After some research, I believe that Medical Marijuana's benefits far out way the risks. There are multiple alternatives to the typical instruments used to smoke marijuana, such as Vaporizing. Vaporizing uses convection heating to heat the air in a device to such a high temperature that it 'vaporizes' the marijuana plant, therefore, releasing its cannabinoids including THC (the psychoactive chemical of the plant), CBD & CBN (non-psychoactive chemicals of the plant), into a plastic type balloon or a medical grade plastic 'whip'.
Because of the state's decision to legalize of Medical Marijuana, it can be monitored as well as tested, so that way it's a lot safer and you know what you're getting vs getting it off the local drug dealer. Medical Marijuana has proved to be a great drug to use for those ridden with AIDS or Cancer patients going through chemo-therapy, but what about Cystic Fibrosis? There are multiple ways to consume Medical Marijuana in place of the dangerous smoking instruments, making it safer ant d healthier on the lungs. Theres vaporizing, theres a substance called 'Wax' that is a Marijuana Concentrate made by Butane or CO2, and of course, there is the obvious way of using it in cooking and eating it.
No matter what, if the plant combusts its unhealthy on the lungs, and all the above mentioned techniques eliminate the combustion of the plant material. Consuming through a vaporizer involves no smoke, instead, the cannabinoids, while Concentrates are used in a 'vaporizer pen', and Wax is essentially melted to such a high temperature it steams and turns into vapor.
What do you think about people with Cystic Fibrosis using Medical Marijuana to relieve daily issues with anxiety, joint pain, better breathing, an appetite enhancer, etc. ??? Would you personally make the decision to use Medical Marijuana, if so or if not, why? If your child went to you with the idea of using Medical Marijuana would you consider it, and if you say no or yes, what made you make that decision? What is your stance on Medical Marijuana in addition to have CF?
Because of the state's decision to legalize of Medical Marijuana, it can be monitored as well as tested, so that way it's a lot safer and you know what you're getting vs getting it off the local drug dealer. Medical Marijuana has proved to be a great drug to use for those ridden with AIDS or Cancer patients going through chemo-therapy, but what about Cystic Fibrosis? There are multiple ways to consume Medical Marijuana in place of the dangerous smoking instruments, making it safer ant d healthier on the lungs. Theres vaporizing, theres a substance called 'Wax' that is a Marijuana Concentrate made by Butane or CO2, and of course, there is the obvious way of using it in cooking and eating it.
No matter what, if the plant combusts its unhealthy on the lungs, and all the above mentioned techniques eliminate the combustion of the plant material. Consuming through a vaporizer involves no smoke, instead, the cannabinoids, while Concentrates are used in a 'vaporizer pen', and Wax is essentially melted to such a high temperature it steams and turns into vapor.
What do you think about people with Cystic Fibrosis using Medical Marijuana to relieve daily issues with anxiety, joint pain, better breathing, an appetite enhancer, etc. ??? Would you personally make the decision to use Medical Marijuana, if so or if not, why? If your child went to you with the idea of using Medical Marijuana would you consider it, and if you say no or yes, what made you make that decision? What is your stance on Medical Marijuana in addition to have CF?