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New member
Good morning everyone my name is Michelle my daughter Alyssa was just diagnosed 1/21/10 her sweat test was 105mE/L her IRT numbers when she was born were 243.6ng/ml. Alyssa has been on Enzymes, AquADEK's and salt she has already had 2 shots of the Synagis and we are hoping for the third next month. Hope to get to know you all.


New member
Good morning everyone my name is Michelle my daughter Alyssa was just diagnosed 1/21/10 her sweat test was 105mE/L her IRT numbers when she was born were 243.6ng/ml. Alyssa has been on Enzymes, AquADEK's and salt she has already had 2 shots of the Synagis and we are hoping for the third next month. Hope to get to know you all.


New member
Good morning everyone my name is Michelle my daughter Alyssa was just diagnosed 1/21/10 her sweat test was 105mE/L her IRT numbers when she was born were 243.6ng/ml. Alyssa has been on Enzymes, AquADEK's and salt she has already had 2 shots of the Synagis and we are hoping for the third next month. Hope to get to know you all.


New member
Good morning everyone my name is Michelle my daughter Alyssa was just diagnosed 1/21/10 her sweat test was 105mE/L her IRT numbers when she was born were 243.6ng/ml. Alyssa has been on Enzymes, AquADEK's and salt she has already had 2 shots of the Synagis and we are hoping for the third next month. Hope to get to know you all.


New member
Good morning everyone my name is Michelle my daughter Alyssa was just diagnosed 1/21/10 her sweat test was 105mE/L her IRT numbers when she was born were 243.6ng/ml. Alyssa has been on Enzymes, AquADEK's and salt she has already had 2 shots of the Synagis and we are hoping for the third next month. Hope to get to know you all.


Welcome Michelle,

I'm so sorry you got the diagnosis that sent you here -- but I am certain you will find this place soooo helpful as you maneuver the new life you have been led to.

My daughter, also Alyssa, was diagnosed just about 4 years ago when she was an infant. It was so difficult when she was so little, mainly because there was so much I didn't know. It felt like I was dumped in a foreign land without knowledge of the language and without a translation dictionary. I was worried and scared for my daughter all the time....but with knowledge and time it has gotten easier. My Alyssa is a beautiful, smart, energetic, and MOSTLY healthy normal 4 year old girl now. We have our moments of health issues, but overall things are soooo much better than my imagination led me to 4 years ago.

Once again, welcome!


Welcome Michelle,

I'm so sorry you got the diagnosis that sent you here -- but I am certain you will find this place soooo helpful as you maneuver the new life you have been led to.

My daughter, also Alyssa, was diagnosed just about 4 years ago when she was an infant. It was so difficult when she was so little, mainly because there was so much I didn't know. It felt like I was dumped in a foreign land without knowledge of the language and without a translation dictionary. I was worried and scared for my daughter all the time....but with knowledge and time it has gotten easier. My Alyssa is a beautiful, smart, energetic, and MOSTLY healthy normal 4 year old girl now. We have our moments of health issues, but overall things are soooo much better than my imagination led me to 4 years ago.

Once again, welcome!


Welcome Michelle,

I'm so sorry you got the diagnosis that sent you here -- but I am certain you will find this place soooo helpful as you maneuver the new life you have been led to.

My daughter, also Alyssa, was diagnosed just about 4 years ago when she was an infant. It was so difficult when she was so little, mainly because there was so much I didn't know. It felt like I was dumped in a foreign land without knowledge of the language and without a translation dictionary. I was worried and scared for my daughter all the time....but with knowledge and time it has gotten easier. My Alyssa is a beautiful, smart, energetic, and MOSTLY healthy normal 4 year old girl now. We have our moments of health issues, but overall things are soooo much better than my imagination led me to 4 years ago.

Once again, welcome!


Welcome Michelle,

I'm so sorry you got the diagnosis that sent you here -- but I am certain you will find this place soooo helpful as you maneuver the new life you have been led to.

My daughter, also Alyssa, was diagnosed just about 4 years ago when she was an infant. It was so difficult when she was so little, mainly because there was so much I didn't know. It felt like I was dumped in a foreign land without knowledge of the language and without a translation dictionary. I was worried and scared for my daughter all the time....but with knowledge and time it has gotten easier. My Alyssa is a beautiful, smart, energetic, and MOSTLY healthy normal 4 year old girl now. We have our moments of health issues, but overall things are soooo much better than my imagination led me to 4 years ago.

Once again, welcome!


Welcome Michelle,
<br />
<br />I'm so sorry you got the diagnosis that sent you here -- but I am certain you will find this place soooo helpful as you maneuver the new life you have been led to.
<br />
<br />My daughter, also Alyssa, was diagnosed just about 4 years ago when she was an infant. It was so difficult when she was so little, mainly because there was so much I didn't know. It felt like I was dumped in a foreign land without knowledge of the language and without a translation dictionary. I was worried and scared for my daughter all the time....but with knowledge and time it has gotten easier. My Alyssa is a beautiful, smart, energetic, and MOSTLY healthy normal 4 year old girl now. We have our moments of health issues, but overall things are soooo much better than my imagination led me to 4 years ago.
<br />
<br />Once again, welcome!


New member
Hello. My son is 3 months old and has been in the hospital now over a week but has been sick for over 2 months. They are doing blood tests on him for CF but his newborn screen was neg. Has this happened to any of you?


New member
Hello. My son is 3 months old and has been in the hospital now over a week but has been sick for over 2 months. They are doing blood tests on him for CF but his newborn screen was neg. Has this happened to any of you?


New member
Hello. My son is 3 months old and has been in the hospital now over a week but has been sick for over 2 months. They are doing blood tests on him for CF but his newborn screen was neg. Has this happened to any of you?


New member
Hello. My son is 3 months old and has been in the hospital now over a week but has been sick for over 2 months. They are doing blood tests on him for CF but his newborn screen was neg. Has this happened to any of you?


New member
Hello. My son is 3 months old and has been in the hospital now over a week but has been sick for over 2 months. They are doing blood tests on him for CF but his newborn screen was neg. Has this happened to any of you?


New member
Hi Michelle. Welcome to our community. Of course it's the last place you though you'd ever be, but I hope you will find this site as helpful as I did.

I look forward to hearing more from you.



New member
Hi Michelle. Welcome to our community. Of course it's the last place you though you'd ever be, but I hope you will find this site as helpful as I did.

I look forward to hearing more from you.



New member
Hi Michelle. Welcome to our community. Of course it's the last place you though you'd ever be, but I hope you will find this site as helpful as I did.

I look forward to hearing more from you.



New member
Hi Michelle. Welcome to our community. Of course it's the last place you though you'd ever be, but I hope you will find this site as helpful as I did.

I look forward to hearing more from you.



New member
Hi Michelle. Welcome to our community. Of course it's the last place you though you'd ever be, but I hope you will find this site as helpful as I did.
<br />
<br />I look forward to hearing more from you.
<br />
<br />Stacey