New member
Hi Everyone!
New to the website and just wanted to say hi and introduce myself.
I'm a single mother of a daughter with Cystic Fibrosis(F508 & F508). She was diagnosed at 3 months of age after a sudden drop of weight, constant vomiting after eating (GERD), loose stools and a slight cough. Her pediatrician sent me to Children's in DC for a second evaluation, were she stayed for a month and a half and then another month and half at another facility for weight gain. My daughter is now 11 years old. She has had PA, MRSA and Staph. Right now her major problem is weight gain, and I am indecisive about getting the button for nightly tube feedings. She has gained 8 pounds since the summer and I feel like with more time we can do it on our own.
My daughter also has a Chiari Malformation Type I, that was diagnosed a day after the CF. After which she under went surgery to place a VP Shunt to drain fluids. She also has had surgery at six months for a hernia. As if the CF was not enough to handle. *Pulls hair out*
<img src="http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs094.snc3/16135_1288639855993_1230111827_30884396_8138342_n.jpg">
<img src="http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs280.snc1/10733_1273009225237_1230111827_30837665_6648513_n.jpg">
New to the website and just wanted to say hi and introduce myself.
I'm a single mother of a daughter with Cystic Fibrosis(F508 & F508). She was diagnosed at 3 months of age after a sudden drop of weight, constant vomiting after eating (GERD), loose stools and a slight cough. Her pediatrician sent me to Children's in DC for a second evaluation, were she stayed for a month and a half and then another month and half at another facility for weight gain. My daughter is now 11 years old. She has had PA, MRSA and Staph. Right now her major problem is weight gain, and I am indecisive about getting the button for nightly tube feedings. She has gained 8 pounds since the summer and I feel like with more time we can do it on our own.
My daughter also has a Chiari Malformation Type I, that was diagnosed a day after the CF. After which she under went surgery to place a VP Shunt to drain fluids. She also has had surgery at six months for a hernia. As if the CF was not enough to handle. *Pulls hair out*
<img src="http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs094.snc3/16135_1288639855993_1230111827_30884396_8138342_n.jpg">
<img src="http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs280.snc1/10733_1273009225237_1230111827_30837665_6648513_n.jpg">