Thank you for asking this question! My 1yo got these bugs just recently. We had flown down to our capital city some 2500kms away to have a broncoscopy and a CT scan to look into some other issues (really, really fast breather), he sounded all great in the lungs before the procedure as the docs all commented. However, they found his lungs were a mess with gunk. The tested and came back with those 2 bugs, because we had flown down we were hospitalised and isolated whilst they checked what bugs they were and then kept us for a 12 day stay and then sent home on antibiotics for a further 6 weeks. 3 weeks to go on the stuff - i hate it as it makes him suseptable to getting sunburnt easily. My other boy who is 8.5 and has CF as well has never got that Hemo Influ one. So again thanks for asking the question and thanks to those who respond