I do my meds while doing the Vest (right now all I do is HTS, but I did do my TOBI with it too). I know this isn't the "best" way - but smetimes i think we have to do whatever it takes to get the most in in a short time. I know with kids of my own I don't alwasy have 45 minuted to do meds, so whatever I can get done int he 20 minuteds of the vest si what gets done for the day. I can't imagine trying to get little oens to sit still for all this. I think you have to take into account twhat the meds do, as LouLOu posted, but I also thnk that shortcutting here and there to get the most in in a short time has to be better than daily battles over doing the meds and resentment from kids for how much time it takes, kwim?
sorry abou tt he types - I am doing the vest and HTS while alittle one grabs at the keyboard/