Well take this for all its worth , but when i get in the position you are in, i take extra vitamin c, drink a lot of extra fluids, and try to eat more to help fight off whatever's going on. It might also be a good idea to try to get as much exercise in as you can, even if you have to "sneak" it in, like going to a large store and walking every aisle. Parking the car further away so you have to walk further, taking stairs instead of elevators. And of coarse doing your best to avoid anyone with a cold of any sort. Now for the nighttime coughing, im not sure what you can do about that to avoid it, but i always leave something to drink next to where i sleep with a cough drop next to it if i am having a lot of coughing. I also use "Vicks Vaporub" and it does seem to help . These are very small suggestions that wont cure you of your symptoms, but may help you get thru what you are going thru till your next round of iv's. I hope the Cipro works for you, im not a fan of iv's either, but when you need 'em, its best to get 'em before things get too bad. ( i've learned that the hard way myself) Hope you feel better soon <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">