my boyfriend has cf


New member
I have two older sisters....and i was the "Lucky" one to get CF! LOL. I was the only one to get CF i am 22 and my sisters are 23,and 30


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i think that 16w/cf may have been responding to the post that said:

"its gonna be hard because you could catch it then your children could catch it ."


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<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">
so if you are intimate with your boyfriend(that has cf) you can contract cystic fibrosis?


New member
Is that a serious question? Good god, people. CF is genetic. Which means you have to be born with it. You can't get it from having sex with a CFer, you can't get it if a CFer coughs or sneezes on you, you can't get it from sharing a drinking cup with a CFer, etc etc. You MUST be born with it, that is the only way you can "get" it.


New member
we have only dated for 2 months and i never caught on that somthing was wrong and i was just told about him having cystic fibrosis and i do not know anything about it but would like some information so i oculd handel it and know how to take care of him because i think im in love with him and i only want to be able to help him.


New member
There's alot of information out there. Click on the today icon on this page, then click on CF forumn on that page then click on links. There are many links with good info. The thing you have to remember is he may or may not have alot of these symptoms that you read about now or in the future. So don't let it get you down there's lots of different degrees of this disease. Just learn what you can that way if he does get that symptom or have that symptom you'll knowwhat he's going through. But there's alot of symptoms that people discuss that I don't have but I may in the future so I'm glad I continue to learn from other people post and different links I go to. I learned so much from CF book that I got from Borders. Its called Cystic Fibrosis Everything you need to know by Wayne Kepron. I think your looking for specific things about this disease and there are so many things that go on at different levels that it's hard to give you the answers you seek. Hope this helps a bit. Wish you all the best. Eva


New member
Calm down emily, people come to this site for information about CF not to be ridiculed by someone like you who thinks she knows everything. There is NOT a lot of information out there about CF (as I am sure you know because you seem to know everything) and that is a very reasonable question that poster asked. There are MANY diseases that are contagious and that are not genetic, but how does one know that if they don't ask.
If you dish rudeness, you better be able to take it becasue I am going to plow you over the next time you degrade someone like you did in your last post.



New member
My husband has CF and is now 24, I am 21. We met just after I turned 16 and when we first started dating he told me he had CF. I had not idea what it was or what to do, or even how to handel it. If you want to talk to someone who has been in your shoes-off this website, please feel free to email me night or day at (I work nights at a hospital right now so if you don't get a daytime response from me that is why, but I work tonight and will check my email after 8-9 pm). I kind of had to go about figuring things out on my own and didn't know there were resources out there for me to talk to people, so if you have any questions, you can even make a list and email them to me and I will answer them to the best of my knowledge (I am a nurse and work on a floor with CFers so I consider myself somewhat knowledgable).

Best of luck,


New member
LOL!! I can take rudeness just fine, if it's justified. If you think I was rude, then tell me so. I don't give a damn. But I will note outloud that I have never once claimed to know everything, so if you're going to "dish" it back to me, make sure you're at least correct before you open your mouth.

Plus, if you haven't yet noticed, we get a lot of people on this forum asking very obviously stupid questions because they're here to screw around, not because they actually want to know anything. Those people, as far as I'm concerned, are a waste of time, and should be treated as such. That question, whether it was a joke or not, seemed so to me. So I treated it as one.


New member
PS-- You can try to plow me over all you like, but don't hold your breath, as it's very unlikely to work. I will speak up when I think you're wrong. However, I am not often upset or distressed by people online who I don't even know, regardless of their opinions or what they say. Simply because, as I said, I don't know you, so why would I take "rudeness" you "dish" to me to heart? So good luck with that, but don't expect too much.


New member
I have to agree with Emily....there are some people who come on this website to cause trouble and ask really stupid questions to see how many people they can annoy. If that was a truly honest question, then they haven't been reading the boards at all, because it says everywhere "CF is genetic". If you don't know what genetic means, then look it up and your question will be answered instantly!! Not catchy...through sexual contact, sneezing, coughing, looking at, or thinking about......<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
People are entitled to ask questions on this board, however "stupid" some people might think they are. If you have a problem with a post or think someone is just here to annoy, report it to the moderator-that's what they are here for. But who are YOU to decide that their question is stupid-what are you GOD. There are a lot of younger people who visit this site and may not understand all that is involved with CF. I would not want anyone to feel discouraged from asking a question, however repetative or common sense it might seem to you. You have the disease so of course you know a lot more than someone who is trying to support someone with CF. And sometimes it's hard to ask that person specific questions in the beginning. Some people don't have a lot of time to research all the posts that are on this site, and although something may be reptative, simply answering their questions or directing them to a post that is just like their's is helpful.
I am glad you think so highly of yourself and don't care what I think about you. You are right, I don't know you and you don't know me. But if you are going to be a participant on this site, you have the obligation to assist people when they ask questions, not tear them down. How would you feel if you asked a question you thought was justified and someone gave you the response that you posted. You might not ever want to visit this site again, and that is not what the founders of this site wish-I am sure of that.



New member
People are certainly entitled to ask questions, no matter how common sense. I told you, I didn't think the question was simply stupid, I think it was a joke. Someone coming here just to screw around. Therefore, as I said, I treated it as such. I don't think we need to waste our time with people who are just being childish. If the question was not a joke, then the person hasn't even tried to look up anything on CF, because one of the first things you learn about CF is that it's genetic.

I don't believe in any god, so certainly I therefore don't think I am one. Stop assuming you know so much about me: I never claimed to know everything, and I never claimed to be god.

And if I was to ask a question on a site like this, I think I might look around a little before I started, to have some very BASIC knowledge. If someone answered me the way I answered that question, I would keep coming back. People need to learn to grow a thick skin, I don't give a good goddamn what other people think. I could very well know jack s*** for what everyone else here knows. If you don't like my advice or my answers, ignore it. It's really quite simple.


New member
I would like to point out that the person didnt have to run all around the site or do extensive research on this subject to know that its genetic. because there was a post saying so 3 posts before that persons. So i have to agree. I think it is just some brat deciding it would be funny. if not then...well tough I still think it was moronic. you dont like it deal.

As far as your comment about there isnt much information on cf out there. well thats just not true. If you have heard of it and you look online for 2 seconds you will find a butt load of it. And even if your not comfortable asking alot of questions at first, the first thing you learn about it is that its genetic.

BTW: how on earth does someone thinking it was a dumb question make you God?

and finally: if someone would be that easily discoraged from something then they are going to have one hell of a time in life.


New member
i have to agree with julie on this one, when i read emily's post i thought it was really rude.

even if YOU would research before asking a question and even if YOU know what a genetic disease means and even if YOUwouldn't get offended or discouraged by what someone says online- that doesn't mean that everyone else would act in the same way.

i just think that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and that every post should be taken as legitimate until proven otherwise.

emily, you said yourself that joke posts are "are a waste of time, and should be treated as such" and you also said "If you don't like my advice or my answers, ignore it."

if you thought that post was a joke, then why did you "waste your time" by answering it? why didn't you follow your own advice and ignore it if you didn't like it?

i apologize for sticking my nose where it probably doesn't belong- but people with major attitudes just tend to rub me the wrong way....

edited to add an apology to danielsgirl, b/c i know this has nothing to do with the topic you posted.


New member
Whoever posted that, I still believe it was a joke. And yes, it's a waste of time, that's why I answered it so rudely. However, I was bored. So I took a minute to answer it, regardless.

As far as sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, I entirely disagree. Being that it's a public post, you can say anything you want about it. It's not as if I said that stuff, thinking that most of you wouldn't be able to see it. I posted that knowing full well that anyone who wanted to come along and read it, could. Because of that... if you read it and have an opinion, by all means, share it. I'm not about to stifle people's opinions.

However, I will point out for the umpteenth time that you people who are judging me based on my "major attitude" really have no place to say so. I was rude to that post because I think it was a joke. On a site where there are actual people with actual problems who come here looking for advice, I have no tolerance for people just screwing around. Not to mention, if you watch most of my posts I'm generally (I use this term loosely) tolerant. I'm aware that I'm extremely opinionated and not afraid to show it, but generally anyone coming along who wants to ask questions, I'm open to listening to and answering considerately. There have been times before where I've writtten rather strongly-willed and worded posts and others have told me I was coming off rudely, and I apologized for it. If I'm wrong, I say so. I could also sit here and say "you don't really know me, or who I am, and don't know what kind of attitude I do or don't have," but you're already aware of that. It's not as if most of us actually know each other outside this messageboard. I understand this forum allows for getting to know people more so than on a forum that has no personal significance. That is to say, you guys know me better than the people that post on my Evanescence forum. But you still don't know me as a person. And as I said, if you pay attention to my posts overall, it's not like I'm just sitting here being a *insert explitive here* for ha-ha's.

I was indeed rude to this post. I think it was a joke, and therefore feel justified in being rude. If it's not a joke and I had known so, I wouldn't have been as rude, if at all. But I stand by my thought that it was some kid screwing around. If you take a minute to look at more than just one post on one thread, you might be surprised at how my "major attitude" seems to disappear in other threads. I, frankly, don't care if you read my other posts and realize I'm not always rude. Or if you read them and still think I'm always rude, though I would wonder why. If you don't like me, that's your opinion and it's fine by me. No one can be liked all the time. I'm just making a point that before you tell me I have a major attitude, you should get a more rounded view of the situation, or in this case, of me.

As far as how I react and how others should do it... You're right, not everyone is the same, and not everyone reacts the same. I don't expect everyone should act exactly the way I do. I would just like to make a final small point by copying what my Mini said... "and finally: if someone would be that easily discoraged from something then they are going to have one hell of a time in life."


New member
i'm not going to argue my point anymore, simply b/c i still think that you shouldn't have posted what you did, and you still think you should have, and i doubt either of us are going to change our minds there. but the world would be boring if everyone agreed on everything, so that's fine with me.

i would like to say that when i said you had attitude, i was referring specifically to the posts where you were responding to julie. sorry for not qualifying that. i have read many of your other posts in the past, and i know that you have posted lots of good advice and info, and i also know that you usually don't have the attitude that i saw in this thread. i only had issue with your posts in this particular thread, but i should have said that the first time.

that said, i usually really enjoy your posts and have absolutely nothing against you. hopefully we can just agree to disagree on this issue, b/c i think we all come here to get support and give support, not to get into arguments (well that's why i come anyway).


New member
Thanks for clarifying. Agreeing to disagree works for me. I don't hold grudges unless you really deserve it (and kinds that big can only happen "in real life"). Hell, this isn't even a case for any kind of grudge. (Oh man that reminded me of the movie AHHHHH frightening!). You have your opinion, I have mine. They differ. The end. You're right, it would be entirely boring if everyone agreed with everyone else. So yeah, thanks for clarifying the issue, and I don't hold anything against you either. Have no reason to. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">