My PFT's are down... any advice?


New member
Could you arrange for someone to clap you instead of using the vest?

And if you have pleuresy-maybe is that why you are having problems right now?-If your pleuresy isn't under control? I mean how can you get mucus out if you can't do airway clearance?! It seems like a vicious cycle.
it is a vicious cycle. The pleurisy is really hard to manage, it takes forever to go away. It had gone away after a long time, but now (two months after my iv course ended) my chest is hurting really badly today. That makes cpt, impossible, and right now it even makes the vest impossible. Even the percocet isn't making the pain go away. Breathing is hard... I'm pretty miserable. I dread each and every cough. I'm just trying to hang in there, til tommorow then i'm gonna call the doc. Unless it gets completely unbearable.
it is a vicious cycle. The pleurisy is really hard to manage, it takes forever to go away. It had gone away after a long time, but now (two months after my iv course ended) my chest is hurting really badly today. That makes cpt, impossible, and right now it even makes the vest impossible. Even the percocet isn't making the pain go away. Breathing is hard... I'm pretty miserable. I dread each and every cough. I'm just trying to hang in there, til tommorow then i'm gonna call the doc. Unless it gets completely unbearable.
it is a vicious cycle. The pleurisy is really hard to manage, it takes forever to go away. It had gone away after a long time, but now (two months after my iv course ended) my chest is hurting really badly today. That makes cpt, impossible, and right now it even makes the vest impossible. Even the percocet isn't making the pain go away. Breathing is hard... I'm pretty miserable. I dread each and every cough. I'm just trying to hang in there, til tommorow then i'm gonna call the doc. Unless it gets completely unbearable.


New member
Hi! It's Christmas afternoon and everyone else is taking a nap or otherwise resting, so I thought I'd check up on some of the cfers. I'm sorry to hear you're still not doing better. One thing that has helped me with the pain when I 've had pleurisy is a heating pad or some other form of warmth (my husband, the nurse, warms up wet washcloths in the microwave then puts them in ziplock bags and I put them on the sore areas. For me, it works great. He says they do this in the hospital all the time). You might want to at least do some postural drainage and let gravity pull some of the mucus closer to the large airways by laying over a few stacked up pillows for about 5 minutes in each position, since you can't tolerate the vest right now. I just feel bad for you. At least tomorrow you'll be able to call the doctor. Hang in there!


New member
Hi! It's Christmas afternoon and everyone else is taking a nap or otherwise resting, so I thought I'd check up on some of the cfers. I'm sorry to hear you're still not doing better. One thing that has helped me with the pain when I 've had pleurisy is a heating pad or some other form of warmth (my husband, the nurse, warms up wet washcloths in the microwave then puts them in ziplock bags and I put them on the sore areas. For me, it works great. He says they do this in the hospital all the time). You might want to at least do some postural drainage and let gravity pull some of the mucus closer to the large airways by laying over a few stacked up pillows for about 5 minutes in each position, since you can't tolerate the vest right now. I just feel bad for you. At least tomorrow you'll be able to call the doctor. Hang in there!


New member
Hi! It's Christmas afternoon and everyone else is taking a nap or otherwise resting, so I thought I'd check up on some of the cfers. I'm sorry to hear you're still not doing better. One thing that has helped me with the pain when I 've had pleurisy is a heating pad or some other form of warmth (my husband, the nurse, warms up wet washcloths in the microwave then puts them in ziplock bags and I put them on the sore areas. For me, it works great. He says they do this in the hospital all the time). You might want to at least do some postural drainage and let gravity pull some of the mucus closer to the large airways by laying over a few stacked up pillows for about 5 minutes in each position, since you can't tolerate the vest right now. I just feel bad for you. At least tomorrow you'll be able to call the doctor. Hang in there!