Military Families & Base Pharmacies



Today is the first day this ever happened to us, but our regular doc at the base is in Italy until November, and her assistant (nurse) was out of the office today. Anyways, both my kids need antibiotics filled, and the base refuses to take a fax prescription OR a phone-in prescription from our CF doctors!!!! The pharmacy wants me to physically drive to our cf doctor, which is an hour away, and get a written prescription, then drive it all the way back to the base and hand it to them, what kind of sense does that make? Not to mention I just found out that they won't special order TOBI for me right now b/c it's the end of the year and the budget money is tight...ok, but if the money is there, and the medicine is needed, personally I think they can try to sell that story to somebody else!@ It frustrates me b/c I usually don't have any problems with them, but as soon as a doctor trasnfers or goes TAD or something, then I have to break-in a whole new doctor to the world of CF and all its little quirks! Sorry for the rambling, just needed to vent a little!


Today is the first day this ever happened to us, but our regular doc at the base is in Italy until November, and her assistant (nurse) was out of the office today. Anyways, both my kids need antibiotics filled, and the base refuses to take a fax prescription OR a phone-in prescription from our CF doctors!!!! The pharmacy wants me to physically drive to our cf doctor, which is an hour away, and get a written prescription, then drive it all the way back to the base and hand it to them, what kind of sense does that make? Not to mention I just found out that they won't special order TOBI for me right now b/c it's the end of the year and the budget money is tight...ok, but if the money is there, and the medicine is needed, personally I think they can try to sell that story to somebody else!@ It frustrates me b/c I usually don't have any problems with them, but as soon as a doctor trasnfers or goes TAD or something, then I have to break-in a whole new doctor to the world of CF and all its little quirks! Sorry for the rambling, just needed to vent a little!


Today is the first day this ever happened to us, but our regular doc at the base is in Italy until November, and her assistant (nurse) was out of the office today. Anyways, both my kids need antibiotics filled, and the base refuses to take a fax prescription OR a phone-in prescription from our CF doctors!!!! The pharmacy wants me to physically drive to our cf doctor, which is an hour away, and get a written prescription, then drive it all the way back to the base and hand it to them, what kind of sense does that make? Not to mention I just found out that they won't special order TOBI for me right now b/c it's the end of the year and the budget money is tight...ok, but if the money is there, and the medicine is needed, personally I think they can try to sell that story to somebody else!@ It frustrates me b/c I usually don't have any problems with them, but as soon as a doctor trasnfers or goes TAD or something, then I have to break-in a whole new doctor to the world of CF and all its little quirks! Sorry for the rambling, just needed to vent a little!


Today is the first day this ever happened to us, but our regular doc at the base is in Italy until November, and her assistant (nurse) was out of the office today. Anyways, both my kids need antibiotics filled, and the base refuses to take a fax prescription OR a phone-in prescription from our CF doctors!!!! The pharmacy wants me to physically drive to our cf doctor, which is an hour away, and get a written prescription, then drive it all the way back to the base and hand it to them, what kind of sense does that make? Not to mention I just found out that they won't special order TOBI for me right now b/c it's the end of the year and the budget money is tight...ok, but if the money is there, and the medicine is needed, personally I think they can try to sell that story to somebody else!@ It frustrates me b/c I usually don't have any problems with them, but as soon as a doctor trasnfers or goes TAD or something, then I have to break-in a whole new doctor to the world of CF and all its little quirks! Sorry for the rambling, just needed to vent a little!


Today is the first day this ever happened to us, but our regular doc at the base is in Italy until November, and her assistant (nurse) was out of the office today. Anyways, both my kids need antibiotics filled, and the base refuses to take a fax prescription OR a phone-in prescription from our CF doctors!!!! The pharmacy wants me to physically drive to our cf doctor, which is an hour away, and get a written prescription, then drive it all the way back to the base and hand it to them, what kind of sense does that make? Not to mention I just found out that they won't special order TOBI for me right now b/c it's the end of the year and the budget money is tight...ok, but if the money is there, and the medicine is needed, personally I think they can try to sell that story to somebody else!@ It frustrates me b/c I usually don't have any problems with them, but as soon as a doctor trasnfers or goes TAD or something, then I have to break-in a whole new doctor to the world of CF and all its little quirks! Sorry for the rambling, just needed to vent a little!


New member
I do know that our MTF does not accept outside rx's so it's either get a military doc to write the rx or just have the cf doc call it in to a retail pharmacy and just pay the co-pay. What's even more stupid is that if the doc puts in for the rx you have to physically go and "activate" the rx by checking in at the pharmacy before they will fill it which usually takes forever.


New member
I do know that our MTF does not accept outside rx's so it's either get a military doc to write the rx or just have the cf doc call it in to a retail pharmacy and just pay the co-pay. What's even more stupid is that if the doc puts in for the rx you have to physically go and "activate" the rx by checking in at the pharmacy before they will fill it which usually takes forever.


New member
I do know that our MTF does not accept outside rx's so it's either get a military doc to write the rx or just have the cf doc call it in to a retail pharmacy and just pay the co-pay. What's even more stupid is that if the doc puts in for the rx you have to physically go and "activate" the rx by checking in at the pharmacy before they will fill it which usually takes forever.


New member
I do know that our MTF does not accept outside rx's so it's either get a military doc to write the rx or just have the cf doc call it in to a retail pharmacy and just pay the co-pay. What's even more stupid is that if the doc puts in for the rx you have to physically go and "activate" the rx by checking in at the pharmacy before they will fill it which usually takes forever.


New member
I do know that our MTF does not accept outside rx's so it's either get a military doc to write the rx or just have the cf doc call it in to a retail pharmacy and just pay the co-pay. What's even more stupid is that if the doc puts in for the rx you have to physically go and "activate" the rx by checking in at the pharmacy before they will fill it which usually takes forever.


I know, right? It drives me nuts - like I want to physically wait there with my kids in the dirty waiting area - forever!!!! just to activate it...I was told about an hour ago by the Div. Officer of the pharmacy to just have the kids go to the base clinic and let the doctor check them out for whatever it is they might need, and it would eliminate all of the problems. I said to her "if the military doctors knew what my children needed, I wouldn't have to go to a CF specialty clinic, now would I? This round of colds alone, we learned that both of them have to try something new b/c no.1 - they were both just on bactrum about a month ago, and no.2 my daughter I guess has built up a sensitivity to bactrum and should be on augmentin instead to get the best use out of an antibiotic. I'm just frustrated today, I'm sick of being on the phone trying to "kindly" explain it to everyone, and believe it or not, I was very kind - hoping that you go farther with honey than you do with vinegar...<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


I know, right? It drives me nuts - like I want to physically wait there with my kids in the dirty waiting area - forever!!!! just to activate it...I was told about an hour ago by the Div. Officer of the pharmacy to just have the kids go to the base clinic and let the doctor check them out for whatever it is they might need, and it would eliminate all of the problems. I said to her "if the military doctors knew what my children needed, I wouldn't have to go to a CF specialty clinic, now would I? This round of colds alone, we learned that both of them have to try something new b/c no.1 - they were both just on bactrum about a month ago, and no.2 my daughter I guess has built up a sensitivity to bactrum and should be on augmentin instead to get the best use out of an antibiotic. I'm just frustrated today, I'm sick of being on the phone trying to "kindly" explain it to everyone, and believe it or not, I was very kind - hoping that you go farther with honey than you do with vinegar...<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


I know, right? It drives me nuts - like I want to physically wait there with my kids in the dirty waiting area - forever!!!! just to activate it...I was told about an hour ago by the Div. Officer of the pharmacy to just have the kids go to the base clinic and let the doctor check them out for whatever it is they might need, and it would eliminate all of the problems. I said to her "if the military doctors knew what my children needed, I wouldn't have to go to a CF specialty clinic, now would I? This round of colds alone, we learned that both of them have to try something new b/c no.1 - they were both just on bactrum about a month ago, and no.2 my daughter I guess has built up a sensitivity to bactrum and should be on augmentin instead to get the best use out of an antibiotic. I'm just frustrated today, I'm sick of being on the phone trying to "kindly" explain it to everyone, and believe it or not, I was very kind - hoping that you go farther with honey than you do with vinegar...<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


I know, right? It drives me nuts - like I want to physically wait there with my kids in the dirty waiting area - forever!!!! just to activate it...I was told about an hour ago by the Div. Officer of the pharmacy to just have the kids go to the base clinic and let the doctor check them out for whatever it is they might need, and it would eliminate all of the problems. I said to her "if the military doctors knew what my children needed, I wouldn't have to go to a CF specialty clinic, now would I? This round of colds alone, we learned that both of them have to try something new b/c no.1 - they were both just on bactrum about a month ago, and no.2 my daughter I guess has built up a sensitivity to bactrum and should be on augmentin instead to get the best use out of an antibiotic. I'm just frustrated today, I'm sick of being on the phone trying to "kindly" explain it to everyone, and believe it or not, I was very kind - hoping that you go farther with honey than you do with vinegar...<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


I know, right? It drives me nuts - like I want to physically wait there with my kids in the dirty waiting area - forever!!!! just to activate it...I was told about an hour ago by the Div. Officer of the pharmacy to just have the kids go to the base clinic and let the doctor check them out for whatever it is they might need, and it would eliminate all of the problems. I said to her "if the military doctors knew what my children needed, I wouldn't have to go to a CF specialty clinic, now would I? This round of colds alone, we learned that both of them have to try something new b/c no.1 - they were both just on bactrum about a month ago, and no.2 my daughter I guess has built up a sensitivity to bactrum and should be on augmentin instead to get the best use out of an antibiotic. I'm just frustrated today, I'm sick of being on the phone trying to "kindly" explain it to everyone, and believe it or not, I was very kind - hoping that you go farther with honey than you do with vinegar...<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


i don't use the base pharamacy. i had one bad experience back home in fl by them telling me they had no enzymes. i decided not to stick around and wait for the one prescription they did have. i always get mine through tmop (the mail order pharamacy) which gives me a three month supply at one time, i get 3 months of enzymes for 9 dollars. and if they don't have something i go to walgreens or walmart. have you used the mail order pharamacy? it so much easy with pulmozyme to get it from there, cause like i said i get 3 months and that presciption they overnight because it has to stay cold. anyways if you haven't used it let me know and i'll pull up the website and send it to you.


i don't use the base pharamacy. i had one bad experience back home in fl by them telling me they had no enzymes. i decided not to stick around and wait for the one prescription they did have. i always get mine through tmop (the mail order pharamacy) which gives me a three month supply at one time, i get 3 months of enzymes for 9 dollars. and if they don't have something i go to walgreens or walmart. have you used the mail order pharamacy? it so much easy with pulmozyme to get it from there, cause like i said i get 3 months and that presciption they overnight because it has to stay cold. anyways if you haven't used it let me know and i'll pull up the website and send it to you.


i don't use the base pharamacy. i had one bad experience back home in fl by them telling me they had no enzymes. i decided not to stick around and wait for the one prescription they did have. i always get mine through tmop (the mail order pharamacy) which gives me a three month supply at one time, i get 3 months of enzymes for 9 dollars. and if they don't have something i go to walgreens or walmart. have you used the mail order pharamacy? it so much easy with pulmozyme to get it from there, cause like i said i get 3 months and that presciption they overnight because it has to stay cold. anyways if you haven't used it let me know and i'll pull up the website and send it to you.


i don't use the base pharamacy. i had one bad experience back home in fl by them telling me they had no enzymes. i decided not to stick around and wait for the one prescription they did have. i always get mine through tmop (the mail order pharamacy) which gives me a three month supply at one time, i get 3 months of enzymes for 9 dollars. and if they don't have something i go to walgreens or walmart. have you used the mail order pharamacy? it so much easy with pulmozyme to get it from there, cause like i said i get 3 months and that presciption they overnight because it has to stay cold. anyways if you haven't used it let me know and i'll pull up the website and send it to you.


i don't use the base pharamacy. i had one bad experience back home in fl by them telling me they had no enzymes. i decided not to stick around and wait for the one prescription they did have. i always get mine through tmop (the mail order pharamacy) which gives me a three month supply at one time, i get 3 months of enzymes for 9 dollars. and if they don't have something i go to walgreens or walmart. have you used the mail order pharamacy? it so much easy with pulmozyme to get it from there, cause like i said i get 3 months and that presciption they overnight because it has to stay cold. anyways if you haven't used it let me know and i'll pull up the website and send it to you.