My heart broke this afternoon...


New member

Like many others mentioned... the vest will definitely help! Our daughter is now 2 and a half and she got her vest at 14 months! It was such a blessing and lifesaver. We started nebs and CPT at 4 months with her, so she really has always done well. It's just part of life, and she knows the routine. She just recently started putting on her vest, buckling it, and starting it, along with her neb machine all by herself. She actually gets upset with me if I do any of it for her (she is quite independent... which will probably be great in the long run!) But she has taken ownership of her treatments which is a very good thing. We also always do a video at treatment time, and that's usually about the only time my kids watch videos, so it is a special and fun time for both of them (we also have a 4 year old w/o CF). I do symathize with you, as treatments do take up a big part of our day. I have also cried over it (more than once). I wish it wasn't something we had to do a couple of times, everyday, but my husband and I are also VERY thankful that it is something we can do everyday to help her live hopefully a longer and healthier life! So try to stay positive and remember that it will get easier as she becomes more acustom to it! Take care!



New member

Like many others mentioned... the vest will definitely help! Our daughter is now 2 and a half and she got her vest at 14 months! It was such a blessing and lifesaver. We started nebs and CPT at 4 months with her, so she really has always done well. It's just part of life, and she knows the routine. She just recently started putting on her vest, buckling it, and starting it, along with her neb machine all by herself. She actually gets upset with me if I do any of it for her (she is quite independent... which will probably be great in the long run!) But she has taken ownership of her treatments which is a very good thing. We also always do a video at treatment time, and that's usually about the only time my kids watch videos, so it is a special and fun time for both of them (we also have a 4 year old w/o CF). I do symathize with you, as treatments do take up a big part of our day. I have also cried over it (more than once). I wish it wasn't something we had to do a couple of times, everyday, but my husband and I are also VERY thankful that it is something we can do everyday to help her live hopefully a longer and healthier life! So try to stay positive and remember that it will get easier as she becomes more acustom to it! Take care!



New member

Like many others mentioned... the vest will definitely help! Our daughter is now 2 and a half and she got her vest at 14 months! It was such a blessing and lifesaver. We started nebs and CPT at 4 months with her, so she really has always done well. It's just part of life, and she knows the routine. She just recently started putting on her vest, buckling it, and starting it, along with her neb machine all by herself. She actually gets upset with me if I do any of it for her (she is quite independent... which will probably be great in the long run!) But she has taken ownership of her treatments which is a very good thing. We also always do a video at treatment time, and that's usually about the only time my kids watch videos, so it is a special and fun time for both of them (we also have a 4 year old w/o CF). I do symathize with you, as treatments do take up a big part of our day. I have also cried over it (more than once). I wish it wasn't something we had to do a couple of times, everyday, but my husband and I are also VERY thankful that it is something we can do everyday to help her live hopefully a longer and healthier life! So try to stay positive and remember that it will get easier as she becomes more acustom to it! Take care!



New member

Like many others mentioned... the vest will definitely help! Our daughter is now 2 and a half and she got her vest at 14 months! It was such a blessing and lifesaver. We started nebs and CPT at 4 months with her, so she really has always done well. It's just part of life, and she knows the routine. She just recently started putting on her vest, buckling it, and starting it, along with her neb machine all by herself. She actually gets upset with me if I do any of it for her (she is quite independent... which will probably be great in the long run!) But she has taken ownership of her treatments which is a very good thing. We also always do a video at treatment time, and that's usually about the only time my kids watch videos, so it is a special and fun time for both of them (we also have a 4 year old w/o CF). I do symathize with you, as treatments do take up a big part of our day. I have also cried over it (more than once). I wish it wasn't something we had to do a couple of times, everyday, but my husband and I are also VERY thankful that it is something we can do everyday to help her live hopefully a longer and healthier life! So try to stay positive and remember that it will get easier as she becomes more acustom to it! Take care!



New member

Like many others mentioned... the vest will definitely help! Our daughter is now 2 and a half and she got her vest at 14 months! It was such a blessing and lifesaver. We started nebs and CPT at 4 months with her, so she really has always done well. It's just part of life, and she knows the routine. She just recently started putting on her vest, buckling it, and starting it, along with her neb machine all by herself. She actually gets upset with me if I do any of it for her (she is quite independent... which will probably be great in the long run!) But she has taken ownership of her treatments which is a very good thing. We also always do a video at treatment time, and that's usually about the only time my kids watch videos, so it is a special and fun time for both of them (we also have a 4 year old w/o CF). I do symathize with you, as treatments do take up a big part of our day. I have also cried over it (more than once). I wish it wasn't something we had to do a couple of times, everyday, but my husband and I are also VERY thankful that it is something we can do everyday to help her live hopefully a longer and healthier life! So try to stay positive and remember that it will get easier as she becomes more acustom to it! Take care!



New member
We are going to look at getting "The Vest" when my dear hubby takes Abby back to her clinic visit. Holding my breath that it won't be a problem getting it before our insurance switches over.

Thanks for all of your ideas and support!



New member
We are going to look at getting "The Vest" when my dear hubby takes Abby back to her clinic visit. Holding my breath that it won't be a problem getting it before our insurance switches over.

Thanks for all of your ideas and support!



New member
We are going to look at getting "The Vest" when my dear hubby takes Abby back to her clinic visit. Holding my breath that it won't be a problem getting it before our insurance switches over.

Thanks for all of your ideas and support!



New member
We are going to look at getting "The Vest" when my dear hubby takes Abby back to her clinic visit. Holding my breath that it won't be a problem getting it before our insurance switches over.

Thanks for all of your ideas and support!



New member
We are going to look at getting "The Vest" when my dear hubby takes Abby back to her clinic visit. Holding my breath that it won't be a problem getting it before our insurance switches over.

Thanks for all of your ideas and support!
