New baby with CF...


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Thankyou Emilee.
Erin will definitely have enough love and suppor that she's not even going to know what to do with. I'm going to make sure that she never feels like she's alone in this because I will always be here for her. I'm very glad to hear that your daughter doesn't have cystic fibrosis. Is your husband not a carrier? How does it work when one parent has cystic fibrosis? Does it make the chances of the child having it higher?? I've never really thought about it but I'm very curious to know.



New member
If the spouse of a CFer does not carry the gene, the child will definitely be a carrier, but will *not* have CF. If both parents are carriers (and if you're a CFer, you are automatically a carrier), the child has a 50% chance of having CF. This is as opposed to the common 25% chance of CF with just two carrier parents -- as opposed to a carrier and a CFer.
That is the answer that I was going to give so I won't go into that, but we are not sure if my husband is a carrier or not. We hadn't had him tested and then we found out I was pregnant. After that we were going to have him tested but his insurance wouldn't cover it. It is a very expensive test due to it being a genetic test. However, we decided that it wouldn't make a difference if our baby had it or not so we didn't go any further with having her tested in uterus either. We just feel very blessed that she is healthy. You sound like such a strong person. Again good luck with everything.


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I can empathize with what you are going through. I'm so sorry that this is such a difficult time for your family. Although it doesn't really seem so now, things will get better. And if your daughter does indeed have CF, she's got a bright future ahead of her. Doctors and researchers are coming so far and my husband and I really do believe that a cure is closer than ever. Please feel free to email me any time. I'd be happy to answer any questions or lend an ear when you need to vent to a parent who is in the same boat. Hang in there. You and your family are in my prayers.




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It was me that wrote "not a problem" i just forgot to log in. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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Sorry for all the questions but its not very often that I can talk with someone who has been through this.
Did they tell you how dilated the bowels were? My baby's was at 1 centimeter at 31 weeks so I'm really worried and wondering what they consider an emergency situation. I can't imagine going for a routine visit and being admitted. That would be really difficult for us. The Perinatologist I am seeing weekly is over an hour away, I normally just take off from work and drive there by myself for my appointments because my husband works an hour away from me, so that would just be a disaster. Plus my mother in law is coming from out of state to stay with my other two children when the baby comes and we would be stuck with no sitter, me in another state alone and with no clothes. You've got me thinking I should probably pack my bags and keep them in my


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Dear Lindsey,

If anyone can relate to you it's me. My daughter was recently born on June 15, 2005. My due date was actually June 19th. My daughter was diagnosed with CF in womb in Feb. They did a routine ultrasound and seen she had an echogenic bowel. My husband and I got tested and the test came back we were both carriers. When Alayna was born she had meconium ileus as well. Thankfully she was able to pass the blockage with enemas and she did not need the surgery. When Alayna was born she weighed 7lbs 1oz. By the time they started her enzymes she was down to 5lbs 12oz. She is now on Ultrase enzymes with every feeding and her weight is back up to 7lbs 1oz. Alayna was only in the hospital for a week but she was only on an IV she did not eat either. It is horrible watching your child go through everything our babies are going through. I want you to stay strong. Things will get better. Erin is a very strong little girl. I know that my baby went through so much without having the surgery so I can't even imagine what you and your family are going through. Please do not hesitate to stay in touch with me. You will find lots of positive support on this forum. You will find all the support and answers you need here.

Please feel free to email me at anytime even iif it's to vent or with any questions.

(daughter w/CF born 6-15-05)


New member
Hi Jen,

I honestly can't remember what centimeters she dilated to. Her echoghenic bright bowel came and went alot on the ultrasounds, so of course all along i thought it was going to be ok? I have another little girl 2 1/2 at the time who was with my husband and i at the doctor visit. My husband had to leave and take her to a friends house. Scary alone at the hospital getting fully prepped for surgery!!! YOU are going to be fine... there is only- i believe a 20% chance of your baby having Meconium Ileus. Please just try to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy, i know it is had to do with all of the "what if's" that lie ahead. Only God knows what is going to happen and he will only give you what you can handle! Although he has given me personally more than i thought i could ever EVEr handle with her birth and everything else in the first few months, somehow when Brinly was born it became ok. When you see and hold her/him nothing matters and you become such a different person, so strong so determined to give them all the love that can't even filll up the world!! This powerful feeling that comes over you even when you give just give birth but to a "special" child is realy something that i can't explain. You will be surprised how everything will fall into place. But i would have a plan of worst case situations, just so you not caught of guard like i was! Don't worry about the bag being packed in the car - you won't need anything for a couple of days anyway!! Please feel free to email me directly i really found so much valuable insight/relief from this forum while i was pregnant. I would be happy to help you like so many poeple helped me!
With love,


New member
If they suspect CF why won't they start Erin on enzymes to see if that helps her to gain weight? I didn't read through all the posts so maybe someone already mentioned that. Would a binky help sooth her until you are able to give her the bottle again. Best of luck and know it will get better. Have faith!


New member
They have started Erin on enzymes. They give her 7 pancreas (the little tiny beads) once every three hours but it's just not helping her gain weight. Her binky definitely helps. We'd be lost without it. It calms her down but she's still very fussy and mad.


New member

I came across this by accident and started to read what you just wrote and was totally stunned!! My son went thru the same thing! I know exactly how you feel! My son Brady is now 4 years old, he was diagnosed when I was 7 months pregnant-- what a terrible time & thing to find out!! We knew that he had the blocked bowel which is common in 15 % of babies with CF. I delivered by C-section 2 hours from our home so he would have the best care, we would of been in trouble if I would of delivered in our area with this problem! He had surgery when he was 6 hours old, he was in surgery for 4 hours. He came out with a ileostomy (for feeding) and a stoma bag (for his stool) It looked terrible, I hated it because he could not eat and I was planning on breast feeding. One advantage he had was that I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant which made him a large baby-- 9 lbs 10 oz, he needed that since he did not thrive and lost alot of weight. After 2 months in the hospital and not thriving they decided the best thing to do was reconnect his bowels, at which time they also put a med port in his upper left hand chest. He was in the hospital for 77 LONG days before ever coming home. He had many challenges while there, he did get the psedomonus (I know I did not spell that right) while in the hospital at 2 months old. Also after they reconnected him he went thru major shock and had a heart rate of 230, was really red, swollen, tubes in his nose, iv, needles in his head, ankles, arms, hands, anywhere you could think of, on a respirator, looked like he was in sooooo much pain. He would cry and you couldn't hear him because of the respirator tube in his throat. They had him ties down so he wouldn't rip anything out, we just about lost him! We know now he is quite the little fighter with quite the personality. You will find that all your little girl goes thru will make her quite a strong person with such a strong personality. We always say our Brady is a 30 year old trapped in a 4 year olds body. He is doing well right now, he has been in the hosptial a total of 7 or so times sinch birth. He has had a lot of problems with his bowels, he can't eat peanuts, corn, or popcorm or he gets bowel blockages and then we have mahor problems. He has gone all week without a bowel movement and he screams in pain, throws up, we have to do 4 enemas a day, 3 laxatives a day 2 times a day, I do not wish it on anyone. You may keep that in mind since your little girl had the blockage as well. You may want to have her avoid those foods. It almost seems like a lifetime ago, those 4 years ago, but I know exactly where you are coming from!! I can remember him sucking on his pacifier so hard because he was so hungry and he couldn't eat! It tears you up inside. Just hang in there and believe it will get better! I know it is difficult to be ther all the time at the hospital, because that is where you want to be, but do take a break sometimes. I had 2 other kids a home at that time over 2 hours away, I lived at the hospital while my husband had to work and take care of the other kids that had school, etc., I feel so sorry for you because you feel like you are the only one that has gone thru this and you can't figure out why your little baby has to go thru all this suffering... I will keep you in our prayers and hope she will be able to come home soon! Feel free to respond back!!

Mom to Brittany (step-daughter) 13 yrs old- no cf,
Tyler- 11 -no cf,
Brady - 4 with cf,
Taylor 2 with Chromosome 9 q 21.2 q22.2 deletion


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I'm happy for your concern, I'm extremely sorry that your son had to go through all of those things but I honestly have to say that you've made me a lot more scared than I was. scared of Erin's surgery and scared for her future....


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My husband and I are going through exactly the same thing as you....but my daughter Ruby came home last Friday.... She had to have an ileostomy for the first 2 months and she was not putting on weight .....this is normal with ilestomys because the opening is higher up (only goes through the small bowel)and all foods are absorbed in the large bowels...lower down...
Your right it is a rollercoaster ride and the biggest nightmare you can possibly ever imagine...I feel absolutey cheated but most of all i am so so afraid for my little girl...Life can be hard at the best of times and i just do not want to see her struggle...
Ruby went into hospital 4 weeks ago for the closure and it was the hardest 3 weeks of my life...
However on the bright side she is back home...laughing and cooing with her big brother Joseph (2 yrs w/o Cf) she had IV anti bio's and was on TPN.... I know someone mentioned liver failure earlier on but dont forget prem babies all have TPN....Erin needs nutrion and that is the best way at the moment..
I was constantly having a moan at the hospital staff because you have to be a voice for your little girl...believe me one time i really kicked off about a certain issue (not related to CF) and you should have seen the response....things moved on quickly.
Nathan and i have no history of CF and it was and still is a massive shock.....I come from a close family and it breaks my heart to see my dad looking at her with tears in his eyes...because i know exactly what he is thinking.....
My 2 wishes in life were for my children to be healthy and out live me....I still believe that this will happen as things are moving so quickly here in the UK. My doctor believes that something is definately in the offering ...maybe not a cure..but treatment which is the next best thing....
Erin sounds like a tough little cookie and once you get home you will start to feel a lot better.
My big mistake was looking at every ailment you get with CF and of course Ruby will not suffer from everything as everyone is so individual...I also looked on Adult sites which again is a big mistake because they started recieving treatment 20 /30 yrs ago and things have dramatically improved.... we are lucky that our babys were diagonised so early so they get the best treatment...
I find this site very comforting and it is brillant to read from people like Emily who are out there leading a fulfilling and great life...I have the upmost admiration....
If you ever want to share thoughts feeling etc..or then just e mail me at
Ruby is now doing well and is doing everything that her brother did at 3 months.....
Good Luck and i am sure that things will start to get better...heres for a brigher tomorrow...
My thoughts are with you. x


New member
My husband and I are going through exactly the same thing as you....but my daughter Ruby came home last Friday.... She had to have an ileostomy for the first 2 months and she was not putting on weight .....this is normal with ilestomys because the opening is higher up (only goes through the small bowel)and all foods are absorbed in the large bowels...lower down...
Your right it is a rollercoaster ride and the biggest nightmare you can possibly ever imagine...I feel absolutey cheated but most of all i am so so afraid for my little girl...Life can be hard at the best of times and i just do not want to see her struggle...
Ruby went into hospital 4 weeks ago for the closure and it was the hardest 3 weeks of my life...
However on the bright side she is back home...laughing and cooing with her big brother Joseph (2 yrs w/o Cf) she had IV anti bio's and was on TPN.... I know someone mentioned liver failure earlier on but dont forget prem babies all have TPN....Erin needs nutrion and that is the best way at the moment..
I was constantly having a moan at the hospital staff because you have to be a voice for your little girl...believe me one time i really kicked off about a certain issue (not related to CF) and you should have seen the response....things moved on quickly.
Nathan and i have no history of CF and it was and still is a massive shock.....I come from a close family and it breaks my heart to see my dad looking at her with tears in his eyes...because i know exactly what he is thinking.....
My 2 wishes in life were for my children to be healthy and out live me....I still believe that this will happen as things are moving so quickly here in the UK. My doctor believes that something is definately in the offering ...maybe not a cure..but treatment which is the next best thing....
Erin sounds like a tough little cookie and once you get home you will start to feel a lot better.
My big mistake was looking at every ailment you get with CF and of course Ruby will not suffer from everything as everyone is so individual...I also looked on Adult sites which again is a big mistake because they started recieving treatment 20 /30 yrs ago and things have dramatically improved.... we are lucky that our babys were diagonised so early so they get the best treatment...
I find this site very comforting and it is brillant to read from people like Emily who are out there leading a fulfilling and great life...I have the upmost admiration....
If you ever want to share thoughts feeling etc..or then just e mail me at
Ruby is now doing well and is doing everything that her brother did at 3 months.....
Good Luck and i am sure that things will start to get better...heres for a brigher tomorrow...
My thoughts are with you. x


New member
My husband and I are going through exactly the same thing as you....but my daughter Ruby came home last Friday.... She had to have an ileostomy for the first 2 months and she was not putting on weight .....this is normal with ilestomys because the opening is higher up (only goes through the small bowel)and all foods are absorbed in the large bowels...lower down...
Your right it is a rollercoaster ride and the biggest nightmare you can possibly ever imagine...I feel absolutey cheated but most of all i am so so afraid for my little girl...Life can be hard at the best of times and i just do not want to see her struggle...
Ruby went into hospital 4 weeks ago for the closure and it was the hardest 3 weeks of my life...
However on the bright side she is back home...laughing and cooing with her big brother Joseph (2 yrs w/o Cf) she had IV anti bio's and was on TPN.... I know someone mentioned liver failure earlier on but dont forget prem babies all have TPN....Erin needs nutrion and that is the best way at the moment..
I was constantly having a moan at the hospital staff because you have to be a voice for your little girl...believe me one time i really kicked off about a certain issue (not related to CF) and you should have seen the response....things moved on quickly.
Nathan and i have no history of CF and it was and still is a massive shock.....I come from a close family and it breaks my heart to see my dad looking at her with tears in his eyes...because i know exactly what he is thinking.....
My 2 wishes in life were for my children to be healthy and out live me....I still believe that this will happen as things are moving so quickly here in the UK. My doctor believes that something is definately in the offering ...maybe not a cure..but treatment which is the next best thing....
Erin sounds like a tough little cookie and once you get home you will start to feel a lot better.
My big mistake was looking at every ailment you get with CF and of course Ruby will not suffer from everything as everyone is so individual...I also looked on Adult sites which again is a big mistake because they started recieving treatment 20 /30 yrs ago and things have dramatically improved.... we are lucky that our babys were diagonised so early so they get the best treatment...
I find this site very comforting and it is brillant to read from people like Emily who are out there leading a fulfilling and great life...I have the upmost admiration....
If you ever want to share thoughts feeling etc..or then just e mail me at
Ruby is now doing well and is doing everything that her brother did at 3 months.....
Good Luck and i am sure that things will start to get better...heres for a brigher tomorrow...
My thoughts are with you. x