muscle tone in 3-month old


New member
My son is 9 months old and is behind on a LOT of his motor skills. At his check up last week, the Pediatrician suggested getting him involved in the "First Steps" program in my hometown for children 0-3 yrs. We will be having our first visit with a therapist this coming Thursday. Anyway, th Ped. suggested that he had most likely fallen behind due to hospital stays and sickness, I also agreed with his theory.

I'd think CF and muscle tone have absolutly nothing to do with each other, except for when the little ones spend a great deal of there baby years in the hospital or being sick. That would be the only link between the two, in my opinion.


New member
Did they think Sophia might have had SMA? If so, then you're right, a diagnosis of CF would be a bit of a relief... I have a friend whose granddaughter had sma. When Abby was born and we all started doing research, one of the first things we learned is that there are a lot of things out there that are a whole lot worse than CF. Doesn't make it good, but at least we have a fighting chance, and the CFF has made a lot of progress.

This forum is the best, everyone is so matter of fact and willing to share. I love reading the progress that so many seem to be making. I feel like we are just at the beginning of this journey and it's good to have someone show the way.


New member
Did they think Sophia might have had SMA? If so, then you're right, a diagnosis of CF would be a bit of a relief... I have a friend whose granddaughter had sma. When Abby was born and we all started doing research, one of the first things we learned is that there are a lot of things out there that are a whole lot worse than CF. Doesn't make it good, but at least we have a fighting chance, and the CFF has made a lot of progress.

This forum is the best, everyone is so matter of fact and willing to share. I love reading the progress that so many seem to be making. I feel like we are just at the beginning of this journey and it's good to have someone show the way.


New member
Did they think Sophia might have had SMA? If so, then you're right, a diagnosis of CF would be a bit of a relief... I have a friend whose granddaughter had sma. When Abby was born and we all started doing research, one of the first things we learned is that there are a lot of things out there that are a whole lot worse than CF. Doesn't make it good, but at least we have a fighting chance, and the CFF has made a lot of progress.

This forum is the best, everyone is so matter of fact and willing to share. I love reading the progress that so many seem to be making. I feel like we are just at the beginning of this journey and it's good to have someone show the way.


The doctors didn't go into too many details about what the muscle breakdown could mean for Sophia. There was only about a day in the hospital where her diagnosis was uncertain. My cousin has a young child with a severe case of muscular dystrophy. It is heartbreaking how challenging the disease is for the child and family. It is such a blessing that my children are able to run with their friends and have a "normal" childhood. And congratuations on your new grandbaby!
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 5 and Jack, 3 both with cf


The doctors didn't go into too many details about what the muscle breakdown could mean for Sophia. There was only about a day in the hospital where her diagnosis was uncertain. My cousin has a young child with a severe case of muscular dystrophy. It is heartbreaking how challenging the disease is for the child and family. It is such a blessing that my children are able to run with their friends and have a "normal" childhood. And congratuations on your new grandbaby!
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 5 and Jack, 3 both with cf


The doctors didn't go into too many details about what the muscle breakdown could mean for Sophia. There was only about a day in the hospital where her diagnosis was uncertain. My cousin has a young child with a severe case of muscular dystrophy. It is heartbreaking how challenging the disease is for the child and family. It is such a blessing that my children are able to run with their friends and have a "normal" childhood. And congratuations on your new grandbaby!
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 5 and Jack, 3 both with cf