Harriett, I can TOTALLY relate to you except you have a dx. If you read my tag you'll see all my son's problems. Let me say, first and foremost, it is not your fault. My son has been sick since birth pretty much. At 6 months, after being released from the hospital where he spent 2 weeks, we swithched to an "asthma specialist" pedi. She mentioned testing for CF, but then decided later not to, that it was just asthma. At 2 yrs old my son weighed 17 lbs. He wore 12 mnth clothes with the waist too big. He has always been less than 5%ile on growth and weight. Never was he without a runny nose. He was ALWAYS sick. When he was 7 he was reffered to a neuro to help w/ the Autism stuff. HE sent us to all the specialists that eventually led us where we are today. They are doctors and we trust there expertese. Your daughter's dx is a lessoned learned; now you know what we all learn eventually-you are your child's advocate, and if you think something is wrong...it probably is. I'm gladyou found us, and you can always PM anybody or post here.