Need Info On Ports..


New member
Eeeps. My ports have all been in my chest-area below my collar-bone. I wouldn't really reccomend it there, cuz you can always see the scars in lower-cut shirts, like tanktops. From what I hear they can put them under your arm, but I don't know how comfortable that is. The LAST place I'd want mine is on my thigh though. Maybe it's just me. It seems like kind of an..awkward place.


New member
Eeeps. My ports have all been in my chest-area below my collar-bone. I wouldn't really reccomend it there, cuz you can always see the scars in lower-cut shirts, like tanktops. From what I hear they can put them under your arm, but I don't know how comfortable that is. The LAST place I'd want mine is on my thigh though. Maybe it's just me. It seems like kind of an..awkward place.


New member
Eeeps. My ports have all been in my chest-area below my collar-bone. I wouldn't really reccomend it there, cuz you can always see the scars in lower-cut shirts, like tanktops. From what I hear they can put them under your arm, but I don't know how comfortable that is. The LAST place I'd want mine is on my thigh though. Maybe it's just me. It seems like kind of an..awkward place.


New member
Eeeps. My ports have all been in my chest-area below my collar-bone. I wouldn't really reccomend it there, cuz you can always see the scars in lower-cut shirts, like tanktops. From what I hear they can put them under your arm, but I don't know how comfortable that is. The LAST place I'd want mine is on my thigh though. Maybe it's just me. It seems like kind of an..awkward place.


New member
Eeeps. My ports have all been in my chest-area below my collar-bone. I wouldn't really reccomend it there, cuz you can always see the scars in lower-cut shirts, like tanktops. From what I hear they can put them under your arm, but I don't know how comfortable that is. The LAST place I'd want mine is on my thigh though. Maybe it's just me. It seems like kind of an..awkward place.


New member
I had my first port from 2001-2006 before it had to be replaced. It was in my chest, right below my collar bone. It was sore for the first couple of days after it was put in and then I was fine. The needle is only changed once a week and when you are not on meds, you still have to access it (put a needle in) and flush it once a month. You can learn to do this on your own or you can go to your doc once a month to have it flushed. Mine was used so often that it just finally got a little clogged and had to be replaced. Mine was a double so it was about the size of an oblong quarter (was not perfectly round being a double). By a double, I mean that it could be accessed with two needles if I was on two different medications.

At first, I would use Emla (numbing) cream so that it did not hurt when it was accessed. I had to use it if I was going to access it myself. I can't put a needle in myself if it is going to be painful. If it was a nurse accessing it, I did not need the numbing cream. I like doing it myself though because I think I did a better job!!

Anyway, I got my second port two or three days after my son was born. I had that one until a few months after the transplants. I didn't need it anymore so I had the doctors remove it so I didn't have to keep flushing it for nothing.

I am goingto try to put some pictures in. They are scars from where I had my ports. If it doesn't work, I'll just come back and put the direct link.

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<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
I had my first port from 2001-2006 before it had to be replaced. It was in my chest, right below my collar bone. It was sore for the first couple of days after it was put in and then I was fine. The needle is only changed once a week and when you are not on meds, you still have to access it (put a needle in) and flush it once a month. You can learn to do this on your own or you can go to your doc once a month to have it flushed. Mine was used so often that it just finally got a little clogged and had to be replaced. Mine was a double so it was about the size of an oblong quarter (was not perfectly round being a double). By a double, I mean that it could be accessed with two needles if I was on two different medications.

At first, I would use Emla (numbing) cream so that it did not hurt when it was accessed. I had to use it if I was going to access it myself. I can't put a needle in myself if it is going to be painful. If it was a nurse accessing it, I did not need the numbing cream. I like doing it myself though because I think I did a better job!!

Anyway, I got my second port two or three days after my son was born. I had that one until a few months after the transplants. I didn't need it anymore so I had the doctors remove it so I didn't have to keep flushing it for nothing.

I am goingto try to put some pictures in. They are scars from where I had my ports. If it doesn't work, I'll just come back and put the direct link.

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<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
I had my first port from 2001-2006 before it had to be replaced. It was in my chest, right below my collar bone. It was sore for the first couple of days after it was put in and then I was fine. The needle is only changed once a week and when you are not on meds, you still have to access it (put a needle in) and flush it once a month. You can learn to do this on your own or you can go to your doc once a month to have it flushed. Mine was used so often that it just finally got a little clogged and had to be replaced. Mine was a double so it was about the size of an oblong quarter (was not perfectly round being a double). By a double, I mean that it could be accessed with two needles if I was on two different medications.

At first, I would use Emla (numbing) cream so that it did not hurt when it was accessed. I had to use it if I was going to access it myself. I can't put a needle in myself if it is going to be painful. If it was a nurse accessing it, I did not need the numbing cream. I like doing it myself though because I think I did a better job!!

Anyway, I got my second port two or three days after my son was born. I had that one until a few months after the transplants. I didn't need it anymore so I had the doctors remove it so I didn't have to keep flushing it for nothing.

I am goingto try to put some pictures in. They are scars from where I had my ports. If it doesn't work, I'll just come back and put the direct link.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
I had my first port from 2001-2006 before it had to be replaced. It was in my chest, right below my collar bone. It was sore for the first couple of days after it was put in and then I was fine. The needle is only changed once a week and when you are not on meds, you still have to access it (put a needle in) and flush it once a month. You can learn to do this on your own or you can go to your doc once a month to have it flushed. Mine was used so often that it just finally got a little clogged and had to be replaced. Mine was a double so it was about the size of an oblong quarter (was not perfectly round being a double). By a double, I mean that it could be accessed with two needles if I was on two different medications.

At first, I would use Emla (numbing) cream so that it did not hurt when it was accessed. I had to use it if I was going to access it myself. I can't put a needle in myself if it is going to be painful. If it was a nurse accessing it, I did not need the numbing cream. I like doing it myself though because I think I did a better job!!

Anyway, I got my second port two or three days after my son was born. I had that one until a few months after the transplants. I didn't need it anymore so I had the doctors remove it so I didn't have to keep flushing it for nothing.

I am goingto try to put some pictures in. They are scars from where I had my ports. If it doesn't work, I'll just come back and put the direct link.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
I had my first port from 2001-2006 before it had to be replaced. It was in my chest, right below my collar bone. It was sore for the first couple of days after it was put in and then I was fine. The needle is only changed once a week and when you are not on meds, you still have to access it (put a needle in) and flush it once a month. You can learn to do this on your own or you can go to your doc once a month to have it flushed. Mine was used so often that it just finally got a little clogged and had to be replaced. Mine was a double so it was about the size of an oblong quarter (was not perfectly round being a double). By a double, I mean that it could be accessed with two needles if I was on two different medications.
<br />
<br />At first, I would use Emla (numbing) cream so that it did not hurt when it was accessed. I had to use it if I was going to access it myself. I can't put a needle in myself if it is going to be painful. If it was a nurse accessing it, I did not need the numbing cream. I like doing it myself though because I think I did a better job!!
<br />
<br />Anyway, I got my second port two or three days after my son was born. I had that one until a few months after the transplants. I didn't need it anymore so I had the doctors remove it so I didn't have to keep flushing it for nothing.
<br />
<br />I am goingto try to put some pictures in. They are scars from where I had my ports. If it doesn't work, I'll just come back and put the direct link.
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New member
i had a port put in in 2000, had it removed in 02. my main problem with it is was that i have really sensitive skin, so whenever id have a needle in, id get all swollen around it. im also pretty thin and you could notice the port very clearly, regardless of what i was wearing. they told me theyd put it in the top of my breast tissue so it wouldnt be so noticeable, but... it was. being 18 and having a red swollen lump above my chest was not happening, and i had them remove it. it left me with a pretty nasty scar too... and you could see the tubing go up my neck. now, im not super skinny, im 5'3" and at the time probably weighed 105lbs... i had enough boobs that i thought it would hide it, and figured benadryl would fix the hives... but nothing made me feel better and i fought tooth and nail to have them remove it.

on the other hand.. i think they are incredibly convenient and if i can handle the itchiness now, i might condsider getting another one. though doing the vest while having a needle in was very very uncomfortable to me.

just my .02. good luck with it... i know since then theyve made some huge changes in them, and theyre smaller than they were when i had one... which was about the size quarter in circumfrence, and a quarter inch sticking out of my chest.

sorry i babbled, still stuck in the hospital, and am boooooored out of my mind!!


New member
i had a port put in in 2000, had it removed in 02. my main problem with it is was that i have really sensitive skin, so whenever id have a needle in, id get all swollen around it. im also pretty thin and you could notice the port very clearly, regardless of what i was wearing. they told me theyd put it in the top of my breast tissue so it wouldnt be so noticeable, but... it was. being 18 and having a red swollen lump above my chest was not happening, and i had them remove it. it left me with a pretty nasty scar too... and you could see the tubing go up my neck. now, im not super skinny, im 5'3" and at the time probably weighed 105lbs... i had enough boobs that i thought it would hide it, and figured benadryl would fix the hives... but nothing made me feel better and i fought tooth and nail to have them remove it.

on the other hand.. i think they are incredibly convenient and if i can handle the itchiness now, i might condsider getting another one. though doing the vest while having a needle in was very very uncomfortable to me.

just my .02. good luck with it... i know since then theyve made some huge changes in them, and theyre smaller than they were when i had one... which was about the size quarter in circumfrence, and a quarter inch sticking out of my chest.

sorry i babbled, still stuck in the hospital, and am boooooored out of my mind!!


New member
i had a port put in in 2000, had it removed in 02. my main problem with it is was that i have really sensitive skin, so whenever id have a needle in, id get all swollen around it. im also pretty thin and you could notice the port very clearly, regardless of what i was wearing. they told me theyd put it in the top of my breast tissue so it wouldnt be so noticeable, but... it was. being 18 and having a red swollen lump above my chest was not happening, and i had them remove it. it left me with a pretty nasty scar too... and you could see the tubing go up my neck. now, im not super skinny, im 5'3" and at the time probably weighed 105lbs... i had enough boobs that i thought it would hide it, and figured benadryl would fix the hives... but nothing made me feel better and i fought tooth and nail to have them remove it.

on the other hand.. i think they are incredibly convenient and if i can handle the itchiness now, i might condsider getting another one. though doing the vest while having a needle in was very very uncomfortable to me.

just my .02. good luck with it... i know since then theyve made some huge changes in them, and theyre smaller than they were when i had one... which was about the size quarter in circumfrence, and a quarter inch sticking out of my chest.

sorry i babbled, still stuck in the hospital, and am boooooored out of my mind!!


New member
i had a port put in in 2000, had it removed in 02. my main problem with it is was that i have really sensitive skin, so whenever id have a needle in, id get all swollen around it. im also pretty thin and you could notice the port very clearly, regardless of what i was wearing. they told me theyd put it in the top of my breast tissue so it wouldnt be so noticeable, but... it was. being 18 and having a red swollen lump above my chest was not happening, and i had them remove it. it left me with a pretty nasty scar too... and you could see the tubing go up my neck. now, im not super skinny, im 5'3" and at the time probably weighed 105lbs... i had enough boobs that i thought it would hide it, and figured benadryl would fix the hives... but nothing made me feel better and i fought tooth and nail to have them remove it.

on the other hand.. i think they are incredibly convenient and if i can handle the itchiness now, i might condsider getting another one. though doing the vest while having a needle in was very very uncomfortable to me.

just my .02. good luck with it... i know since then theyve made some huge changes in them, and theyre smaller than they were when i had one... which was about the size quarter in circumfrence, and a quarter inch sticking out of my chest.

sorry i babbled, still stuck in the hospital, and am boooooored out of my mind!!


New member
i had a port put in in 2000, had it removed in 02. my main problem with it is was that i have really sensitive skin, so whenever id have a needle in, id get all swollen around it. im also pretty thin and you could notice the port very clearly, regardless of what i was wearing. they told me theyd put it in the top of my breast tissue so it wouldnt be so noticeable, but... it was. being 18 and having a red swollen lump above my chest was not happening, and i had them remove it. it left me with a pretty nasty scar too... and you could see the tubing go up my neck. now, im not super skinny, im 5'3" and at the time probably weighed 105lbs... i had enough boobs that i thought it would hide it, and figured benadryl would fix the hives... but nothing made me feel better and i fought tooth and nail to have them remove it.
<br />
<br />on the other hand.. i think they are incredibly convenient and if i can handle the itchiness now, i might condsider getting another one. though doing the vest while having a needle in was very very uncomfortable to me.
<br />
<br />just my .02. good luck with it... i know since then theyve made some huge changes in them, and theyre smaller than they were when i had one... which was about the size quarter in circumfrence, and a quarter inch sticking out of my chest.
<br />
<br />sorry i babbled, still stuck in the hospital, and am boooooored out of my mind!!
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