my boyfriend has cf


New member
Back to this initial thing with you Emily, I just think people should be allowed to post what questions they want and if you have a problem with it you should use the correct method of reporting it. That's why at the bottom of every post there is a 'report this to a moderator'. I think everyone would be well served if you went about it that way, instead of disrespecting someone for asking a question they really might have meant. It is not for you to decide what is a joke or not. And you could have approached it a different way responding by maybe stating, that it is genetic and cannot be passed by sex...but that if the post is a joke to please leave, and maybe you should have reported it to a moderator.

I apologize that this message has got off the inital topic by Danielsgirl, but I want people to feel like they can ask WHATEVER they want. Even if it's been posted before, even if they could find it by doing a little research. We are all heare for eachother, to help. NOT to tear eachother down. The person who posted the quesiton that started all of this, I guarantee you will not be back to visit this site again. Obviously if they have that little knowledge about CF they are VERY new to the issue and might feel intimidated. They shouldn't have to feel intimidated on this site.

And emily, by plow you over, I didn't mean anything other than I will report your rudeness to a moderator-but I feel a warning is warranted before you are blind sided by it. And I will report you if I feel that you are ever degrading someone again. If you are bored and want to respond to a post, at least give somebody something constructive to work with.



New member
You're right, I have no real way of knowing concretely whether it was a joke or not. However, I've been coming here for quite a while now, and I've seen that type of thing many times before. Typically, it's some kid being a jackass.

If someone is coming here posting that type of thing as a joke, why should I answer them honestly, and then tell them to "please" leave if they're just screwing around? I don't give people any more respect than is given to me. I don't see why I would. And if that person was really posting as a joke, that's certainly not respectful. I give respect if respect is given to me. It's a very simple concept.

Finally... In all honesty, I forgot the report the moderator option was there. And frankly, I doubt it'll do much, especially with anonymous posting, as they can't ban these people from posting again. But perhaps I'll try that next time.


New member
They can trace the IP address and ban them from visiting the site again (if they have those capabilities, and you never know unless you ask). I would appreciate it if you would try that method next time before tearing someone down. because in all honesty it might be a serious question from someone who doesn't know anything about the disease and is just starting their "research".

And if people come here posting what you think are jokes, why do you even waste your time responding to them? I realize you get frustrated by people joking around on this site, but you never know if they are serious. And you are right, this is a public post and people are entitled to post whatever they want. But that doesn't excuse you from being rude, and whether or not you think it is justified-it isn't appropriate.

You have Cf and have grown up with it, been able to learn about different aspects of it, what it involves, what it affects, you can talk to your doctor firsthand to get information. But there is not a lot of information and firsthand experience out there for those of us who care for CFers. Believe me, I know from personal experiences. For a girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse it is a brand new experience and they may have a lot of questions that you think are stupid, repetative, a joke, or whatever. But if you are going to bother to respond to them, you might as well give them something that will help them out. Otherwise you are doing a disservice to them and yourself. And if you feel that you are justified in being rude, for whatever reason, you have got a lot of growing up to do girl.

Please be mindful next time you think about posting something rude because you think someone is wasting your time or joking around. Instead, I suggest you report it to the moderator, before I report you.



New member
Okay I understand you're older than me by a whole year or so (if I remember correctly from other posts where you wrote your age as well as your husband's), but you have NO RIGHT to tell me I've got any growing up to do. You haven't the slightest. I won't even get back into this, because it has become extremely repetitive.

And I told you perhaps I'll try the moderator next time, so stop pushing the subject.


New member
i have cf and i try to remember that people don't always understand it but my god it's not like we have aids. it's a genetic disorder.


New member
Naturally, yes. But I've heard of many cases where CF men weren't able to have a child naturally, but could have their sperm extracted via IVF and in that case it worked. So if it won't happen the old fashioned way, get a sperm count and stuff on him. And maybe you can still have his biological children. Just may have to go about some different means to do it.


New member
I've been gone for a few days (internet access being set up in hospital room), and was surprised to see what has gone on on this thread. The fact is, fake posts are a problem on internwt groups of any kind, and like other people said, this website makes it fairly clear that CF is genetic. Anyone who comes on to the site finds that out. On the slight chance that the post was genuine, Emily answered the girls question. And if it wasn', it was a waste of time, and insulting to the people who actually post on here with problems, and a bit of rudeness was called for.


New member
If they already settled this issue several times now.... why does people have to keep coming back on to put their 2 cents in. It done and over with everyone involved already discussed their issue. Let it be already! Eva


New member
Emily, it's julie. Lets just call it quits on the issue. We both have a different opinion.

To the origional poster with the boyfriend with CF. My husband and I are going through MESA sperm retrieval method, and IVF with ICSI so if you want to talk to someone about it and ask lots of questions, email me at I would love to talk to you about our experience. All the posters have been right, males with CF have a 5% chance-or smaller, of having children NATURALLY. but that doesn't mean they can't be biological. Your first test would be to have him to a semen analysis. Most males with CF have not only no sperm, but an abnormally low amount of seminal fluid.

I found out at 17 that I might not be able to have children with the man I love, and he found out too because he had his firs semen analysis at 20. Back then I didn't know about all of these medical options that keep getting better. I have done my research, and am also a nurse, so like I said before, please feel free to send any quesitons to that email address.

Take care,


New member
julie i want to thank you for your support the question was not a joke it was for real i did do a little bit of reaserch and talked to a few people but i kept getting different views of the diease and i was directed to this site and told that i could get the right information and i did i want to apologize for any trouble that i have caused. thanks again


New member
If you want to talk to someone and have anymore questions, feel free to email me like I said before. I know it can be confusing for those of us who care for signifigant others with CF. I've been with my now husband who has CF for 5 years, and I have learned a lot in those years. So if you ever want to talk-I'm here.



New member
And you haven't caused a problem, its just differences of opinion. That's life. Don't hesitate to ask questions in the future!
