Yes, I doubt we would do the amniocentesis either. Seems like other people dealing with CF babies found out further down the pike without doing it, and I would feel better about that.
Just a question, Heather - did you know you were a carrier before you tried to conceive? I have nagging feelings about being irresponsible if I have that information while still in the planning stages, but I doubt we would go in vitro either. It's tough because I'm am just about to start the fertility pills, and I think I would rather go through with trying rather than not so I'm frantically trying to find information that would make me question my decision if I'm supposed to. I don't want to blindly inflict CF on my child without fully considering the consequences of our actions.
Just a question, Heather - did you know you were a carrier before you tried to conceive? I have nagging feelings about being irresponsible if I have that information while still in the planning stages, but I doubt we would go in vitro either. It's tough because I'm am just about to start the fertility pills, and I think I would rather go through with trying rather than not so I'm frantically trying to find information that would make me question my decision if I'm supposed to. I don't want to blindly inflict CF on my child without fully considering the consequences of our actions.