My teeth are gross...


New member
oh, -on another note,- there have been some studies done on lung health and oral health, and quite interesting, the better oral health is, the lower risk of lug infection/ pneumonia, !

Dentists say the number #1 is flossing and only 20% of americans floss daily !!


New member
oh, -on another note,- there have been some studies done on lung health and oral health, and quite interesting, the better oral health is, the lower risk of lug infection/ pneumonia, !

Dentists say the number #1 is flossing and only 20% of americans floss daily !!


New member
I used to have the same problem, and being a teenage girl i was always very upset about it. Looks are important to me. I was getting so sick of nothing working that i talked to my dentist. He suggested crowns, caps over my teeth, and other things, but they were all expensive and inconvenient. I tried bleaching trays and that didn't even help. Eventually, about 2 years ago, my dentist called one day and said he wanted to experiment and try a new treatment on my teeth. Since this was an experiment, i got to do it for free. What he did was grind off a bit of my teeth(like using a sander) and applied a new paste called MIPaste. I was also instructed to use it regularly as toothpaste. It is supposed to help people with bad coffee stains, and it worked miracles on my teeth. YOu can't even notice the discolored spots anymore. Talk to your dentist about this. It is great.


New member
You can buy Xylitol packets and take about 2-3 per day just dump into your mouth and let your saliva break it down keep it there for 3-5min each time. I will help kill thrush (Candidiasis) as well as strengthen your teeth, it also helps with the bathroom for those that find themselves backed up. Xylitol is birch tree bark extract, sweet like sugar and safe for CFRD as well. $60 worth will last you a year.... this is also the same Xylitol approved by the ADA and that is in most gum, tooth pastes and some mouth washes.


Thanks for all the suggestions. I was able to get my teeth back to 'semi-normal'-ness by rinsing with hydrogen peroxide and then scrubbing with some baking soda.

CysticlyFit - Count me in as one of the 20% who flosses daily. No matter how long I brush my teeth they aren't "clean" unless I've flossed. Sometimes before I run out the door I choose to floss instead of brush.

Incomudrox- I'd have to do more research about the Xylitol packet before starting something like that. But if they get worse again, I might look into it.


New member
Xylitol is like sugar in every way except it has 75% less sugar and is not taken up with insulin so people who are insulin dependent need not worry. It is very safe if that's your main concern... A while back I did research and there is actually proof that it can heal cracks in teeth and get rid of those ridges in teeth as well. Google it you'd be very shocked.


New member
My dd teeth are bad she is only 6o. She has holes in her teeth from enamel defect. Her two front teeth are broke. Everything she eats sticks to her teeth like she has glue on them.