You're very welcome! I have always believed that education is the best method for prevention/protection. Now that I'm older, I feel it's only right to share my experiences with those that could benefit.
I have always been open perhaps too open, but I don't want to leave any questions or doubts behind.
My own family didn't even understand just how invasive MRSA can actually be since I have been doing so well with it. Most times, I felt that they thought I was nuts. However when Jess landed in the hospital this past January, they got a rude awakening. My Mom happened to mention to my sister's nurse that I had MRSA, and the nurse nearly flipped. That was the FIRST thing they checked Jess for. Thankfully, she is still negative after me being affected for the past 5 years.
It's not too hard to prevent spreading, really. When we are together, it is USUALLY a mutual place like a restraunt or outside event. We don't wear masks but maintain a 3-foot rule. I USUALLY hug her goodbye but make sure my head is turned far away from her. My hands are consistently being washed or drowned with Purell. If either of us are sick or just not feeling 'right', we don't do anything. It's really not that hard.
Now, our contact is strictly by telephone because of her recent ups and downs. Even still, it will remain by telephone only someday.