Nose Culture Results


Staff member
I've always taken it to mean symptomatic -- cough, upper respiratory infection...

DS cultured Haemophilus Influenzae up until he was put on zithromax at age 2 1/2. Wasn't put on it for that bug, but as part of his regular meds for dealing with inflammation and we were told that it would probably take care of that, too. I do recall he had sinus issues early on -- his first winter he had a nasty boogery nose and a couple ear infections...


Staff member
I've always taken it to mean symptomatic -- cough, upper respiratory infection...

DS cultured Haemophilus Influenzae up until he was put on zithromax at age 2 1/2. Wasn't put on it for that bug, but as part of his regular meds for dealing with inflammation and we were told that it would probably take care of that, too. I do recall he had sinus issues early on -- his first winter he had a nasty boogery nose and a couple ear infections...


Staff member
I've always taken it to mean symptomatic -- cough, upper respiratory infection...

DS cultured Haemophilus Influenzae up until he was put on zithromax at age 2 1/2. Wasn't put on it for that bug, but as part of his regular meds for dealing with inflammation and we were told that it would probably take care of that, too. I do recall he had sinus issues early on -- his first winter he had a nasty boogery nose and a couple ear infections...


Staff member
I've always taken it to mean symptomatic -- cough, upper respiratory infection...

DS cultured Haemophilus Influenzae up until he was put on zithromax at age 2 1/2. Wasn't put on it for that bug, but as part of his regular meds for dealing with inflammation and we were told that it would probably take care of that, too. I do recall he had sinus issues early on -- his first winter he had a nasty boogery nose and a couple ear infections...


Staff member
I've always taken it to mean symptomatic -- cough, upper respiratory infection...

DS cultured Haemophilus Influenzae up until he was put on zithromax at age 2 1/2. Wasn't put on it for that bug, but as part of his regular meds for dealing with inflammation and we were told that it would probably take care of that, too. I do recall he had sinus issues early on -- his first winter he had a nasty boogery nose and a couple ear infections...


Active member
Okay...glad to know. Abby's been coughing and was put on Xopenex to help aide in the eradication of a URI.

How do you all coordinate things between your CF center and your Pedi? That is beginning to stress me. Our Pedi is VERY proactive in his care and treatment of Abby, but I don't want to get into battles wondering what to do when and where and how and which Dr and all of that.

I've hijacked my own thread!



Active member
Okay...glad to know. Abby's been coughing and was put on Xopenex to help aide in the eradication of a URI.

How do you all coordinate things between your CF center and your Pedi? That is beginning to stress me. Our Pedi is VERY proactive in his care and treatment of Abby, but I don't want to get into battles wondering what to do when and where and how and which Dr and all of that.

I've hijacked my own thread!



Active member
Okay...glad to know. Abby's been coughing and was put on Xopenex to help aide in the eradication of a URI.

How do you all coordinate things between your CF center and your Pedi? That is beginning to stress me. Our Pedi is VERY proactive in his care and treatment of Abby, but I don't want to get into battles wondering what to do when and where and how and which Dr and all of that.

I've hijacked my own thread!



Active member
Okay...glad to know. Abby's been coughing and was put on Xopenex to help aide in the eradication of a URI.

How do you all coordinate things between your CF center and your Pedi? That is beginning to stress me. Our Pedi is VERY proactive in his care and treatment of Abby, but I don't want to get into battles wondering what to do when and where and how and which Dr and all of that.

I've hijacked my own thread!



Active member
Okay...glad to know. Abby's been coughing and was put on Xopenex to help aide in the eradication of a URI.

How do you all coordinate things between your CF center and your Pedi? That is beginning to stress me. Our Pedi is VERY proactive in his care and treatment of Abby, but I don't want to get into battles wondering what to do when and where and how and which Dr and all of that.

I've hijacked my own thread!



LOL at hijacking!! -- as for "exacerbation" our clinic actually has a checklist of things they look for that tells them its an exacerbation. I also think the numbers of the bug they are culturing goes up. So they told us that Alyssa is chronically colonized with staph, but only in very low amounts. If the numbers went up and she developed a cough, and lost weight or ran random fevers that might be enough to say exacerbation, let's try oral antibiotics.

As for the pedi vs. the CF center, I ALWAYS call the CF center first. Both our pedi and our center are right in my town, so if her problem is either GI or Respiratory I call the CF center first. I only use the pedi for ear infections or clearly non-cf virus type things and well baby stuff. My CF nurse said to call her first, if they don't htink its CF stuff, then I call the pedi's office. In all the time I've called, I was only referred back to the pedi once because Alyssa had a stomach bug, but it all wound up with a hospitalization and CF taking over her care. So mostly its CF trumps pedi.


LOL at hijacking!! -- as for "exacerbation" our clinic actually has a checklist of things they look for that tells them its an exacerbation. I also think the numbers of the bug they are culturing goes up. So they told us that Alyssa is chronically colonized with staph, but only in very low amounts. If the numbers went up and she developed a cough, and lost weight or ran random fevers that might be enough to say exacerbation, let's try oral antibiotics.

As for the pedi vs. the CF center, I ALWAYS call the CF center first. Both our pedi and our center are right in my town, so if her problem is either GI or Respiratory I call the CF center first. I only use the pedi for ear infections or clearly non-cf virus type things and well baby stuff. My CF nurse said to call her first, if they don't htink its CF stuff, then I call the pedi's office. In all the time I've called, I was only referred back to the pedi once because Alyssa had a stomach bug, but it all wound up with a hospitalization and CF taking over her care. So mostly its CF trumps pedi.


LOL at hijacking!! -- as for "exacerbation" our clinic actually has a checklist of things they look for that tells them its an exacerbation. I also think the numbers of the bug they are culturing goes up. So they told us that Alyssa is chronically colonized with staph, but only in very low amounts. If the numbers went up and she developed a cough, and lost weight or ran random fevers that might be enough to say exacerbation, let's try oral antibiotics.

As for the pedi vs. the CF center, I ALWAYS call the CF center first. Both our pedi and our center are right in my town, so if her problem is either GI or Respiratory I call the CF center first. I only use the pedi for ear infections or clearly non-cf virus type things and well baby stuff. My CF nurse said to call her first, if they don't htink its CF stuff, then I call the pedi's office. In all the time I've called, I was only referred back to the pedi once because Alyssa had a stomach bug, but it all wound up with a hospitalization and CF taking over her care. So mostly its CF trumps pedi.


LOL at hijacking!! -- as for "exacerbation" our clinic actually has a checklist of things they look for that tells them its an exacerbation. I also think the numbers of the bug they are culturing goes up. So they told us that Alyssa is chronically colonized with staph, but only in very low amounts. If the numbers went up and she developed a cough, and lost weight or ran random fevers that might be enough to say exacerbation, let's try oral antibiotics.

As for the pedi vs. the CF center, I ALWAYS call the CF center first. Both our pedi and our center are right in my town, so if her problem is either GI or Respiratory I call the CF center first. I only use the pedi for ear infections or clearly non-cf virus type things and well baby stuff. My CF nurse said to call her first, if they don't htink its CF stuff, then I call the pedi's office. In all the time I've called, I was only referred back to the pedi once because Alyssa had a stomach bug, but it all wound up with a hospitalization and CF taking over her care. So mostly its CF trumps pedi.


LOL at hijacking!! -- as for "exacerbation" our clinic actually has a checklist of things they look for that tells them its an exacerbation. I also think the numbers of the bug they are culturing goes up. So they told us that Alyssa is chronically colonized with staph, but only in very low amounts. If the numbers went up and she developed a cough, and lost weight or ran random fevers that might be enough to say exacerbation, let's try oral antibiotics.

As for the pedi vs. the CF center, I ALWAYS call the CF center first. Both our pedi and our center are right in my town, so if her problem is either GI or Respiratory I call the CF center first. I only use the pedi for ear infections or clearly non-cf virus type things and well baby stuff. My CF nurse said to call her first, if they don't htink its CF stuff, then I call the pedi's office. In all the time I've called, I was only referred back to the pedi once because Alyssa had a stomach bug, but it all wound up with a hospitalization and CF taking over her care. So mostly its CF trumps pedi.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>As for the pedi vs. the CF center, I ALWAYS call the CF center first.</end quote></div>

me too, CF cntr first & always. my pedi is also proactive but I like to make sure the the clinic knows what's up just in case she needs something more drastic or a more specific abx. my pedi likes to try the normal abx first & then move to the dramatics when sometimes they need the dramatic first.

My 2 year old had the strep virus above before & was just given 5 days of amoxicilin & she doesn't have CF so maybe it's common.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>As for the pedi vs. the CF center, I ALWAYS call the CF center first.</end quote></div>

me too, CF cntr first & always. my pedi is also proactive but I like to make sure the the clinic knows what's up just in case she needs something more drastic or a more specific abx. my pedi likes to try the normal abx first & then move to the dramatics when sometimes they need the dramatic first.

My 2 year old had the strep virus above before & was just given 5 days of amoxicilin & she doesn't have CF so maybe it's common.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>As for the pedi vs. the CF center, I ALWAYS call the CF center first.</end quote></div>

me too, CF cntr first & always. my pedi is also proactive but I like to make sure the the clinic knows what's up just in case she needs something more drastic or a more specific abx. my pedi likes to try the normal abx first & then move to the dramatics when sometimes they need the dramatic first.

My 2 year old had the strep virus above before & was just given 5 days of amoxicilin & she doesn't have CF so maybe it's common.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>As for the pedi vs. the CF center, I ALWAYS call the CF center first.</end quote>

me too, CF cntr first & always. my pedi is also proactive but I like to make sure the the clinic knows what's up just in case she needs something more drastic or a more specific abx. my pedi likes to try the normal abx first & then move to the dramatics when sometimes they need the dramatic first.

My 2 year old had the strep virus above before & was just given 5 days of amoxicilin & she doesn't have CF so maybe it's common.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>As for the pedi vs. the CF center, I ALWAYS call the CF center first.</end quote>

me too, CF cntr first & always. my pedi is also proactive but I like to make sure the the clinic knows what's up just in case she needs something more drastic or a more specific abx. my pedi likes to try the normal abx first & then move to the dramatics when sometimes they need the dramatic first.

My 2 year old had the strep virus above before & was just given 5 days of amoxicilin & she doesn't have CF so maybe it's common.