What happened was he was dx w/ AU shortly before he turned 8. We attributed his small stature to a combo of ADHD meds and just being short. His weight was attributed to his father being very thin. Then his growth and weight gain started to significantly drop off at around age 6. Pedi sent to endo, but we moved back to SA before anything could really be done. When he was dx w/ AU we were referred to a neuro who's was in awe of my son's size; at 8 years old he was 44" tall and weighed 36 lbs. The AU was the least of his worries. We were sent to a GI, hemo, and endo. GI doc looked at his med hx and immediately ordered the sweat test. You know the rest of the story. Still waiting...So far he has had a chest CT, sono of lower abdomen, bronch that cultured staph pneumonae, and lots and lots of meds for all the coexisting conditions. It is also a new theory that he has some sort of autoimmune disorder....Bring that bad boy on! God's got our back and we have faith that he will get us through all of it.