Moving out


New member
This is an interesting topic to me as a new CF mom. I was always encouraged to be independant by my parents. I had my first job at 15, married by 21 and first child at 23, now 28. My opinions may change as my children get older and possibly sicker, but I raise my children with the ideal that I am nurturing them into responsible adults. I plan to raise all my children the same, no exeptions for my little cfer and she will hopefully have the same goals and achievements as her peers.
I personally witnessed a brother become very ill with colitis (had a colonostomy and eventual reattachment) and watched my mother nurse him as well as encourage him to take care of himself. He is now married with his second child on the way, and doesn't let his disease prevent him from providing for his family.
Sakasuka, your parents sound very wise and L I hope to learn from the example you have provided.


New member
This is an interesting topic to me as a new CF mom. I was always encouraged to be independant by my parents. I had my first job at 15, married by 21 and first child at 23, now 28. My opinions may change as my children get older and possibly sicker, but I raise my children with the ideal that I am nurturing them into responsible adults. I plan to raise all my children the same, no exeptions for my little cfer and she will hopefully have the same goals and achievements as her peers.
I personally witnessed a brother become very ill with colitis (had a colonostomy and eventual reattachment) and watched my mother nurse him as well as encourage him to take care of himself. He is now married with his second child on the way, and doesn't let his disease prevent him from providing for his family.
Sakasuka, your parents sound very wise and L I hope to learn from the example you have provided.


New member
This is an interesting topic to me as a new CF mom. I was always encouraged to be independant by my parents. I had my first job at 15, married by 21 and first child at 23, now 28. My opinions may change as my children get older and possibly sicker, but I raise my children with the ideal that I am nurturing them into responsible adults. I plan to raise all my children the same, no exeptions for my little cfer and she will hopefully have the same goals and achievements as her peers.
I personally witnessed a brother become very ill with colitis (had a colonostomy and eventual reattachment) and watched my mother nurse him as well as encourage him to take care of himself. He is now married with his second child on the way, and doesn't let his disease prevent him from providing for his family.
Sakasuka, your parents sound very wise and L I hope to learn from the example you have provided.


New member
This is an interesting topic to me as a new CF mom. I was always encouraged to be independant by my parents. I had my first job at 15, married by 21 and first child at 23, now 28. My opinions may change as my children get older and possibly sicker, but I raise my children with the ideal that I am nurturing them into responsible adults. I plan to raise all my children the same, no exeptions for my little cfer and she will hopefully have the same goals and achievements as her peers.
I personally witnessed a brother become very ill with colitis (had a colonostomy and eventual reattachment) and watched my mother nurse him as well as encourage him to take care of himself. He is now married with his second child on the way, and doesn't let his disease prevent him from providing for his family.
Sakasuka, your parents sound very wise and L I hope to learn from the example you have provided.


New member
This is an interesting topic to me as a new CF mom. I was always encouraged to be independant by my parents. I had my first job at 15, married by 21 and first child at 23, now 28. My opinions may change as my children get older and possibly sicker, but I raise my children with the ideal that I am nurturing them into responsible adults. I plan to raise all my children the same, no exeptions for my little cfer and she will hopefully have the same goals and achievements as her peers.
I personally witnessed a brother become very ill with colitis (had a colonostomy and eventual reattachment) and watched my mother nurse him as well as encourage him to take care of himself. He is now married with his second child on the way, and doesn't let his disease prevent him from providing for his family.
Sakasuka, your parents sound very wise and L I hope to learn from the example you have provided.