Need some help with dealing with all this...


New member
I agree with an above comment... being a teenager with CF is not easy. The hormones as a teenager are not fun and then add a health condition to top of that will be enough for the teen and the mom to scream "uncle".

I agree with the others--- you are not alone in this... we are there for you...


New member
I agree with an above comment... being a teenager with CF is not easy. The hormones as a teenager are not fun and then add a health condition to top of that will be enough for the teen and the mom to scream "uncle".

I agree with the others--- you are not alone in this... we are there for you...


New member
I agree with an above comment... being a teenager with CF is not easy. The hormones as a teenager are not fun and then add a health condition to top of that will be enough for the teen and the mom to scream "uncle".

I agree with the others--- you are not alone in this... we are there for you...


New member
I agree with an above comment... being a teenager with CF is not easy. The hormones as a teenager are not fun and then add a health condition to top of that will be enough for the teen and the mom to scream "uncle".

I agree with the others--- you are not alone in this... we are there for you...


New member
I agree with an above comment... being a teenager with CF is not easy. The hormones as a teenager are not fun and then add a health condition to top of that will be enough for the teen and the mom to scream "uncle".

I agree with the others--- you are not alone in this... we are there for you...


New member
Hey Renee. I'm right there with you. I just blogged about how Jordan's FEV1 dropped significantly in just a few months. He is fighting a virus too. I was like you, just going on with life, and feeling a little ahead of the game. It's just like CF to slap us in the face out of the blue. I found some comfort in Lauren's (LightNlife) reply. I hope you do as well.

I'm thinking of you and your family. Hang in there.



New member
Hey Renee. I'm right there with you. I just blogged about how Jordan's FEV1 dropped significantly in just a few months. He is fighting a virus too. I was like you, just going on with life, and feeling a little ahead of the game. It's just like CF to slap us in the face out of the blue. I found some comfort in Lauren's (LightNlife) reply. I hope you do as well.

I'm thinking of you and your family. Hang in there.



New member
Hey Renee. I'm right there with you. I just blogged about how Jordan's FEV1 dropped significantly in just a few months. He is fighting a virus too. I was like you, just going on with life, and feeling a little ahead of the game. It's just like CF to slap us in the face out of the blue. I found some comfort in Lauren's (LightNlife) reply. I hope you do as well.

I'm thinking of you and your family. Hang in there.



New member
Hey Renee. I'm right there with you. I just blogged about how Jordan's FEV1 dropped significantly in just a few months. He is fighting a virus too. I was like you, just going on with life, and feeling a little ahead of the game. It's just like CF to slap us in the face out of the blue. I found some comfort in Lauren's (LightNlife) reply. I hope you do as well.

I'm thinking of you and your family. Hang in there.



New member
Hey Renee. I'm right there with you. I just blogged about how Jordan's FEV1 dropped significantly in just a few months. He is fighting a virus too. I was like you, just going on with life, and feeling a little ahead of the game. It's just like CF to slap us in the face out of the blue. I found some comfort in Lauren's (LightNlife) reply. I hope you do as well.

I'm thinking of you and your family. Hang in there.



New member
Thank you all so much for all your comments. Sometimes it helps just to know I'm not alone... that other people have felt what I am feeling and have survived it. And it definately helps to read the stories of the adults with CF and how their FEV1's have stayed the same over a period of years. That is encouraging.

This has been hands down one of the most difficult weeks of my life. I am a basket case...but I've been able to pretty much keep it behind closed doors. I haven't slept much (neither has my husband, thanks to me) but I'm still functioning. I lay in bed and everything starts overwhelming me and I"ll start sobbing. It's almost like being pregnant when the smallest things make you start crying... that's how I have been all week.

I hope things improve. I am certainly praying for that. I battle with what to and not to say to the girls. On one hand I want them to know how important it is that they cough and do their treatments correctly (especially now with her sick)... on the other hand I don't want to paint this terrible picture and scare them to death. I mean, they know what CF is and they know that people die from it but because they had always been so healthy before I don't think they really ever accepted that they could really be affected... and maybe I had fallen into the same frame of mind... so this wake up call is hard for all of us.

Sorry, I am rambling... Thank you all so much for your help and support. It is so nice to have a place to go where everyone understands...


New member
Thank you all so much for all your comments. Sometimes it helps just to know I'm not alone... that other people have felt what I am feeling and have survived it. And it definately helps to read the stories of the adults with CF and how their FEV1's have stayed the same over a period of years. That is encouraging.

This has been hands down one of the most difficult weeks of my life. I am a basket case...but I've been able to pretty much keep it behind closed doors. I haven't slept much (neither has my husband, thanks to me) but I'm still functioning. I lay in bed and everything starts overwhelming me and I"ll start sobbing. It's almost like being pregnant when the smallest things make you start crying... that's how I have been all week.

I hope things improve. I am certainly praying for that. I battle with what to and not to say to the girls. On one hand I want them to know how important it is that they cough and do their treatments correctly (especially now with her sick)... on the other hand I don't want to paint this terrible picture and scare them to death. I mean, they know what CF is and they know that people die from it but because they had always been so healthy before I don't think they really ever accepted that they could really be affected... and maybe I had fallen into the same frame of mind... so this wake up call is hard for all of us.

Sorry, I am rambling... Thank you all so much for your help and support. It is so nice to have a place to go where everyone understands...


New member
Thank you all so much for all your comments. Sometimes it helps just to know I'm not alone... that other people have felt what I am feeling and have survived it. And it definately helps to read the stories of the adults with CF and how their FEV1's have stayed the same over a period of years. That is encouraging.

This has been hands down one of the most difficult weeks of my life. I am a basket case...but I've been able to pretty much keep it behind closed doors. I haven't slept much (neither has my husband, thanks to me) but I'm still functioning. I lay in bed and everything starts overwhelming me and I"ll start sobbing. It's almost like being pregnant when the smallest things make you start crying... that's how I have been all week.

I hope things improve. I am certainly praying for that. I battle with what to and not to say to the girls. On one hand I want them to know how important it is that they cough and do their treatments correctly (especially now with her sick)... on the other hand I don't want to paint this terrible picture and scare them to death. I mean, they know what CF is and they know that people die from it but because they had always been so healthy before I don't think they really ever accepted that they could really be affected... and maybe I had fallen into the same frame of mind... so this wake up call is hard for all of us.

Sorry, I am rambling... Thank you all so much for your help and support. It is so nice to have a place to go where everyone understands...


New member
Thank you all so much for all your comments. Sometimes it helps just to know I'm not alone... that other people have felt what I am feeling and have survived it. And it definately helps to read the stories of the adults with CF and how their FEV1's have stayed the same over a period of years. That is encouraging.

This has been hands down one of the most difficult weeks of my life. I am a basket case...but I've been able to pretty much keep it behind closed doors. I haven't slept much (neither has my husband, thanks to me) but I'm still functioning. I lay in bed and everything starts overwhelming me and I"ll start sobbing. It's almost like being pregnant when the smallest things make you start crying... that's how I have been all week.

I hope things improve. I am certainly praying for that. I battle with what to and not to say to the girls. On one hand I want them to know how important it is that they cough and do their treatments correctly (especially now with her sick)... on the other hand I don't want to paint this terrible picture and scare them to death. I mean, they know what CF is and they know that people die from it but because they had always been so healthy before I don't think they really ever accepted that they could really be affected... and maybe I had fallen into the same frame of mind... so this wake up call is hard for all of us.

Sorry, I am rambling... Thank you all so much for your help and support. It is so nice to have a place to go where everyone understands...


New member
Thank you all so much for all your comments. Sometimes it helps just to know I'm not alone... that other people have felt what I am feeling and have survived it. And it definately helps to read the stories of the adults with CF and how their FEV1's have stayed the same over a period of years. That is encouraging.

This has been hands down one of the most difficult weeks of my life. I am a basket case...but I've been able to pretty much keep it behind closed doors. I haven't slept much (neither has my husband, thanks to me) but I'm still functioning. I lay in bed and everything starts overwhelming me and I"ll start sobbing. It's almost like being pregnant when the smallest things make you start crying... that's how I have been all week.

I hope things improve. I am certainly praying for that. I battle with what to and not to say to the girls. On one hand I want them to know how important it is that they cough and do their treatments correctly (especially now with her sick)... on the other hand I don't want to paint this terrible picture and scare them to death. I mean, they know what CF is and they know that people die from it but because they had always been so healthy before I don't think they really ever accepted that they could really be affected... and maybe I had fallen into the same frame of mind... so this wake up call is hard for all of us.

Sorry, I am rambling... Thank you all so much for your help and support. It is so nice to have a place to go where everyone understands...


New member
cos there young ,chances are they will recover a lot of their lung function ie i dropped from around 85 to 73 in the space of 6 months then got it back to 87 so try not to worry ya only stress yaself out and ya daughters will pick up on it as well and it will affect them as well ,i hope that that your daughters lung function picks up but i can appreciate the stress it causes for you as a parent i remember in my late teenage years absoulty freaking out and stressing myself out big time to the point where i became dpressed about loosing some lung function on the fev1 , so i can totally appreciate where ya coming from

i hope things improve for ya kids and everything turns out okay


New member
cos there young ,chances are they will recover a lot of their lung function ie i dropped from around 85 to 73 in the space of 6 months then got it back to 87 so try not to worry ya only stress yaself out and ya daughters will pick up on it as well and it will affect them as well ,i hope that that your daughters lung function picks up but i can appreciate the stress it causes for you as a parent i remember in my late teenage years absoulty freaking out and stressing myself out big time to the point where i became dpressed about loosing some lung function on the fev1 , so i can totally appreciate where ya coming from

i hope things improve for ya kids and everything turns out okay


New member
cos there young ,chances are they will recover a lot of their lung function ie i dropped from around 85 to 73 in the space of 6 months then got it back to 87 so try not to worry ya only stress yaself out and ya daughters will pick up on it as well and it will affect them as well ,i hope that that your daughters lung function picks up but i can appreciate the stress it causes for you as a parent i remember in my late teenage years absoulty freaking out and stressing myself out big time to the point where i became dpressed about loosing some lung function on the fev1 , so i can totally appreciate where ya coming from

i hope things improve for ya kids and everything turns out okay


New member
cos there young ,chances are they will recover a lot of their lung function ie i dropped from around 85 to 73 in the space of 6 months then got it back to 87 so try not to worry ya only stress yaself out and ya daughters will pick up on it as well and it will affect them as well ,i hope that that your daughters lung function picks up but i can appreciate the stress it causes for you as a parent i remember in my late teenage years absoulty freaking out and stressing myself out big time to the point where i became dpressed about loosing some lung function on the fev1 , so i can totally appreciate where ya coming from

i hope things improve for ya kids and everything turns out okay


New member
cos there young ,chances are they will recover a lot of their lung function ie i dropped from around 85 to 73 in the space of 6 months then got it back to 87 so try not to worry ya only stress yaself out and ya daughters will pick up on it as well and it will affect them as well ,i hope that that your daughters lung function picks up but i can appreciate the stress it causes for you as a parent i remember in my late teenage years absoulty freaking out and stressing myself out big time to the point where i became dpressed about loosing some lung function on the fev1 , so i can totally appreciate where ya coming from

i hope things improve for ya kids and everything turns out okay