neb equipment


New member
I have 16 nebs. Sounds like a lot but I don't want to be washing every night since I do the hydrogen peroxide sterizing - could get pricey - wash twice a week approx. I write the date that I start them since they are only good for 6 mo. (Pari LC Plus) then on the one's I use for Pulmozyme I write P 02/06 with Sharpie and then I know it is a Pulmozyme neb and started in Feb. '06. Works for me. Those that wash every night - how do you ensure a dry neb the next day? I find my nebs take 48 hrs. at least to be completely dry. Oh and I've tried putting them in a warm oven to dry them before use and I wouldn't suggest this <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I guess Polypropylene has a low melting point...


New member
I have 16 nebs. Sounds like a lot but I don't want to be washing every night since I do the hydrogen peroxide sterizing - could get pricey - wash twice a week approx. I write the date that I start them since they are only good for 6 mo. (Pari LC Plus) then on the one's I use for Pulmozyme I write P 02/06 with Sharpie and then I know it is a Pulmozyme neb and started in Feb. '06. Works for me. Those that wash every night - how do you ensure a dry neb the next day? I find my nebs take 48 hrs. at least to be completely dry. Oh and I've tried putting them in a warm oven to dry them before use and I wouldn't suggest this <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I guess Polypropylene has a low melting point...


New member
I have specifically asked my doc and he said to use the same neb for tobi and pulmozyme just be sure to wash in between...I'm starting to think this isn't what evryone else does? But if you wash it right after, it doesn't really have time to get sticky etc. does it? I don't understand needing multiple nebs?


New member
I have specifically asked my doc and he said to use the same neb for tobi and pulmozyme just be sure to wash in between...I'm starting to think this isn't what evryone else does? But if you wash it right after, it doesn't really have time to get sticky etc. does it? I don't understand needing multiple nebs?


New member
I don't use multiple nebs, as I wash mine as soon as I am done a round of treatment. If you're washing them, doesn't it make sense to only have one?


New member
I don't use multiple nebs, as I wash mine as soon as I am done a round of treatment. If you're washing them, doesn't it make sense to only have one?


New member
Hmmm, I have about 8 different nebs always wanting more so I don't have to clean all the time. I use the same neb for each of my meds, one after another. I pile up the used ones and when I'm out of clean ones I either clean them all at once in a hot bowl of soapy water or boil them about once a month. I used to clean them with distilled vinegar but recently my doctor told me to start using soapy water. They also told me to use one style neb for albuterol and pulmozyme, and another style for Tobi, but I don't bother with that and use the Tobi style one for all.


New member
Hmmm, I have about 8 different nebs always wanting more so I don't have to clean all the time. I use the same neb for each of my meds, one after another. I pile up the used ones and when I'm out of clean ones I either clean them all at once in a hot bowl of soapy water or boil them about once a month. I used to clean them with distilled vinegar but recently my doctor told me to start using soapy water. They also told me to use one style neb for albuterol and pulmozyme, and another style for Tobi, but I don't bother with that and use the Tobi style one for all.


New member
Ha, LOL Alright me, Liz and Kelly, are going to stand over here with our one neb each, you guys can go color code to your hearts content.

There should be some kind of "ask the dr." button we can press once in a while around here

(psst...girls, should we mention this great invention called soap?)

I'm just teasing guys I have no idea what's better.......


New member
Ha, LOL Alright me, Liz and Kelly, are going to stand over here with our one neb each, you guys can go color code to your hearts content.

There should be some kind of "ask the dr." button we can press once in a while around here

(psst...girls, should we mention this great invention called soap?)

I'm just teasing guys I have no idea what's better.......


New member
Hehe...I just don't see the point of having a collection of nebs, if one is doing the trick. I'm a clean freak, so of course I'm going to wash my neb right after I use it. I have enough clutter in my house - I don't need multiple nebs lieing around to trip over. LOL.

Hey Debbie - suddenly I feel like the odd man out. Is everyone pointing and staring at us and our one nebs? lol.


New member
Hehe...I just don't see the point of having a collection of nebs, if one is doing the trick. I'm a clean freak, so of course I'm going to wash my neb right after I use it. I have enough clutter in my house - I don't need multiple nebs lieing around to trip over. LOL.

Hey Debbie - suddenly I feel like the odd man out. Is everyone pointing and staring at us and our one nebs? lol.


New member
Liz: I think definitely we're odd....he he he, but I think we have the last laugh, we're not washing 6 nebs!

we'll laugh over a <img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0"> while they wash


New member
Liz: I think definitely we're odd....he he he, but I think we have the last laugh, we're not washing 6 nebs!

we'll laugh over a <img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0"> while they wash


New member
I use pari neb cups for everything. One for atrovent & albuterol, one for pulmozyme and one for tobi. In a pinch I've used the same one for the first two, but never for the tobi. I rinse them out after each use (three times a day) then at noon I wash them in hot soapy water and then boil the heck out of them for 10 minutes while I wash dishes from the night before.


New member
I use pari neb cups for everything. One for atrovent & albuterol, one for pulmozyme and one for tobi. In a pinch I've used the same one for the first two, but never for the tobi. I rinse them out after each use (three times a day) then at noon I wash them in hot soapy water and then boil the heck out of them for 10 minutes while I wash dishes from the night before.


New member
I use albuterol, but not in a neb form, i just use the inhaler with a spacer. For my Pulmozyme i have the side stream nebulizers. I use the acorn ( t- style) nebulizer for the tobi. (I never ever cared for the pari nebulizers) I have 4 of each so when im done with them i put them in the "dirty" basket and after i run out of nebulizers i put them all in the dish washer and let them dry overnight.


New member
I use albuterol, but not in a neb form, i just use the inhaler with a spacer. For my Pulmozyme i have the side stream nebulizers. I use the acorn ( t- style) nebulizer for the tobi. (I never ever cared for the pari nebulizers) I have 4 of each so when im done with them i put them in the "dirty" basket and after i run out of nebulizers i put them all in the dish washer and let them dry overnight.


New member
Ok, I got this thing started so let me see if I got this right. Please remember that we're only 3 months into this and we are still trying to figure everything out. After we use abuterol, I could, in theory, wash out her cup and put the hypertonic solution in it. We then do the vest for 30 minutes and then I could rinse it out and put in the TOBI? If I'm rinsing it out with very hot water, I can see how that would be alright. My thing now is she is 10 years old, so at 5:30 am she starts her albuterol and while she's doing that I'm getting her Hypertonic ready. We've been trying to save as much time as we can especially in the morning. I'm still not sure if we can use the hypertonic with the vest. We could with the albuterol, but the dr. wasn't sure about the hypertonic which is why it is taking soooo long in the morning. I also read somewhere that you can get premixed vials and we're going to look into that. We were also told to refridgerate it after we mixed it.

I do like the idea of scratching it and using fingernail polish or a sharpie. Thank you all for giving me some wonderful ideas. I don't know why I didn't do something like this 2 months ago. I suppose I was just overwhelmed and just took one day at a time.

Carol - mom to Faith w/cf and Andrew wo/cf


New member
Ok, I got this thing started so let me see if I got this right. Please remember that we're only 3 months into this and we are still trying to figure everything out. After we use abuterol, I could, in theory, wash out her cup and put the hypertonic solution in it. We then do the vest for 30 minutes and then I could rinse it out and put in the TOBI? If I'm rinsing it out with very hot water, I can see how that would be alright. My thing now is she is 10 years old, so at 5:30 am she starts her albuterol and while she's doing that I'm getting her Hypertonic ready. We've been trying to save as much time as we can especially in the morning. I'm still not sure if we can use the hypertonic with the vest. We could with the albuterol, but the dr. wasn't sure about the hypertonic which is why it is taking soooo long in the morning. I also read somewhere that you can get premixed vials and we're going to look into that. We were also told to refridgerate it after we mixed it.

I do like the idea of scratching it and using fingernail polish or a sharpie. Thank you all for giving me some wonderful ideas. I don't know why I didn't do something like this 2 months ago. I suppose I was just overwhelmed and just took one day at a time.

Carol - mom to Faith w/cf and Andrew wo/cf