Hello MariaHt
Hello Maria;
I know a good amount about MRSA. My son,one of my non CF children, had a MRSA outbreak about 5 years ago. MRSA is a bacteria that almost everyone carries on their body.MRSA is found in instiutions, hospitals, daycares, etc Once the bacteria becomes active, it is easy to get more breakouts. Due to your child having CF, and probably in hospitals a good amount, her suspetability is high. It is nerve racking during tratment. just dont believe everything you read on the internet, you can become mis informed. and you already have enough to worry about. My son had a puss pocket that looked like an infected spiderbite. the key is draining all of the bacteria. if it is internal, it has taken a few people several rounds of antibiotics to clear up this type of bacteria. MRSA is fairly common in everyone. it may be a little harder to fight off with a weakened immune system. I hope this helps a little. If you have any direct questions, dont be afraid to email me at Tammygianni@att.net Or if u need to talk to someone who has been through it already, message and i will send my cell phone number to you.
Tammy G