My boyfriend..

Hey my name is meagan and im 18 years old. I have Cf nd actually may need a lung transplant. Im currently in a relationship nd have been for 1yr & 8 months. My boyfriend knows i have CF & tries to help, he worries alot and really tries to make things easy for me. TO princess95 you need to tell your boyfriend you have it, b/c i was scared to tell mine and i was afraid to make him apart of my life cuz i actually felt wrong for making him deal with this, but he tells me all the time he loves me nd he never wants to loose me nd he does get scared but he stays strong to help me. TO ONELOVEx3 i know how u feel b/c i lost my brother to CF nd i know ur scared to open up to ur boyfriend but you need to it helps make ur relationship strong, also i know u wanna help him nd do as much as u can but its kinda hard i mean u just need to stay strong nd show him u'll b there and just let him know how much you care nd that u'll try nd help but really theres not much to do its not like a broken leg or sumthin nd im sure u know its serious. Also you say ur boyfriend is sick alot well i know that feeling, im always sick nd have been sick nd out of the hospital every monrh for about 2 yrs now my lungs r shot nd im going to a special clinic in ATLANTA GEORGIA to see bout a transplant. I know it scary and you worry nd that fine but you need to stay strong nd always be open with ur boyfriend let him know things scare you or when you worry but also let him know u'll b there nd ur not gonna back dwn.

Any more questions just ask

Meagan aka May*May


New member
hey i know its hard because your 15 and can't drive, but i always like it when people come and visit me at my house <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> just for a couple min. cards are nice <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> just the small things that you can do sometimes meen the most. especially being there when he just needs to vent. us cfers like to ven t<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hey i know its hard because your 15 and can't drive, but i always like it when people come and visit me at my house <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> just for a couple min. cards are nice <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> just the small things that you can do sometimes meen the most. especially being there when he just needs to vent. us cfers like to ven t<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hey i know its hard because your 15 and can't drive, but i always like it when people come and visit me at my house <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> just for a couple min. cards are nice <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> just the small things that you can do sometimes meen the most. especially being there when he just needs to vent. us cfers like to ven t<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I think its really stupid to not tell your boyfriend or girlfriend that you have CF. You need to be open about things and have an honest relationship. Explain everything so they can learn about it and not wonder why you cough alot or something. It would be way worse for ur BF or GF to find out 1 year into the relationship that you have this disease.


New member
I think its really stupid to not tell your boyfriend or girlfriend that you have CF. You need to be open about things and have an honest relationship. Explain everything so they can learn about it and not wonder why you cough alot or something. It would be way worse for ur BF or GF to find out 1 year into the relationship that you have this disease.


New member
I think its really stupid to not tell your boyfriend or girlfriend that you have CF. You need to be open about things and have an honest relationship. Explain everything so they can learn about it and not wonder why you cough alot or something. It would be way worse for ur BF or GF to find out 1 year into the relationship that you have this disease.


New member
Wow - there are so many things I want to reply to on this thread.

I will start with the original post by ONELOVEx3.

I am going to say this and I don't want to be mean but truly and honestly try to get rid of the mentality that he is a CF sufferer. I know what you mean in some respects, but if you see him as a sufferer it could ultimately affect his attitude which could in turn subconsciously affect his health. I hated when I was in high school people treating me as though I was a decrepid helpless person because I had CF. I wasn't THAT sick at the time - so that may be part of it, but still I was sick enough - in the hospital about 1-2 times a year and sick with other head colds off and on, also I was diagnosed with CF related diabetes.

As for worrying - that is normal. I think it is good to show concern, but I would try to gauge what he needs. If HE is a worrier then I would try not to talk about it too much. I say that because I am a HUGE worrier when it comes to my health and my fiance and I tend to not talk about things unless I bring them up. It helps me to forget about things or not think about them and when I do bring it up he will tell me his concerns, but it is when I AM ready. I hope that makes sense.

I don't see why telling him you had a friend pass from CF would be a bad thing. Pretty much every CFer knows the possibilities of what COULD happen with CF, so it is most likely not going to surprise him. What may surprise him is that you knew someone else with CF though. Alot of people are not aware of CF.

Being Sick - I get bored when I am sick and housebound or hospital bound. I feel like a waste of space cause I can't really do anything and I feel like a burden, like no one would want to hang out with me cause I can't do anything and am strapped to meds. For ME the best thing my family, fiance and friends do for me when I am sick is to just do ANYTHING with me. To come visit with me and be okay with not doing anything but watching a movie or watching TV. Just knowing that regardless of your ability at the time that someone wants to be with you is nice sometimes. Also if he is able to have sweets or treats sometimes those make you feel better too.

In regards to what to do about telling your boyfriend. I would tell him. I COMPLETELY understand not wanting too or being afraid too - I didn't tell my first boyfriend I had CF - EVER - and we were together for almost a year. He knew and I knew that he knew, but I never came out and told him. He told me after we broke up that he would have really appreciated me telling him and that I should consider telling me boyfriends in the future. I will say though he was a jerk - that is one piece of advice I took to heart and I HAVE told each of my boyfriends since. I have had relationships end over CF related issues, but NONE of them ended when I told the guy I had CF and what it was. I typically would tell them within the first few weeks of dating if not before we ever started dating and each relationship lasted a year or more.

It is a hard thing to do, but if you don't feel you can trust him with that information you should reconsider why you are with him in the first place. I say that from experience. I was terrified to be honest with one of my boyfriends about my health because I thought if he found out EVERYTHING he would leave me. I look back at that now and think MAN I should have just told him about EVERYTHING not just that I had CF - it could have saved me a year of dating lol. That lack of trust is not good to have in a relationship.

Well I will shut my mouth now I hope that was helpful to someone.

Happy New Year,


New member
Wow - there are so many things I want to reply to on this thread.

I will start with the original post by ONELOVEx3.

I am going to say this and I don't want to be mean but truly and honestly try to get rid of the mentality that he is a CF sufferer. I know what you mean in some respects, but if you see him as a sufferer it could ultimately affect his attitude which could in turn subconsciously affect his health. I hated when I was in high school people treating me as though I was a decrepid helpless person because I had CF. I wasn't THAT sick at the time - so that may be part of it, but still I was sick enough - in the hospital about 1-2 times a year and sick with other head colds off and on, also I was diagnosed with CF related diabetes.

As for worrying - that is normal. I think it is good to show concern, but I would try to gauge what he needs. If HE is a worrier then I would try not to talk about it too much. I say that because I am a HUGE worrier when it comes to my health and my fiance and I tend to not talk about things unless I bring them up. It helps me to forget about things or not think about them and when I do bring it up he will tell me his concerns, but it is when I AM ready. I hope that makes sense.

I don't see why telling him you had a friend pass from CF would be a bad thing. Pretty much every CFer knows the possibilities of what COULD happen with CF, so it is most likely not going to surprise him. What may surprise him is that you knew someone else with CF though. Alot of people are not aware of CF.

Being Sick - I get bored when I am sick and housebound or hospital bound. I feel like a waste of space cause I can't really do anything and I feel like a burden, like no one would want to hang out with me cause I can't do anything and am strapped to meds. For ME the best thing my family, fiance and friends do for me when I am sick is to just do ANYTHING with me. To come visit with me and be okay with not doing anything but watching a movie or watching TV. Just knowing that regardless of your ability at the time that someone wants to be with you is nice sometimes. Also if he is able to have sweets or treats sometimes those make you feel better too.

In regards to what to do about telling your boyfriend. I would tell him. I COMPLETELY understand not wanting too or being afraid too - I didn't tell my first boyfriend I had CF - EVER - and we were together for almost a year. He knew and I knew that he knew, but I never came out and told him. He told me after we broke up that he would have really appreciated me telling him and that I should consider telling me boyfriends in the future. I will say though he was a jerk - that is one piece of advice I took to heart and I HAVE told each of my boyfriends since. I have had relationships end over CF related issues, but NONE of them ended when I told the guy I had CF and what it was. I typically would tell them within the first few weeks of dating if not before we ever started dating and each relationship lasted a year or more.

It is a hard thing to do, but if you don't feel you can trust him with that information you should reconsider why you are with him in the first place. I say that from experience. I was terrified to be honest with one of my boyfriends about my health because I thought if he found out EVERYTHING he would leave me. I look back at that now and think MAN I should have just told him about EVERYTHING not just that I had CF - it could have saved me a year of dating lol. That lack of trust is not good to have in a relationship.

Well I will shut my mouth now I hope that was helpful to someone.

Happy New Year,


New member
Wow - there are so many things I want to reply to on this thread.

I will start with the original post by ONELOVEx3.

I am going to say this and I don't want to be mean but truly and honestly try to get rid of the mentality that he is a CF sufferer. I know what you mean in some respects, but if you see him as a sufferer it could ultimately affect his attitude which could in turn subconsciously affect his health. I hated when I was in high school people treating me as though I was a decrepid helpless person because I had CF. I wasn't THAT sick at the time - so that may be part of it, but still I was sick enough - in the hospital about 1-2 times a year and sick with other head colds off and on, also I was diagnosed with CF related diabetes.

As for worrying - that is normal. I think it is good to show concern, but I would try to gauge what he needs. If HE is a worrier then I would try not to talk about it too much. I say that because I am a HUGE worrier when it comes to my health and my fiance and I tend to not talk about things unless I bring them up. It helps me to forget about things or not think about them and when I do bring it up he will tell me his concerns, but it is when I AM ready. I hope that makes sense.

I don't see why telling him you had a friend pass from CF would be a bad thing. Pretty much every CFer knows the possibilities of what COULD happen with CF, so it is most likely not going to surprise him. What may surprise him is that you knew someone else with CF though. Alot of people are not aware of CF.

Being Sick - I get bored when I am sick and housebound or hospital bound. I feel like a waste of space cause I can't really do anything and I feel like a burden, like no one would want to hang out with me cause I can't do anything and am strapped to meds. For ME the best thing my family, fiance and friends do for me when I am sick is to just do ANYTHING with me. To come visit with me and be okay with not doing anything but watching a movie or watching TV. Just knowing that regardless of your ability at the time that someone wants to be with you is nice sometimes. Also if he is able to have sweets or treats sometimes those make you feel better too.

In regards to what to do about telling your boyfriend. I would tell him. I COMPLETELY understand not wanting too or being afraid too - I didn't tell my first boyfriend I had CF - EVER - and we were together for almost a year. He knew and I knew that he knew, but I never came out and told him. He told me after we broke up that he would have really appreciated me telling him and that I should consider telling me boyfriends in the future. I will say though he was a jerk - that is one piece of advice I took to heart and I HAVE told each of my boyfriends since. I have had relationships end over CF related issues, but NONE of them ended when I told the guy I had CF and what it was. I typically would tell them within the first few weeks of dating if not before we ever started dating and each relationship lasted a year or more.

It is a hard thing to do, but if you don't feel you can trust him with that information you should reconsider why you are with him in the first place. I say that from experience. I was terrified to be honest with one of my boyfriends about my health because I thought if he found out EVERYTHING he would leave me. I look back at that now and think MAN I should have just told him about EVERYTHING not just that I had CF - it could have saved me a year of dating lol. That lack of trust is not good to have in a relationship.

Well I will shut my mouth now I hope that was helpful to someone.

Happy New Year,


New member
my name is brianne and i am 15. i was diagnosed with cf when i was about 3 months old. i think for your boyfriend to tell you about his cf is a huge step because i am always to scared of how people will react to tell them. i think he will understand how seeing him sick is hard if you tell him about your friend dieing. and when he is sick call him ot go over to his house. because usley you cant catch what ever infection a cf person has. just talk to him and be open. message me if you need more help!



New member
my name is brianne and i am 15. i was diagnosed with cf when i was about 3 months old. i think for your boyfriend to tell you about his cf is a huge step because i am always to scared of how people will react to tell them. i think he will understand how seeing him sick is hard if you tell him about your friend dieing. and when he is sick call him ot go over to his house. because usley you cant catch what ever infection a cf person has. just talk to him and be open. message me if you need more help!



New member
my name is brianne and i am 15. i was diagnosed with cf when i was about 3 months old. i think for your boyfriend to tell you about his cf is a huge step because i am always to scared of how people will react to tell them. i think he will understand how seeing him sick is hard if you tell him about your friend dieing. and when he is sick call him ot go over to his house. because usley you cant catch what ever infection a cf person has. just talk to him and be open. message me if you need more help!



New member
I have a lovely new boyfriend who did not actually know I had cf but we became great friends. I told him I had cf and this did not seem to put him off. He says cf has made me the person I am today, but I am a little apprehensive about everything and getting involved with him as I feel guilty. Mainly as he is wasting his time with me when he could be getting to know someone else who can give him love and time and continuing doing this long after I am gone. Does anyone else think like this?


New member
I have a lovely new boyfriend who did not actually know I had cf but we became great friends. I told him I had cf and this did not seem to put him off. He says cf has made me the person I am today, but I am a little apprehensive about everything and getting involved with him as I feel guilty. Mainly as he is wasting his time with me when he could be getting to know someone else who can give him love and time and continuing doing this long after I am gone. Does anyone else think like this?


New member
I have a lovely new boyfriend who did not actually know I had cf but we became great friends. I told him I had cf and this did not seem to put him off. He says cf has made me the person I am today, but I am a little apprehensive about everything and getting involved with him as I feel guilty. Mainly as he is wasting his time with me when he could be getting to know someone else who can give him love and time and continuing doing this long after I am gone. Does anyone else think like this?