed surgey because they told me they wouldnt know the severity until he was born... They gave him 24 hours to have a BM then they did the surgery.....


New member
My son as well had a MI he was born 4 weeks early.. my water broke i wasent induced.. he went straight into the NICU and had surgery the next day( ended up with a total of 4 surgeries due to where the MI was part of his bowel had not formed) he had an ostomy placed and then had that retracted and his bowels reconnected!!! Not trying to scare you but this is our experience.. he spent 2.5 mo in the NICU... My husband and I didnt know we were carries either until the prenatal screen came back... My son has DDF508... Halthy as a horse now knock on wood nothing has found him this winter!!! I did change where i delivered to make sure that i had the NICU available for him in case he needed surgey because they told me they wouldnt know the severity until he was born... They gave him 24 hours to have a BM then they did the surgery.....


New member
My son as well had a MI he was born 4 weeks early.. my water broke i wasent induced.. he went straight into the NICU and had surgery the next day( ended up with a total of 4 surgeries due to where the MI was part of his bowel had not formed) he had an ostomy placed and then had that retracted and his bowels reconnected!!! Not trying to scare you but this is our experience.. he spent 2.5 mo in the NICU... My husband and I didnt know we were carries either until the prenatal screen came back... My son has DDF508... Halthy as a horse now knock on wood nothing has found him this winter!!! I did change where i delivered to make sure that i had the NICU available for him in case he needed surgey because they told me they wouldnt know the severity until he was born... They gave him 24 hours to have a BM then they did the surgery.....