nebulizer drying


New member
Brady is changing from the masks on his nebs to the tube and mouthpiece. My question is what do you guys do to get the tubing drier faster? It takes forever. I shake the heck out of it, thought maybe getting something to use to stand it up so the water can roll out of it. I know you aren't suppose to use wet nebs.....



New member
Brady is changing from the masks on his nebs to the tube and mouthpiece. My question is what do you guys do to get the tubing drier faster? It takes forever. I shake the heck out of it, thought maybe getting something to use to stand it up so the water can roll out of it. I know you aren't suppose to use wet nebs.....



New member
Brady is changing from the masks on his nebs to the tube and mouthpiece. My question is what do you guys do to get the tubing drier faster? It takes forever. I shake the heck out of it, thought maybe getting something to use to stand it up so the water can roll out of it. I know you aren't suppose to use wet nebs.....



New member
Brady is changing from the masks on his nebs to the tube and mouthpiece. My question is what do you guys do to get the tubing drier faster? It takes forever. I shake the heck out of it, thought maybe getting something to use to stand it up so the water can roll out of it. I know you aren't suppose to use wet nebs.....



New member
Brady is changing from the masks on his nebs to the tube and mouthpiece. My question is what do you guys do to get the tubing drier faster? It takes forever. I shake the heck out of it, thought maybe getting something to use to stand it up so the water can roll out of it. I know you aren't suppose to use wet nebs.....
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<br />Fourkidsmom


Staff member
With the tubing, I disconnect the neb cup and continue to run the compressor for a minute or so afterwards. Or do you mean there's an additional tube connected to the neb cup's mouthpiece... We just have a blue pari mouthpiece.


Staff member
With the tubing, I disconnect the neb cup and continue to run the compressor for a minute or so afterwards. Or do you mean there's an additional tube connected to the neb cup's mouthpiece... We just have a blue pari mouthpiece.


Staff member
With the tubing, I disconnect the neb cup and continue to run the compressor for a minute or so afterwards. Or do you mean there's an additional tube connected to the neb cup's mouthpiece... We just have a blue pari mouthpiece.


Staff member
With the tubing, I disconnect the neb cup and continue to run the compressor for a minute or so afterwards. Or do you mean there's an additional tube connected to the neb cup's mouthpiece... We just have a blue pari mouthpiece.


Staff member
With the tubing, I disconnect the neb cup and continue to run the compressor for a minute or so afterwards. Or do you mean there's an additional tube connected to the neb cup's mouthpiece... We just have a blue pari mouthpiece.


New member
If you are referring to the tubing from the neb to whatever the meds go into.....why is it so wet? It shouldnt be washed & if there is any condensation in it just taking the neb cup (no matter what you use) off the end & letting the compressor run for a minute should take care of it.

Are you referring to something different?


New member
If you are referring to the tubing from the neb to whatever the meds go into.....why is it so wet? It shouldnt be washed & if there is any condensation in it just taking the neb cup (no matter what you use) off the end & letting the compressor run for a minute should take care of it.

Are you referring to something different?


New member
If you are referring to the tubing from the neb to whatever the meds go into.....why is it so wet? It shouldnt be washed & if there is any condensation in it just taking the neb cup (no matter what you use) off the end & letting the compressor run for a minute should take care of it.

Are you referring to something different?


New member
If you are referring to the tubing from the neb to whatever the meds go into.....why is it so wet? It shouldnt be washed & if there is any condensation in it just taking the neb cup (no matter what you use) off the end & letting the compressor run for a minute should take care of it.

Are you referring to something different?


New member
If you are referring to the tubing from the neb to whatever the meds go into.....why is it so wet? It shouldnt be washed & if there is any condensation in it just taking the neb cup (no matter what you use) off the end & letting the compressor run for a minute should take care of it.
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<br />Are you referring to something different?