New member
Ok if ne one can help please do. Lately i have been havin alot of joint pain mainly in my legs and by that i mean for example last night when i was laying down for bed my knees were killing like (the feeling u get when sumthing needs to crack) or like my legs need to be stretched out. but the pain goes up and down my legs to my feet up in to my hips and lower butt muscles lol. it also feels like they just need to be rubbed but still hurts after being rubbed. So my question is does nebody else ever get this i know after i had my child 3yrs ago they said i had osteopenia and was wondering any affects cf has on are joints. Cuz i know my docs are always asking ne joint pain and i really never had ne before but lately its been happening very often. the pain is mainy at night when i am just laying still and if i walk they just feel sore. I also have problems with my sciatic nerve when i do alot of standing or sitting and my left hip cracks alot and if i sit to long sumtimes when i get up it kills and my leg wants to give out but only when i stand up after i walk on it, it goes away. Ne feedback is great and i will also get in touch with my doctor to inform them of the problems. Gotta love havin CF lol. good luck everyone.