Message to God



Emily I saw no problem with what you said. I never thought to blame anyone for all my health problems or the fact that my sons have CF. Things happen.


This blame part of the thread reminded me of this little story:

Coll was on a local cable show about CF about 8 years ago, and at the end of the show, she was asked if she had any advice. In part of her answer she actually said "Don't blame your parents for CF; don't blame God; it's no one's fault you have CF, it just happens". I thought that was a wise answer for a youngster!

Have a good Monday everyone,


New member
Nah then we'll lose thousands of soldiers, and have billions of dollars in greedy war debt. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">
And I don't feel like dropping pop tarts and peanut butter on my lungs in little parachutes that look the same as the bombs in little parachutes. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
Mom, you were also on the show! LOL. Anyway, I just watched the video and here are my thoughts on advice for other CFers, from 8 year old Coll:

"Don't be mad because it's not your fault, and if you feel like its your fault, just tell yourself over and over again that it's not. And it's not your parent's fault either, or anybody's fault; it just happens. And if you ever get really, really sad, just think about the bright side- at least I can run around and play, at least it's not really, really bad."- Coll, September 97


New member
Hi All --

I am the mom of two with CF and I truly believe that God has a plan for each one of us. We are all on a spiritual journey. The CF is all part of our journey. Dealing with CF and life is what makes us who we are.

Have you ever had a conversation with someone who just wont stop complaining about the stupidest thing?? All you can think to yourself is "get a real problem". We in the CF family have gained so much more insight into the priorities of life and what is really important. We have learned what few will.

I know that my family has been touched so many times by the kindness of strangers. People who have reached out to us to donate to the CF Foundation because they have seen or heard of my girls. CF gives people the opportunity to do something good with their lives also by walking or donating or getting involved somehow it helps with their spiritual journey.

We have just gone through a very difficult and trying time but we have gotten through it stronger and closer!! God is with us all!! Deb


New member
Hi all,

Just wanted to touch on this subject as it is quite understandable. I, myself do not have CF, but my life has been affected by CF and so I come across this site often and have posted when I have needed your understanding. I love how everyone responds to postings in an encouraging environment. We all have our own individual experiences in life and believe different things, and because we all have different experiences, beliefs, ideals, hopes and dreams we relate to various people at various times in our lives as we need it. I have a disability that I can honestly say that I also question why?!!! I know that while some things are harder than others and some view other hardships not so great and others harder than they could ever imagine, until you walk in someone else's shoes it's easy to say that they don't have it tough and that they don't have a reason to question "WHY" but I believe that everyone, regardless of whether it really is hard or not have questioned "why" I just have to say this because I know that it's easy for me to forget that others have it hard too, and questioning "why" I think is normal and valid. Whether you believe in a higher power or not and I completely understand if you don't because it is really hard to understand why, if some all knowing greater being loves us sooo much why we go through the things that we do in life? In believing in the greater good of God, there is a hope for understanding the unknown purpose of life someday and a belief in something better than what we know of today.


Yes, there is a segment on the show that Coll finds endlessly amusing - she claims I laugh like a raving lunatic at one point.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>
To the original poster
Read the book of Job in the Bible.</blockquote>

Or don't, since, perhaps more than any other book in the Bible, it sets God up as an immature, capricious jerk who lets Satan destroy Job's life to settle the equivalent of a bar bet (one that, to boot, he'd have already known the result of if he was omniscient!). Shudder.


New member
I've noticed that no one has really brought up a different god.

For years as a child, I was angry and annoyed by adults telling me that "God has a plan for you", "God loves you" "Put your faith in God". My family was firmily rooted in the South and there's not much religious diversity there. These people were meaning well, but I felt lonley, and at times like they were just waiting for something bad to happen to me so they could rally, and pray and have a cause in some poor sick little girl. I know this was all in my head, but it was how I was feeling.

When my mom and I moved to colorado, I had a chance to be exposed to and explore other religions like Wicca, Buddhism and Hinduism as well as other branches of Christianity. I found that other religions had different answers to my questions and learning about all of them helped me answer them for myself. Faith is an evolution of our spirit, no matter what religion we are practicing.

I encourage some of you who are frusturated to not be afraid to explore other paths.


New member
Secular humanism is pretty rewarding for me. Look into it because it encourages the type of lifestyle we all want to have without forcing us to ask a guy in the sky, "why?"


New member
You must mean The Lord Jesus Christ when you say a guy in the sky. Some of us do believe and i personally find it very offernsive to refer to my Lord as a guy in the sky, he is MUCH MORE than that.


New member
And I'm sure some of us are offended by all your god talk. I see nothing wrong with them calling your god a "guy in the sky." He or she could've said a lot worse. That's hardly an insult.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>WinAce</b></i><br><blockquote>Quote

<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>

To the original poster

Read the book of Job in the Bible.</blockquote>

Or don't, since, perhaps more than any other book in the Bible, it sets God up as an immature, capricious jerk who lets Satan destroy Job's life to settle the equivalent of a bar bet (one that, to boot, he'd have already known the result of if he was omniscient!). Shudder.<hr></blockquote>

Your ignorance is showing. =-)


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Emily65Roses</b></i><br>And I'm sure some of us are offended by all your god talk. I see nothing wrong with them calling your god a "guy in the sky." He or she could've said a lot worse. That's hardly an insult.<hr></blockquote>

Heh, yeah, that's not an insult at all. I know priests who refer to him as that guy in the sky. =-) I think anonymous is being a wee bit too touchy. No offense, annonymous.


New member
Yep, CF sucks and there's no way around that. Sure there are folks that lead relatively normal lives but there are also 10 years olds dying from Cepacia. Explain that! You can't no matter what religion you subscribe to. It's just the roll of the dice. I'm past trying to understand it. I just take everyday as it comes (good or bad) and try to find the positive in it. Sometimes it's tough but eventually I get there.

Obviously, there is no right or wrong answer/opinion here. Hopefully, someday, we will all know the truth. In any case, it's okay to feel bad about God, Satan, yourself, you parents, the world, etc... once in a while. It happens to everyone whether they have CF, cancer, MS, or are just having a really hard time in life. The important thing is to remember that no matter how bad it is or how bad you feel, that you are making a difference in this world. That's why we're all here, whether you die at 2 or 92, you will leave your mark. Make it a good one.

People will sometimes forget what you said. People will usually forget what you did. People will always remember how you made them feel.


<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>CFHockeyMom</b></i><br>

People will sometimes forget what you said. People will usually forget what you did. People will always remember how you made them feel.<hr></blockquote>

I couldn't agree more! Happy Friday everyone,


New member
Anon from 11:14 pm you were rude maybe they didn't mean your precious little god. It is insane of you to take something like that personal. Could they be going though an explore all gods stage as many people and not wanted to use any one name. Does it bother you when others say god may very well be a woman. Maybe you should lay off other people. Who's to say you picked the right one. People that chose to believe their way is the only way are pathettic. Maybe one day you will learn to take others as they are.


New member
I have wanted to reply to this thread on a number of occassions, but resisted each time because I believe it is ultimately futile to argue about religion. But, perhaps now I am a bit more calm and collected and wont offend anyone. But alas, this is the nature of debate!
We are all entitled to believe what we want, and if we agree or disagree, at the end of the day (metaphorically speaking), religion, faith, spirituality is (and I personally believe only should be) ultimately about having a personal relationship with someone/something that you believe in. It has nothing to do with anyone else, so arguing about it is useless. Yes, you might share your faith with someone else, like the people of your church or mosque, or of your country, but ultimately no one is judging your level of faith apart from the person/being that you believe in. We must learn to be less judgemental because in terms of religious beliefs, it is futile.

Rob 24 w cf