most embarrassing


New member
Before Sean was diagnosed (he was about 10 weeks old), we were at the Ped for a pneumonia follow up. I forgot to bring the diaper bag! Clearly a huge error with any child but with a CFer this is a catastrophe. Well, as we're in the waiting room Sean pooped. I knew that it would only be another minute or two before we were called into the office and I could get a diaper and clean him up. I honestly didn't really notice the smell. Two subsequent families walked into the office and both commented on the "sewer smell" and said there must be contruction going on in the building because they could smell it in the hallway too!


New member
Before Sean was diagnosed (he was about 10 weeks old), we were at the Ped for a pneumonia follow up. I forgot to bring the diaper bag! Clearly a huge error with any child but with a CFer this is a catastrophe. Well, as we're in the waiting room Sean pooped. I knew that it would only be another minute or two before we were called into the office and I could get a diaper and clean him up. I honestly didn't really notice the smell. Two subsequent families walked into the office and both commented on the "sewer smell" and said there must be contruction going on in the building because they could smell it in the hallway too!


New member
Before Sean was diagnosed (he was about 10 weeks old), we were at the Ped for a pneumonia follow up. I forgot to bring the diaper bag! Clearly a huge error with any child but with a CFer this is a catastrophe. Well, as we're in the waiting room Sean pooped. I knew that it would only be another minute or two before we were called into the office and I could get a diaper and clean him up. I honestly didn't really notice the smell. Two subsequent families walked into the office and both commented on the "sewer smell" and said there must be contruction going on in the building because they could smell it in the hallway too!


New member
Before Sean was diagnosed (he was about 10 weeks old), we were at the Ped for a pneumonia follow up. I forgot to bring the diaper bag! Clearly a huge error with any child but with a CFer this is a catastrophe. Well, as we're in the waiting room Sean pooped. I knew that it would only be another minute or two before we were called into the office and I could get a diaper and clean him up. I honestly didn't really notice the smell. Two subsequent families walked into the office and both commented on the "sewer smell" and said there must be contruction going on in the building because they could smell it in the hallway too!


New member
Before Sean was diagnosed (he was about 10 weeks old), we were at the Ped for a pneumonia follow up. I forgot to bring the diaper bag! Clearly a huge error with any child but with a CFer this is a catastrophe. Well, as we're in the waiting room Sean pooped. I knew that it would only be another minute or two before we were called into the office and I could get a diaper and clean him up. I honestly didn't really notice the smell. Two subsequent families walked into the office and both commented on the "sewer smell" and said there must be contruction going on in the building because they could smell it in the hallway too!


New member
I've got a few!

-I slept over this girl's house when I was 12. In the morning, I went to use her bathroom, and when I flushed, the whole thing overflowed! It turned out, for some reason you couldn't run her washer and flush the toliet at the same time, and her mom was running laundry. Would have helped if they'd told me!

-I was at a party with a bunch of my friends, and I laughed and farted in a mostly silent room. It wasn't silent after the fart.

-No one in my class really understood what CF was. They knew I was sick, but not what exactly it was. So in sixth grade, they gave us a class where they taught us about HIV. We watched the story of Ryan White, and after the movie was done, I felt all these eyes on me, and some kid finally said "Do you have AIDS?"


New member
I've got a few!

-I slept over this girl's house when I was 12. In the morning, I went to use her bathroom, and when I flushed, the whole thing overflowed! It turned out, for some reason you couldn't run her washer and flush the toliet at the same time, and her mom was running laundry. Would have helped if they'd told me!

-I was at a party with a bunch of my friends, and I laughed and farted in a mostly silent room. It wasn't silent after the fart.

-No one in my class really understood what CF was. They knew I was sick, but not what exactly it was. So in sixth grade, they gave us a class where they taught us about HIV. We watched the story of Ryan White, and after the movie was done, I felt all these eyes on me, and some kid finally said "Do you have AIDS?"


New member
I've got a few!

-I slept over this girl's house when I was 12. In the morning, I went to use her bathroom, and when I flushed, the whole thing overflowed! It turned out, for some reason you couldn't run her washer and flush the toliet at the same time, and her mom was running laundry. Would have helped if they'd told me!

-I was at a party with a bunch of my friends, and I laughed and farted in a mostly silent room. It wasn't silent after the fart.

-No one in my class really understood what CF was. They knew I was sick, but not what exactly it was. So in sixth grade, they gave us a class where they taught us about HIV. We watched the story of Ryan White, and after the movie was done, I felt all these eyes on me, and some kid finally said "Do you have AIDS?"


New member
I've got a few!

-I slept over this girl's house when I was 12. In the morning, I went to use her bathroom, and when I flushed, the whole thing overflowed! It turned out, for some reason you couldn't run her washer and flush the toliet at the same time, and her mom was running laundry. Would have helped if they'd told me!

-I was at a party with a bunch of my friends, and I laughed and farted in a mostly silent room. It wasn't silent after the fart.

-No one in my class really understood what CF was. They knew I was sick, but not what exactly it was. So in sixth grade, they gave us a class where they taught us about HIV. We watched the story of Ryan White, and after the movie was done, I felt all these eyes on me, and some kid finally said "Do you have AIDS?"


New member
I've got a few!
<br />
<br />-I slept over this girl's house when I was 12. In the morning, I went to use her bathroom, and when I flushed, the whole thing overflowed! It turned out, for some reason you couldn't run her washer and flush the toliet at the same time, and her mom was running laundry. Would have helped if they'd told me!
<br />
<br />-I was at a party with a bunch of my friends, and I laughed and farted in a mostly silent room. It wasn't silent after the fart.
<br />
<br />-No one in my class really understood what CF was. They knew I was sick, but not what exactly it was. So in sixth grade, they gave us a class where they taught us about HIV. We watched the story of Ryan White, and after the movie was done, I felt all these eyes on me, and some kid finally said "Do you have AIDS?"


New member
Maybe six or seven years ago, at around 11 at night I was driving on a really isolated, windy highway that has no street lamps, the kind that you have to turn your brights on when there are no other vehicles. I was about thirty five minutes from my house, and at least twenty from anything else. I had been taking miralax for the previous few days because of a blockage. I suddenly got the worst lower bowel cramps, and a fierce brow sweat, both indicators that I needed to go immediately. Instead of pulling over to the side of the road and going #2 in the plains, I decided I would drive home as fast as possible. I am freaking out, sweating bullets, clenching my butt cheeks together as tightly as possible and praying to Shiva I don't go in my pants. There was a car in front of me that was going really slow, so I passed it illegally and started driving as fast as I could through these crazy turns. Finally I see the first stop light in a few miles, indicating at the very least a gas station I could stop at, when the guy I had passed pulls up next to me and waves to get my attention. IT WAS A STATE TROOPER IN A MARKED CAR. I nervously roll down my window, I know I am grey in the face and sweating like a pig. He says, "Ma'am, you were driving really crazy, you know that right?" and I just nod, and say, "Yes, sir, I'm sorry." So, just as he is asking me if I want a speeding ticket... I start to crap my pants. <i>I'm being talked to my a state trooper and I'm crapping in my pants!</i> He realizes there's something very wrong with me, asks me if I'm feeling okay, and I tell him I am just very ill and lets me go right as I'm done unloading my colon.

That was a mess in so many different ways. And I didn't tell anyone about it for YEARS.


New member
Maybe six or seven years ago, at around 11 at night I was driving on a really isolated, windy highway that has no street lamps, the kind that you have to turn your brights on when there are no other vehicles. I was about thirty five minutes from my house, and at least twenty from anything else. I had been taking miralax for the previous few days because of a blockage. I suddenly got the worst lower bowel cramps, and a fierce brow sweat, both indicators that I needed to go immediately. Instead of pulling over to the side of the road and going #2 in the plains, I decided I would drive home as fast as possible. I am freaking out, sweating bullets, clenching my butt cheeks together as tightly as possible and praying to Shiva I don't go in my pants. There was a car in front of me that was going really slow, so I passed it illegally and started driving as fast as I could through these crazy turns. Finally I see the first stop light in a few miles, indicating at the very least a gas station I could stop at, when the guy I had passed pulls up next to me and waves to get my attention. IT WAS A STATE TROOPER IN A MARKED CAR. I nervously roll down my window, I know I am grey in the face and sweating like a pig. He says, "Ma'am, you were driving really crazy, you know that right?" and I just nod, and say, "Yes, sir, I'm sorry." So, just as he is asking me if I want a speeding ticket... I start to crap my pants. <i>I'm being talked to my a state trooper and I'm crapping in my pants!</i> He realizes there's something very wrong with me, asks me if I'm feeling okay, and I tell him I am just very ill and lets me go right as I'm done unloading my colon.

That was a mess in so many different ways. And I didn't tell anyone about it for YEARS.


New member
Maybe six or seven years ago, at around 11 at night I was driving on a really isolated, windy highway that has no street lamps, the kind that you have to turn your brights on when there are no other vehicles. I was about thirty five minutes from my house, and at least twenty from anything else. I had been taking miralax for the previous few days because of a blockage. I suddenly got the worst lower bowel cramps, and a fierce brow sweat, both indicators that I needed to go immediately. Instead of pulling over to the side of the road and going #2 in the plains, I decided I would drive home as fast as possible. I am freaking out, sweating bullets, clenching my butt cheeks together as tightly as possible and praying to Shiva I don't go in my pants. There was a car in front of me that was going really slow, so I passed it illegally and started driving as fast as I could through these crazy turns. Finally I see the first stop light in a few miles, indicating at the very least a gas station I could stop at, when the guy I had passed pulls up next to me and waves to get my attention. IT WAS A STATE TROOPER IN A MARKED CAR. I nervously roll down my window, I know I am grey in the face and sweating like a pig. He says, "Ma'am, you were driving really crazy, you know that right?" and I just nod, and say, "Yes, sir, I'm sorry." So, just as he is asking me if I want a speeding ticket... I start to crap my pants. <i>I'm being talked to my a state trooper and I'm crapping in my pants!</i> He realizes there's something very wrong with me, asks me if I'm feeling okay, and I tell him I am just very ill and lets me go right as I'm done unloading my colon.

That was a mess in so many different ways. And I didn't tell anyone about it for YEARS.


New member
Maybe six or seven years ago, at around 11 at night I was driving on a really isolated, windy highway that has no street lamps, the kind that you have to turn your brights on when there are no other vehicles. I was about thirty five minutes from my house, and at least twenty from anything else. I had been taking miralax for the previous few days because of a blockage. I suddenly got the worst lower bowel cramps, and a fierce brow sweat, both indicators that I needed to go immediately. Instead of pulling over to the side of the road and going #2 in the plains, I decided I would drive home as fast as possible. I am freaking out, sweating bullets, clenching my butt cheeks together as tightly as possible and praying to Shiva I don't go in my pants. There was a car in front of me that was going really slow, so I passed it illegally and started driving as fast as I could through these crazy turns. Finally I see the first stop light in a few miles, indicating at the very least a gas station I could stop at, when the guy I had passed pulls up next to me and waves to get my attention. IT WAS A STATE TROOPER IN A MARKED CAR. I nervously roll down my window, I know I am grey in the face and sweating like a pig. He says, "Ma'am, you were driving really crazy, you know that right?" and I just nod, and say, "Yes, sir, I'm sorry." So, just as he is asking me if I want a speeding ticket... I start to crap my pants. <i>I'm being talked to my a state trooper and I'm crapping in my pants!</i> He realizes there's something very wrong with me, asks me if I'm feeling okay, and I tell him I am just very ill and lets me go right as I'm done unloading my colon.

That was a mess in so many different ways. And I didn't tell anyone about it for YEARS.


New member
Maybe six or seven years ago, at around 11 at night I was driving on a really isolated, windy highway that has no street lamps, the kind that you have to turn your brights on when there are no other vehicles. I was about thirty five minutes from my house, and at least twenty from anything else. I had been taking miralax for the previous few days because of a blockage. I suddenly got the worst lower bowel cramps, and a fierce brow sweat, both indicators that I needed to go immediately. Instead of pulling over to the side of the road and going #2 in the plains, I decided I would drive home as fast as possible. I am freaking out, sweating bullets, clenching my butt cheeks together as tightly as possible and praying to Shiva I don't go in my pants. There was a car in front of me that was going really slow, so I passed it illegally and started driving as fast as I could through these crazy turns. Finally I see the first stop light in a few miles, indicating at the very least a gas station I could stop at, when the guy I had passed pulls up next to me and waves to get my attention. IT WAS A STATE TROOPER IN A MARKED CAR. I nervously roll down my window, I know I am grey in the face and sweating like a pig. He says, "Ma'am, you were driving really crazy, you know that right?" and I just nod, and say, "Yes, sir, I'm sorry." So, just as he is asking me if I want a speeding ticket... I start to crap my pants. <i>I'm being talked to my a state trooper and I'm crapping in my pants!</i> He realizes there's something very wrong with me, asks me if I'm feeling okay, and I tell him I am just very ill and lets me go right as I'm done unloading my colon.
<br />
<br />That was a mess in so many different ways. And I didn't tell anyone about it for YEARS.


New member
Before Kaylee was diagnosed, we were in the doctor's office for a check-up...well Kaylee had one of her famous poopers and I put the diaper in the can...The doctor and the nurse came in, got this funny look on their faces and the nurse immediately pulled the trash and the doctor had us go to another room...They didn't use that room again!


New member
Before Kaylee was diagnosed, we were in the doctor's office for a check-up...well Kaylee had one of her famous poopers and I put the diaper in the can...The doctor and the nurse came in, got this funny look on their faces and the nurse immediately pulled the trash and the doctor had us go to another room...They didn't use that room again!


New member
Before Kaylee was diagnosed, we were in the doctor's office for a check-up...well Kaylee had one of her famous poopers and I put the diaper in the can...The doctor and the nurse came in, got this funny look on their faces and the nurse immediately pulled the trash and the doctor had us go to another room...They didn't use that room again!


New member
Before Kaylee was diagnosed, we were in the doctor's office for a check-up...well Kaylee had one of her famous poopers and I put the diaper in the can...The doctor and the nurse came in, got this funny look on their faces and the nurse immediately pulled the trash and the doctor had us go to another room...They didn't use that room again!


New member
Before Kaylee was diagnosed, we were in the doctor's office for a check-up...well Kaylee had one of her famous poopers and I put the diaper in the can...The doctor and the nurse came in, got this funny look on their faces and the nurse immediately pulled the trash and the doctor had us go to another room...They didn't use that room again!