New pictures


New member
Ditto hair girl -- Julie, don't shrink them even if you do find out how to -- it's nice to see them up close and with all the detail.

Those are some good looking kiddo's you've got there !

Thanks for posting !!!


New member
Thanks everyone!!

Alyssa, we'll be at the walk with them this year... are you going to be there?

Hairgirl, no new stories really. Tristan has rolled over twice (just last week), ryland once and he scared the crap out of himself and cried for like 10 minutes (he's our sensitive guy), and Cassie is flipping stomach to back and back to stomach as she see's fit and when it's convenient (LOL, she's JUST like me!!!).

They are getting so big. I got my laptop back on Friday so I'm in the process of RE-loading everything on to it and then hopefully I can update the website with some more pictures and videos. THey are laughing now and we've got some of the laughs on video.

Ry was the first to really really giggle hard and we caught it on the camera. I was picking a booger out of his nose on the changing table, had me laughing so hard because of WHY he was laughing. He laughs so hard when you touch his nose, he's such a funny guy.

They are SOO much fun, I'm so excited for all of you pregnant gals out there, you have so much fun in store for you!!!!


New member
Thanks everyone!!

Alyssa, we'll be at the walk with them this year... are you going to be there?

Hairgirl, no new stories really. Tristan has rolled over twice (just last week), ryland once and he scared the crap out of himself and cried for like 10 minutes (he's our sensitive guy), and Cassie is flipping stomach to back and back to stomach as she see's fit and when it's convenient (LOL, she's JUST like me!!!).

They are getting so big. I got my laptop back on Friday so I'm in the process of RE-loading everything on to it and then hopefully I can update the website with some more pictures and videos. THey are laughing now and we've got some of the laughs on video.

Ry was the first to really really giggle hard and we caught it on the camera. I was picking a booger out of his nose on the changing table, had me laughing so hard because of WHY he was laughing. He laughs so hard when you touch his nose, he's such a funny guy.

They are SOO much fun, I'm so excited for all of you pregnant gals out there, you have so much fun in store for you!!!!


New member
Thanks everyone!!

Alyssa, we'll be at the walk with them this year... are you going to be there?

Hairgirl, no new stories really. Tristan has rolled over twice (just last week), ryland once and he scared the crap out of himself and cried for like 10 minutes (he's our sensitive guy), and Cassie is flipping stomach to back and back to stomach as she see's fit and when it's convenient (LOL, she's JUST like me!!!).

They are getting so big. I got my laptop back on Friday so I'm in the process of RE-loading everything on to it and then hopefully I can update the website with some more pictures and videos. THey are laughing now and we've got some of the laughs on video.

Ry was the first to really really giggle hard and we caught it on the camera. I was picking a booger out of his nose on the changing table, had me laughing so hard because of WHY he was laughing. He laughs so hard when you touch his nose, he's such a funny guy.

They are SOO much fun, I'm so excited for all of you pregnant gals out there, you have so much fun in store for you!!!!


New member
They're really really cute <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
They're really really cute <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
They're really really cute <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I called my son in to look at the pictures of the babies and he just about died. He said they are so cute that he wants put salt on them and eat them (only a CF kid would prefer salt over sugar!). I explained that their daddy has CF and that when he gets older he might be able to have a baby also. He was shocked and wanted to know if the baby came out of the man's penis! I set him straight and he seemed very relieved. I can't wait for him to meet his new brother.


New member
I called my son in to look at the pictures of the babies and he just about died. He said they are so cute that he wants put salt on them and eat them (only a CF kid would prefer salt over sugar!). I explained that their daddy has CF and that when he gets older he might be able to have a baby also. He was shocked and wanted to know if the baby came out of the man's penis! I set him straight and he seemed very relieved. I can't wait for him to meet his new brother.


New member
I called my son in to look at the pictures of the babies and he just about died. He said they are so cute that he wants put salt on them and eat them (only a CF kid would prefer salt over sugar!). I explained that their daddy has CF and that when he gets older he might be able to have a baby also. He was shocked and wanted to know if the baby came out of the man's penis! I set him straight and he seemed very relieved. I can't wait for him to meet his new brother.


New member
They are SOOOO ADORABLE !! Love the pictures! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
They are SOOOO ADORABLE !! Love the pictures! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
They are SOOOO ADORABLE !! Love the pictures! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
They are so adorable!! Those boys look alot alike! Boy I bet they keep you busy - wait til they walk!!

Shelli - that is hilarious!! Watch out you may be explaining more than you want to! :) LOL