Need Info On Ports..



I've also been wondering about getting one- since they have changed the routine picc site they use (like hospital wide, not just me) and I'm severely allergic to adhesive just in that area.

1. What is the chance of infection? I know someone who had one, but it got really badly infected and very painful and had to be surgically removed.

2. How does the needle stay in for like if you need to be doing something while getting treatment?

3. Do they re-access you every time you need medication (like over the 2 week period- like times in a day? Or just one needle?)

4. For someone who has had or has one- about how painful is the needle as compared to other areas of your body- stomach, upper arm, mid-arm, hand- exct.


I've also been wondering about getting one- since they have changed the routine picc site they use (like hospital wide, not just me) and I'm severely allergic to adhesive just in that area.

1. What is the chance of infection? I know someone who had one, but it got really badly infected and very painful and had to be surgically removed.

2. How does the needle stay in for like if you need to be doing something while getting treatment?

3. Do they re-access you every time you need medication (like over the 2 week period- like times in a day? Or just one needle?)

4. For someone who has had or has one- about how painful is the needle as compared to other areas of your body- stomach, upper arm, mid-arm, hand- exct.


I've also been wondering about getting one- since they have changed the routine picc site they use (like hospital wide, not just me) and I'm severely allergic to adhesive just in that area.

1. What is the chance of infection? I know someone who had one, but it got really badly infected and very painful and had to be surgically removed.

2. How does the needle stay in for like if you need to be doing something while getting treatment?

3. Do they re-access you every time you need medication (like over the 2 week period- like times in a day? Or just one needle?)

4. For someone who has had or has one- about how painful is the needle as compared to other areas of your body- stomach, upper arm, mid-arm, hand- exct.


I've also been wondering about getting one- since they have changed the routine picc site they use (like hospital wide, not just me) and I'm severely allergic to adhesive just in that area.

1. What is the chance of infection? I know someone who had one, but it got really badly infected and very painful and had to be surgically removed.

2. How does the needle stay in for like if you need to be doing something while getting treatment?

3. Do they re-access you every time you need medication (like over the 2 week period- like times in a day? Or just one needle?)

4. For someone who has had or has one- about how painful is the needle as compared to other areas of your body- stomach, upper arm, mid-arm, hand- exct.


I've also been wondering about getting one- since they have changed the routine picc site they use (like hospital wide, not just me) and I'm severely allergic to adhesive just in that area.
<br />
<br />1. What is the chance of infection? I know someone who had one, but it got really badly infected and very painful and had to be surgically removed.
<br />
<br />2. How does the needle stay in for like if you need to be doing something while getting treatment?
<br />
<br />3. Do they re-access you every time you need medication (like over the 2 week period- like times in a day? Or just one needle?)
<br />
<br />4. For someone who has had or has one- about how painful is the needle as compared to other areas of your body- stomach, upper arm, mid-arm, hand- exct.


New member
Woooahh, okay lots of questions. Uhh, let's see here.

For tarheel- I've never gotten an infection once and I've had ports since I was around 8-9 (Im almost 15 now).

As for how the needle stays in (if I read that right) it's not just going to get pulled out by accident. For one it's all taped up like a normal IV is, and for two the port has a rubber part inside it so the needle stays in pretty well.

o.o I can't IMAGINE how crazy it would be to change needles every day. When I get mine accessed for Hospital visits, they keep it in for a week before they have to change it, and do all IV-type of meds through it. They can take blood out of it too, for most stuff. Sometimes they still have to use a regular needle for some tests. (in a regular vein, of course).

Aaaand I wouldn't know much about how much more/less painful is is because I use a numbing cream over it every time it needs to be used. It's called EMLA, I think?

For the other stuff - Mine sticks out a little, about maybe..half an inch? You can't see it though regular shirts, but a little in a bathing suit. The needles, I think are about the same size as what they use for normal IVs. Doesn't hurt if it gets bumped or anything, once it heals, and the only inconvenience (like everyone else said) is having to get it flushed every month when you're not using it.

Now for my downer about them, for you guys. I've had <i>three</i> of them so far. The first one, the line got a hole in it through some strange problem, and I mean the line thats under your skin. Had to be taken out and replaced. The second one, the surgeon apparantly did not predict puberty happening, and they had to replace it because my chest got it the way. Seriously. I'm on my third on now, and I hope it lasts longer than my others did.

But it is really,really a lot better than IVs or PIC lines.


New member
Woooahh, okay lots of questions. Uhh, let's see here.

For tarheel- I've never gotten an infection once and I've had ports since I was around 8-9 (Im almost 15 now).

As for how the needle stays in (if I read that right) it's not just going to get pulled out by accident. For one it's all taped up like a normal IV is, and for two the port has a rubber part inside it so the needle stays in pretty well.

o.o I can't IMAGINE how crazy it would be to change needles every day. When I get mine accessed for Hospital visits, they keep it in for a week before they have to change it, and do all IV-type of meds through it. They can take blood out of it too, for most stuff. Sometimes they still have to use a regular needle for some tests. (in a regular vein, of course).

Aaaand I wouldn't know much about how much more/less painful is is because I use a numbing cream over it every time it needs to be used. It's called EMLA, I think?

For the other stuff - Mine sticks out a little, about maybe..half an inch? You can't see it though regular shirts, but a little in a bathing suit. The needles, I think are about the same size as what they use for normal IVs. Doesn't hurt if it gets bumped or anything, once it heals, and the only inconvenience (like everyone else said) is having to get it flushed every month when you're not using it.

Now for my downer about them, for you guys. I've had <i>three</i> of them so far. The first one, the line got a hole in it through some strange problem, and I mean the line thats under your skin. Had to be taken out and replaced. The second one, the surgeon apparantly did not predict puberty happening, and they had to replace it because my chest got it the way. Seriously. I'm on my third on now, and I hope it lasts longer than my others did.

But it is really,really a lot better than IVs or PIC lines.


New member
Woooahh, okay lots of questions. Uhh, let's see here.

For tarheel- I've never gotten an infection once and I've had ports since I was around 8-9 (Im almost 15 now).

As for how the needle stays in (if I read that right) it's not just going to get pulled out by accident. For one it's all taped up like a normal IV is, and for two the port has a rubber part inside it so the needle stays in pretty well.

o.o I can't IMAGINE how crazy it would be to change needles every day. When I get mine accessed for Hospital visits, they keep it in for a week before they have to change it, and do all IV-type of meds through it. They can take blood out of it too, for most stuff. Sometimes they still have to use a regular needle for some tests. (in a regular vein, of course).

Aaaand I wouldn't know much about how much more/less painful is is because I use a numbing cream over it every time it needs to be used. It's called EMLA, I think?

For the other stuff - Mine sticks out a little, about maybe..half an inch? You can't see it though regular shirts, but a little in a bathing suit. The needles, I think are about the same size as what they use for normal IVs. Doesn't hurt if it gets bumped or anything, once it heals, and the only inconvenience (like everyone else said) is having to get it flushed every month when you're not using it.

Now for my downer about them, for you guys. I've had <i>three</i> of them so far. The first one, the line got a hole in it through some strange problem, and I mean the line thats under your skin. Had to be taken out and replaced. The second one, the surgeon apparantly did not predict puberty happening, and they had to replace it because my chest got it the way. Seriously. I'm on my third on now, and I hope it lasts longer than my others did.

But it is really,really a lot better than IVs or PIC lines.


New member
Woooahh, okay lots of questions. Uhh, let's see here.

For tarheel- I've never gotten an infection once and I've had ports since I was around 8-9 (Im almost 15 now).

As for how the needle stays in (if I read that right) it's not just going to get pulled out by accident. For one it's all taped up like a normal IV is, and for two the port has a rubber part inside it so the needle stays in pretty well.

o.o I can't IMAGINE how crazy it would be to change needles every day. When I get mine accessed for Hospital visits, they keep it in for a week before they have to change it, and do all IV-type of meds through it. They can take blood out of it too, for most stuff. Sometimes they still have to use a regular needle for some tests. (in a regular vein, of course).

Aaaand I wouldn't know much about how much more/less painful is is because I use a numbing cream over it every time it needs to be used. It's called EMLA, I think?

For the other stuff - Mine sticks out a little, about maybe..half an inch? You can't see it though regular shirts, but a little in a bathing suit. The needles, I think are about the same size as what they use for normal IVs. Doesn't hurt if it gets bumped or anything, once it heals, and the only inconvenience (like everyone else said) is having to get it flushed every month when you're not using it.

Now for my downer about them, for you guys. I've had <i>three</i> of them so far. The first one, the line got a hole in it through some strange problem, and I mean the line thats under your skin. Had to be taken out and replaced. The second one, the surgeon apparantly did not predict puberty happening, and they had to replace it because my chest got it the way. Seriously. I'm on my third on now, and I hope it lasts longer than my others did.

But it is really,really a lot better than IVs or PIC lines.


New member
Woooahh, okay lots of questions. Uhh, let's see here.
<br />
<br /> For tarheel- I've never gotten an infection once and I've had ports since I was around 8-9 (Im almost 15 now).
<br />
<br /> As for how the needle stays in (if I read that right) it's not just going to get pulled out by accident. For one it's all taped up like a normal IV is, and for two the port has a rubber part inside it so the needle stays in pretty well.
<br />
<br />o.o I can't IMAGINE how crazy it would be to change needles every day. When I get mine accessed for Hospital visits, they keep it in for a week before they have to change it, and do all IV-type of meds through it. They can take blood out of it too, for most stuff. Sometimes they still have to use a regular needle for some tests. (in a regular vein, of course).
<br />
<br />Aaaand I wouldn't know much about how much more/less painful is is because I use a numbing cream over it every time it needs to be used. It's called EMLA, I think?
<br />
<br />For the other stuff - Mine sticks out a little, about maybe..half an inch? You can't see it though regular shirts, but a little in a bathing suit. The needles, I think are about the same size as what they use for normal IVs. Doesn't hurt if it gets bumped or anything, once it heals, and the only inconvenience (like everyone else said) is having to get it flushed every month when you're not using it.
<br />
<br />Now for my downer about them, for you guys. I've had <i>three</i> of them so far. The first one, the line got a hole in it through some strange problem, and I mean the line thats under your skin. Had to be taken out and replaced. The second one, the surgeon apparantly did not predict puberty happening, and they had to replace it because my chest got it the way. Seriously. I'm on my third on now, and I hope it lasts longer than my others did.
<br />
<br />But it is really,really a lot better than IVs or PIC lines.