Mild and Rare Cases...where are you?


New member
Welcome! Thanks for the post. Hope you find this community helpful. Coming on the forum helps to remind me that I need to take the best care of myself that I can. And you're right, we can never be too educated!


New member
Welcome! Thanks for the post. Hope you find this community helpful. Coming on the forum helps to remind me that I need to take the best care of myself that I can. And you're right, we can never be too educated!


New member
Welcome! Thanks for the post. Hope you find this community helpful. Coming on the forum helps to remind me that I need to take the best care of myself that I can. And you're right, we can never be too educated!


New member
Welcome! Thanks for the post. Hope you find this community helpful. Coming on the forum helps to remind me that I need to take the best care of myself that I can. And you're right, we can never be too educated!


New member
I have a mild case of CF, I never noticed any side effects of CF except taking pills when I eat until I reached the age of 17 or 18 I have began to notice little things like coughs, but my pfts have always been 95+

There is no reason to feel guilty that you dont have any hospital/IV stories, nobody would wish that onto you ever, and talkin about CF even mild CF will help keep you more aware of things you might need to know one day


New member
I have a mild case of CF, I never noticed any side effects of CF except taking pills when I eat until I reached the age of 17 or 18 I have began to notice little things like coughs, but my pfts have always been 95+

There is no reason to feel guilty that you dont have any hospital/IV stories, nobody would wish that onto you ever, and talkin about CF even mild CF will help keep you more aware of things you might need to know one day


New member
I have a mild case of CF, I never noticed any side effects of CF except taking pills when I eat until I reached the age of 17 or 18 I have began to notice little things like coughs, but my pfts have always been 95+

There is no reason to feel guilty that you dont have any hospital/IV stories, nobody would wish that onto you ever, and talkin about CF even mild CF will help keep you more aware of things you might need to know one day


New member
I have a mild case of CF, I never noticed any side effects of CF except taking pills when I eat until I reached the age of 17 or 18 I have began to notice little things like coughs, but my pfts have always been 95+

There is no reason to feel guilty that you dont have any hospital/IV stories, nobody would wish that onto you ever, and talkin about CF even mild CF will help keep you more aware of things you might need to know one day


New member
I have a mild case of CF, I never noticed any side effects of CF except taking pills when I eat until I reached the age of 17 or 18 I have began to notice little things like coughs, but my pfts have always been 95+

There is no reason to feel guilty that you dont have any hospital/IV stories, nobody would wish that onto you ever, and talkin about CF even mild CF will help keep you more aware of things you might need to know one day


New member
I have a mild case of CF, I never noticed any side effects of CF except taking pills when I eat until I reached the age of 17 or 18 I have began to notice little things like coughs, but my pfts have always been 95+

There is no reason to feel guilty that you dont have any hospital/IV stories, nobody would wish that onto you ever, and talkin about CF even mild CF will help keep you more aware of things you might need to know one day



I'm new to the board too. My case sounds very similar to Jodi. I was diagnosed at 20 after experiencing bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia. As a child I was pretty healthy except for various allergies. I've only been hospitalized directly due to CF twice - once to get desensitized to oxacillin shortly after diagnosis and the second a nasty infection brought on by the flu. Actually I was rather non-compliant for many years because I hated the nervousness/jitters the meds caused.

A major problem for me the last few years have been sinus issues. Seems like anytime I get a sinus infection, it goes straight to my lungs and then I'm up for another round of antibiotics due to infection/hemoptysis. I had sinus surgery Oct. 2005 and continually fight sinus infections still.

I felt like I was quite an oddity till I found this site. You guys are making me feel a bit more normal! LOL!

A question though....just today I went to an allergist and had the skin tests performed. He asked me if I had CF or a CF variant. Well, I was told I had a "mild" case upon diagnosis, but have never been told I had a "variant of CF". How are we being classified now?



I'm new to the board too. My case sounds very similar to Jodi. I was diagnosed at 20 after experiencing bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia. As a child I was pretty healthy except for various allergies. I've only been hospitalized directly due to CF twice - once to get desensitized to oxacillin shortly after diagnosis and the second a nasty infection brought on by the flu. Actually I was rather non-compliant for many years because I hated the nervousness/jitters the meds caused.

A major problem for me the last few years have been sinus issues. Seems like anytime I get a sinus infection, it goes straight to my lungs and then I'm up for another round of antibiotics due to infection/hemoptysis. I had sinus surgery Oct. 2005 and continually fight sinus infections still.

I felt like I was quite an oddity till I found this site. You guys are making me feel a bit more normal! LOL!

A question though....just today I went to an allergist and had the skin tests performed. He asked me if I had CF or a CF variant. Well, I was told I had a "mild" case upon diagnosis, but have never been told I had a "variant of CF". How are we being classified now?



I'm new to the board too. My case sounds very similar to Jodi. I was diagnosed at 20 after experiencing bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia. As a child I was pretty healthy except for various allergies. I've only been hospitalized directly due to CF twice - once to get desensitized to oxacillin shortly after diagnosis and the second a nasty infection brought on by the flu. Actually I was rather non-compliant for many years because I hated the nervousness/jitters the meds caused.

A major problem for me the last few years have been sinus issues. Seems like anytime I get a sinus infection, it goes straight to my lungs and then I'm up for another round of antibiotics due to infection/hemoptysis. I had sinus surgery Oct. 2005 and continually fight sinus infections still.

I felt like I was quite an oddity till I found this site. You guys are making me feel a bit more normal! LOL!

A question though....just today I went to an allergist and had the skin tests performed. He asked me if I had CF or a CF variant. Well, I was told I had a "mild" case upon diagnosis, but have never been told I had a "variant of CF". How are we being classified now?



I'm new to the board too. My case sounds very similar to Jodi. I was diagnosed at 20 after experiencing bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia. As a child I was pretty healthy except for various allergies. I've only been hospitalized directly due to CF twice - once to get desensitized to oxacillin shortly after diagnosis and the second a nasty infection brought on by the flu. Actually I was rather non-compliant for many years because I hated the nervousness/jitters the meds caused.

A major problem for me the last few years have been sinus issues. Seems like anytime I get a sinus infection, it goes straight to my lungs and then I'm up for another round of antibiotics due to infection/hemoptysis. I had sinus surgery Oct. 2005 and continually fight sinus infections still.

I felt like I was quite an oddity till I found this site. You guys are making me feel a bit more normal! LOL!

A question though....just today I went to an allergist and had the skin tests performed. He asked me if I had CF or a CF variant. Well, I was told I had a "mild" case upon diagnosis, but have never been told I had a "variant of CF". How are we being classified now?



I'm new to the board too. My case sounds very similar to Jodi. I was diagnosed at 20 after experiencing bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia. As a child I was pretty healthy except for various allergies. I've only been hospitalized directly due to CF twice - once to get desensitized to oxacillin shortly after diagnosis and the second a nasty infection brought on by the flu. Actually I was rather non-compliant for many years because I hated the nervousness/jitters the meds caused.

A major problem for me the last few years have been sinus issues. Seems like anytime I get a sinus infection, it goes straight to my lungs and then I'm up for another round of antibiotics due to infection/hemoptysis. I had sinus surgery Oct. 2005 and continually fight sinus infections still.

I felt like I was quite an oddity till I found this site. You guys are making me feel a bit more normal! LOL!

A question though....just today I went to an allergist and had the skin tests performed. He asked me if I had CF or a CF variant. Well, I was told I had a "mild" case upon diagnosis, but have never been told I had a "variant of CF". How are we being classified now?



I'm new to the board too. My case sounds very similar to Jodi. I was diagnosed at 20 after experiencing bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia. As a child I was pretty healthy except for various allergies. I've only been hospitalized directly due to CF twice - once to get desensitized to oxacillin shortly after diagnosis and the second a nasty infection brought on by the flu. Actually I was rather non-compliant for many years because I hated the nervousness/jitters the meds caused.

A major problem for me the last few years have been sinus issues. Seems like anytime I get a sinus infection, it goes straight to my lungs and then I'm up for another round of antibiotics due to infection/hemoptysis. I had sinus surgery Oct. 2005 and continually fight sinus infections still.

I felt like I was quite an oddity till I found this site. You guys are making me feel a bit more normal! LOL!

A question though....just today I went to an allergist and had the skin tests performed. He asked me if I had CF or a CF variant. Well, I was told I had a "mild" case upon diagnosis, but have never been told I had a "variant of CF". How are we being classified now?


New member
mild case just means where your FEV1 is about 80% technically everyoen starts off mild. SOme docs use this term for those of us with 'atypical' diagnosis or prognosis though there really are not guidelines on this.

If you have two mutated genes then you have CF. You can clarify with your ENT what he means by a variant. He probably asked this because you dont fit into the realm of the 'normal' stereotype case--this happens to me all the time with docs questioning my status so I take the opportunity to give them a little lesson on CF 101+ which is just basically me educating htem on the possibilities outside of the 'norm' that they are used to reading about and my case etc.


New member
mild case just means where your FEV1 is about 80% technically everyoen starts off mild. SOme docs use this term for those of us with 'atypical' diagnosis or prognosis though there really are not guidelines on this.

If you have two mutated genes then you have CF. You can clarify with your ENT what he means by a variant. He probably asked this because you dont fit into the realm of the 'normal' stereotype case--this happens to me all the time with docs questioning my status so I take the opportunity to give them a little lesson on CF 101+ which is just basically me educating htem on the possibilities outside of the 'norm' that they are used to reading about and my case etc.


New member
mild case just means where your FEV1 is about 80% technically everyoen starts off mild. SOme docs use this term for those of us with 'atypical' diagnosis or prognosis though there really are not guidelines on this.

If you have two mutated genes then you have CF. You can clarify with your ENT what he means by a variant. He probably asked this because you dont fit into the realm of the 'normal' stereotype case--this happens to me all the time with docs questioning my status so I take the opportunity to give them a little lesson on CF 101+ which is just basically me educating htem on the possibilities outside of the 'norm' that they are used to reading about and my case etc.


New member
mild case just means where your FEV1 is about 80% technically everyoen starts off mild. SOme docs use this term for those of us with 'atypical' diagnosis or prognosis though there really are not guidelines on this.

If you have two mutated genes then you have CF. You can clarify with your ENT what he means by a variant. He probably asked this because you dont fit into the realm of the 'normal' stereotype case--this happens to me all the time with docs questioning my status so I take the opportunity to give them a little lesson on CF 101+ which is just basically me educating htem on the possibilities outside of the 'norm' that they are used to reading about and my case etc.