My boyfriend..


New member
Hello Everyone,

Im sort've new here and I am not a CF sufferer. I am fifteen, and started dating someone with CF about a month ago. I found out my boyfriend had CF before I dated him, and that didnt stop me. I like him a lot -- he is really wonderful and nothing could stop me from liking him esp not him being sick.

Two things I need help with --
First off, a long time ago when I was about seven or eight my best friend had cystic fibrosis but she died young. I was little so I didnt understand but now being older I do. Sometimes when I think about my boyfriend having CF my thoughts trace back to my best friend that I lost and it makes me so sad. Her reasons for passing were unfountant but she did and I keep thinking about loosing another person I love and it scares me. Whenever I hear my bf cough I feel horrible. I want to help him, hold him, make him better. But I cant, and Im worried. Should I share this with him? Should I mention I lost my friend to this? I feel like saying that would make things unpostive... would it be a bad move?

and, im sure like a lot of you know--
My boyfriend is sick a lot; is there any way you think would be good to help him out? I mention I miss him when I dont see him in school but I feel bad, and I want to do more. When you guys are feeling like crap and forced to sit around all day what do you really think would make you feel better?

Thanks for the help, Im glad I found this place.



New member
Hello Everyone,

Im sort've new here and I am not a CF sufferer. I am fifteen, and started dating someone with CF about a month ago. I found out my boyfriend had CF before I dated him, and that didnt stop me. I like him a lot -- he is really wonderful and nothing could stop me from liking him esp not him being sick.

Two things I need help with --
First off, a long time ago when I was about seven or eight my best friend had cystic fibrosis but she died young. I was little so I didnt understand but now being older I do. Sometimes when I think about my boyfriend having CF my thoughts trace back to my best friend that I lost and it makes me so sad. Her reasons for passing were unfountant but she did and I keep thinking about loosing another person I love and it scares me. Whenever I hear my bf cough I feel horrible. I want to help him, hold him, make him better. But I cant, and Im worried. Should I share this with him? Should I mention I lost my friend to this? I feel like saying that would make things unpostive... would it be a bad move?

and, im sure like a lot of you know--
My boyfriend is sick a lot; is there any way you think would be good to help him out? I mention I miss him when I dont see him in school but I feel bad, and I want to do more. When you guys are feeling like crap and forced to sit around all day what do you really think would make you feel better?

Thanks for the help, Im glad I found this place.



New member
Hello Everyone,

Im sort've new here and I am not a CF sufferer. I am fifteen, and started dating someone with CF about a month ago. I found out my boyfriend had CF before I dated him, and that didnt stop me. I like him a lot -- he is really wonderful and nothing could stop me from liking him esp not him being sick.

Two things I need help with --
First off, a long time ago when I was about seven or eight my best friend had cystic fibrosis but she died young. I was little so I didnt understand but now being older I do. Sometimes when I think about my boyfriend having CF my thoughts trace back to my best friend that I lost and it makes me so sad. Her reasons for passing were unfountant but she did and I keep thinking about loosing another person I love and it scares me. Whenever I hear my bf cough I feel horrible. I want to help him, hold him, make him better. But I cant, and Im worried. Should I share this with him? Should I mention I lost my friend to this? I feel like saying that would make things unpostive... would it be a bad move?

and, im sure like a lot of you know--
My boyfriend is sick a lot; is there any way you think would be good to help him out? I mention I miss him when I dont see him in school but I feel bad, and I want to do more. When you guys are feeling like crap and forced to sit around all day what do you really think would make you feel better?

Thanks for the help, Im glad I found this place.



New member
You know I think you should tell him it might not be easy, but you should be open with him. When I'm sick I hate it I have to do my treatments. I sometimes wonder if it is hard on my family when I'am sick and with this disease. I thank god that my parents didn't give me up when they found out that I had this disease. I really hope he gets better. One thing I can say is be there for him show your support and good luck.

CF Buddy Christina


New member
You know I think you should tell him it might not be easy, but you should be open with him. When I'm sick I hate it I have to do my treatments. I sometimes wonder if it is hard on my family when I'am sick and with this disease. I thank god that my parents didn't give me up when they found out that I had this disease. I really hope he gets better. One thing I can say is be there for him show your support and good luck.

CF Buddy Christina


New member
You know I think you should tell him it might not be easy, but you should be open with him. When I'm sick I hate it I have to do my treatments. I sometimes wonder if it is hard on my family when I'am sick and with this disease. I thank god that my parents didn't give me up when they found out that I had this disease. I really hope he gets better. One thing I can say is be there for him show your support and good luck.

CF Buddy Christina


New member

Uhm... if i was you i wouldnt worry too much. As im sure you know, there are several different "levels" of CF and the affects vary as well...

I have CF, i found out when i was 8... my brother wasn't as lucky and he actually sufferered quite a bit.

I didn't tell my boyfriend that i had CF until about a year into our relationship and this was ONLY because i DIDNT want to scare him as he saw my brother in and out of the hospital... i am a completely differnet case and i am VERY healthy and VERY lucky

What i would suggest to you... is NOT to worry... i dont know your boyfriend and i dont know how sick he is... and i REALLY hope that he doesnt smoke... many things trigger CF patients to cough...

As for your friend passing away, i dont think that this would bother your boyfriend (depending on his age) ... if he's healthy then he is healthy... There are actually many people with CF (such as myself) who could have lived their entire lives without knowing and still live to be 100!

And when IM SICK... (such as right now) and im sitting at home... all that im thinking is "GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY LUUUNNNGGGGSSS"

You know what hun, he has a loving girlfriend... don't worry... just ENJOY your time with him!!


New member

Uhm... if i was you i wouldnt worry too much. As im sure you know, there are several different "levels" of CF and the affects vary as well...

I have CF, i found out when i was 8... my brother wasn't as lucky and he actually sufferered quite a bit.

I didn't tell my boyfriend that i had CF until about a year into our relationship and this was ONLY because i DIDNT want to scare him as he saw my brother in and out of the hospital... i am a completely differnet case and i am VERY healthy and VERY lucky

What i would suggest to you... is NOT to worry... i dont know your boyfriend and i dont know how sick he is... and i REALLY hope that he doesnt smoke... many things trigger CF patients to cough...

As for your friend passing away, i dont think that this would bother your boyfriend (depending on his age) ... if he's healthy then he is healthy... There are actually many people with CF (such as myself) who could have lived their entire lives without knowing and still live to be 100!

And when IM SICK... (such as right now) and im sitting at home... all that im thinking is "GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY LUUUNNNGGGGSSS"

You know what hun, he has a loving girlfriend... don't worry... just ENJOY your time with him!!


New member

Uhm... if i was you i wouldnt worry too much. As im sure you know, there are several different "levels" of CF and the affects vary as well...

I have CF, i found out when i was 8... my brother wasn't as lucky and he actually sufferered quite a bit.

I didn't tell my boyfriend that i had CF until about a year into our relationship and this was ONLY because i DIDNT want to scare him as he saw my brother in and out of the hospital... i am a completely differnet case and i am VERY healthy and VERY lucky

What i would suggest to you... is NOT to worry... i dont know your boyfriend and i dont know how sick he is... and i REALLY hope that he doesnt smoke... many things trigger CF patients to cough...

As for your friend passing away, i dont think that this would bother your boyfriend (depending on his age) ... if he's healthy then he is healthy... There are actually many people with CF (such as myself) who could have lived their entire lives without knowing and still live to be 100!

And when IM SICK... (such as right now) and im sitting at home... all that im thinking is "GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY LUUUNNNGGGGSSS"

You know what hun, he has a loving girlfriend... don't worry... just ENJOY your time with him!!
Hey my name is meagan and im 18 years old. I have Cf nd actually may need a lung transplant. Im currently in a relationship nd have been for 1yr & 8 months. My boyfriend knows i have CF & tries to help, he worries alot and really tries to make things easy for me. TO princess95 you need to tell your boyfriend you have it, b/c i was scared to tell mine and i was afraid to make him apart of my life cuz i actually felt wrong for making him deal with this, but he tells me all the time he loves me nd he never wants to loose me nd he does get scared but he stays strong to help me. TO ONELOVEx3 i know how u feel b/c i lost my brother to CF nd i know ur scared to open up to ur boyfriend but you need to it helps make ur relationship strong, also i know u wanna help him nd do as much as u can but its kinda hard i mean u just need to stay strong nd show him u'll b there and just let him know how much you care nd that u'll try nd help but really theres not much to do its not like a broken leg or sumthin nd im sure u know its serious. Also you say ur boyfriend is sick alot well i know that feeling, im always sick nd have been sick nd out of the hospital every monrh for about 2 yrs now my lungs r shot nd im going to a special clinic in ATLANTA GEORGIA to see bout a transplant. I know it scary and you worry nd that fine but you need to stay strong nd always be open with ur boyfriend let him know things scare you or when you worry but also let him know u'll b there nd ur not gonna back dwn.

Any more questions just ask

Meagan aka May*May
Hey my name is meagan and im 18 years old. I have Cf nd actually may need a lung transplant. Im currently in a relationship nd have been for 1yr & 8 months. My boyfriend knows i have CF & tries to help, he worries alot and really tries to make things easy for me. TO princess95 you need to tell your boyfriend you have it, b/c i was scared to tell mine and i was afraid to make him apart of my life cuz i actually felt wrong for making him deal with this, but he tells me all the time he loves me nd he never wants to loose me nd he does get scared but he stays strong to help me. TO ONELOVEx3 i know how u feel b/c i lost my brother to CF nd i know ur scared to open up to ur boyfriend but you need to it helps make ur relationship strong, also i know u wanna help him nd do as much as u can but its kinda hard i mean u just need to stay strong nd show him u'll b there and just let him know how much you care nd that u'll try nd help but really theres not much to do its not like a broken leg or sumthin nd im sure u know its serious. Also you say ur boyfriend is sick alot well i know that feeling, im always sick nd have been sick nd out of the hospital every monrh for about 2 yrs now my lungs r shot nd im going to a special clinic in ATLANTA GEORGIA to see bout a transplant. I know it scary and you worry nd that fine but you need to stay strong nd always be open with ur boyfriend let him know things scare you or when you worry but also let him know u'll b there nd ur not gonna back dwn.

Any more questions just ask

Meagan aka May*May