Mucus Problems


New member
Pseudo does go dormant. I don't culture psuedo everytime I do a sputum culture, but I do get it when I've got a bad chest infection.


New member
Pseudo does go dormant. I don't culture psuedo everytime I do a sputum culture, but I do get it when I've got a bad chest infection.


New member
Agree with Liz - I've had cultures when it hasn't shown up but as soon as I get a flare-up it shows up again. I don't think it ever goes away ... it just hides out in the deep crevices of the lungs!


New member
Agree with Liz - I've had cultures when it hasn't shown up but as soon as I get a flare-up it shows up again. I don't think it ever goes away ... it just hides out in the deep crevices of the lungs!


New member
Sean i agree with what you are saying about having a bronch,and it is also an invasive preocedure but as a first time mum + a child with an illness like CF you tend to listen to the experts thinking they are doing the best they can for your child.In the end they are the experts and are our only resort when it comes to CF and treatment.
I was debating with them for months about them wanting to do the bronch, i said its an invasive preocedure and no other clinic in our area is doing it, why us? I also didn't want my baby going under anasthetic if it wasn't necessary.
They said other clinics are begining to incorporate it as it has proven to be beneficial. They stressed the fact that its for the best, if it comes up positive and is treated early any bug or Psudo will most likley be eliminated.
Also at my daughters clinic children stay on antibiotics from time of diagnosis to age 5, as a preventative.
Im not sure which is right from wrong, i just do as they say.
My husband and i were discussing about 3months ago, that we might not do her next bronch which is due in November.
What do you think?



New member
Sean i agree with what you are saying about having a bronch,and it is also an invasive preocedure but as a first time mum + a child with an illness like CF you tend to listen to the experts thinking they are doing the best they can for your child.In the end they are the experts and are our only resort when it comes to CF and treatment.
I was debating with them for months about them wanting to do the bronch, i said its an invasive preocedure and no other clinic in our area is doing it, why us? I also didn't want my baby going under anasthetic if it wasn't necessary.
They said other clinics are begining to incorporate it as it has proven to be beneficial. They stressed the fact that its for the best, if it comes up positive and is treated early any bug or Psudo will most likley be eliminated.
Also at my daughters clinic children stay on antibiotics from time of diagnosis to age 5, as a preventative.
Im not sure which is right from wrong, i just do as they say.
My husband and i were discussing about 3months ago, that we might not do her next bronch which is due in November.
What do you think?



New member
OOPS...... I forgot to mention that they also stated that a sputem culture doesn't really show whats in the lungs, that is why they prefer doing the bronch(maybe they just mean in babies, because they can't cough up any sputem)although they use suction to do a culture in babies, but that also isn't efficiant enough.



New member
OOPS...... I forgot to mention that they also stated that a sputem culture doesn't really show whats in the lungs, that is why they prefer doing the bronch(maybe they just mean in babies, because they can't cough up any sputem)although they use suction to do a culture in babies, but that also isn't efficiant enough.



New member
I am in West Australia and I believe they do regular bronch's on babies - 5 years (or when they can produce sputum) either 6 monthly or yearly. They say it has proven that if caught early psuedomonas can be eradicated or controlled. I was offered a bronch recently when unwell with infection / apba but i didn't have it as I was a bit scared and emotional as I was on steroids, anti inflamm drugs. I have since heard from a friend that it can be awful. She said halfway through she could feel it and see them poking it in and out and was trying to ask them to stop. She hated it ... my belief is that they only have so few drugs to treat it with anyway that doing such an invasive procedure isn't going to make a lot of difference as there are no other options... who the hell knows!!



New member
I am in West Australia and I believe they do regular bronch's on babies - 5 years (or when they can produce sputum) either 6 monthly or yearly. They say it has proven that if caught early psuedomonas can be eradicated or controlled. I was offered a bronch recently when unwell with infection / apba but i didn't have it as I was a bit scared and emotional as I was on steroids, anti inflamm drugs. I have since heard from a friend that it can be awful. She said halfway through she could feel it and see them poking it in and out and was trying to ask them to stop. She hated it ... my belief is that they only have so few drugs to treat it with anyway that doing such an invasive procedure isn't going to make a lot of difference as there are no other options... who the hell knows!!
