not willing to take this till the end


New member

I am so sorry that you are having this issue at all. I unfortunately do know ohw you feel to some extent. I don't recall ever having the crash my car into a tree thought, but there were others.

I was diagnosed with CF at 1 yr old. I have dealt with being sick my entire life in and out of hospitals that became my norm. Though I only had 1 hospital stay a year for most of my life. When I hit about 17-18 yrs old I started to have more issues. I started to live my life really fast cause I wanted to fit everything in. I slwoed down at around 21 because I had done all the things that kids my age were supposed to do and I was over it. I started to get much worse at around that age. I was sick more often, going in the hospital more frequently and so on. Things just were not as stable as they had been in the past. I was able to maintain a good attitude until about 2005 (when I turned 23).

After my 23rd birthday, I had a partial lung collapse and lost about 10-15% of my lung function (which was already at 40-45% before the collapse). I struggled to get that back with no luck. I was hospitalized 4 times in 2006 and started to see the end speeding toward me. I didn't want to get to "that point" where my whole world was over and I was just barely getting by. I went through the process for transplant and had a lung transplant in May of this year. What I realize now is that even though I didn't want to get to that point I did and I did okay. My life in my mind was spinning out of control and there was no way for me to stop it or slow it down or anything. Everything I tried that helped other people just seemed to make me worse or do nothing at all.

I started counselling at the encouragement of my mom and my fiance and it helped me tremendously. Just the coping - it didn't make things more stable really - nothing but my mind anyway. I did find that it is normal to be overwhelmed, confused, upset and so on. It is important to keep yourself from being consumed with those feelings though. Just knowing how much therapy/counseling helped me I think it may be something you would find beneficial as well. Just make sure if you pursue it that you find someone you feel comfortable with - even if it means you go to several different people before deciding on one in particular. You will know when you find them - if you go looking at all.

I hope things start to settle in your life and you are able to find some joy and happiness within the craziness.

Take Care


New member

I am so sorry that you are having this issue at all. I unfortunately do know ohw you feel to some extent. I don't recall ever having the crash my car into a tree thought, but there were others.

I was diagnosed with CF at 1 yr old. I have dealt with being sick my entire life in and out of hospitals that became my norm. Though I only had 1 hospital stay a year for most of my life. When I hit about 17-18 yrs old I started to have more issues. I started to live my life really fast cause I wanted to fit everything in. I slwoed down at around 21 because I had done all the things that kids my age were supposed to do and I was over it. I started to get much worse at around that age. I was sick more often, going in the hospital more frequently and so on. Things just were not as stable as they had been in the past. I was able to maintain a good attitude until about 2005 (when I turned 23).

After my 23rd birthday, I had a partial lung collapse and lost about 10-15% of my lung function (which was already at 40-45% before the collapse). I struggled to get that back with no luck. I was hospitalized 4 times in 2006 and started to see the end speeding toward me. I didn't want to get to "that point" where my whole world was over and I was just barely getting by. I went through the process for transplant and had a lung transplant in May of this year. What I realize now is that even though I didn't want to get to that point I did and I did okay. My life in my mind was spinning out of control and there was no way for me to stop it or slow it down or anything. Everything I tried that helped other people just seemed to make me worse or do nothing at all.

I started counselling at the encouragement of my mom and my fiance and it helped me tremendously. Just the coping - it didn't make things more stable really - nothing but my mind anyway. I did find that it is normal to be overwhelmed, confused, upset and so on. It is important to keep yourself from being consumed with those feelings though. Just knowing how much therapy/counseling helped me I think it may be something you would find beneficial as well. Just make sure if you pursue it that you find someone you feel comfortable with - even if it means you go to several different people before deciding on one in particular. You will know when you find them - if you go looking at all.

I hope things start to settle in your life and you are able to find some joy and happiness within the craziness.

Take Care


New member

I am so sorry that you are having this issue at all. I unfortunately do know ohw you feel to some extent. I don't recall ever having the crash my car into a tree thought, but there were others.

I was diagnosed with CF at 1 yr old. I have dealt with being sick my entire life in and out of hospitals that became my norm. Though I only had 1 hospital stay a year for most of my life. When I hit about 17-18 yrs old I started to have more issues. I started to live my life really fast cause I wanted to fit everything in. I slwoed down at around 21 because I had done all the things that kids my age were supposed to do and I was over it. I started to get much worse at around that age. I was sick more often, going in the hospital more frequently and so on. Things just were not as stable as they had been in the past. I was able to maintain a good attitude until about 2005 (when I turned 23).

After my 23rd birthday, I had a partial lung collapse and lost about 10-15% of my lung function (which was already at 40-45% before the collapse). I struggled to get that back with no luck. I was hospitalized 4 times in 2006 and started to see the end speeding toward me. I didn't want to get to "that point" where my whole world was over and I was just barely getting by. I went through the process for transplant and had a lung transplant in May of this year. What I realize now is that even though I didn't want to get to that point I did and I did okay. My life in my mind was spinning out of control and there was no way for me to stop it or slow it down or anything. Everything I tried that helped other people just seemed to make me worse or do nothing at all.

I started counselling at the encouragement of my mom and my fiance and it helped me tremendously. Just the coping - it didn't make things more stable really - nothing but my mind anyway. I did find that it is normal to be overwhelmed, confused, upset and so on. It is important to keep yourself from being consumed with those feelings though. Just knowing how much therapy/counseling helped me I think it may be something you would find beneficial as well. Just make sure if you pursue it that you find someone you feel comfortable with - even if it means you go to several different people before deciding on one in particular. You will know when you find them - if you go looking at all.

I hope things start to settle in your life and you are able to find some joy and happiness within the craziness.

Take Care


New member

I am so sorry that you are having this issue at all. I unfortunately do know ohw you feel to some extent. I don't recall ever having the crash my car into a tree thought, but there were others.

I was diagnosed with CF at 1 yr old. I have dealt with being sick my entire life in and out of hospitals that became my norm. Though I only had 1 hospital stay a year for most of my life. When I hit about 17-18 yrs old I started to have more issues. I started to live my life really fast cause I wanted to fit everything in. I slwoed down at around 21 because I had done all the things that kids my age were supposed to do and I was over it. I started to get much worse at around that age. I was sick more often, going in the hospital more frequently and so on. Things just were not as stable as they had been in the past. I was able to maintain a good attitude until about 2005 (when I turned 23).

After my 23rd birthday, I had a partial lung collapse and lost about 10-15% of my lung function (which was already at 40-45% before the collapse). I struggled to get that back with no luck. I was hospitalized 4 times in 2006 and started to see the end speeding toward me. I didn't want to get to "that point" where my whole world was over and I was just barely getting by. I went through the process for transplant and had a lung transplant in May of this year. What I realize now is that even though I didn't want to get to that point I did and I did okay. My life in my mind was spinning out of control and there was no way for me to stop it or slow it down or anything. Everything I tried that helped other people just seemed to make me worse or do nothing at all.

I started counselling at the encouragement of my mom and my fiance and it helped me tremendously. Just the coping - it didn't make things more stable really - nothing but my mind anyway. I did find that it is normal to be overwhelmed, confused, upset and so on. It is important to keep yourself from being consumed with those feelings though. Just knowing how much therapy/counseling helped me I think it may be something you would find beneficial as well. Just make sure if you pursue it that you find someone you feel comfortable with - even if it means you go to several different people before deciding on one in particular. You will know when you find them - if you go looking at all.

I hope things start to settle in your life and you are able to find some joy and happiness within the craziness.

Take Care


New member

I am so sorry that you are having this issue at all. I unfortunately do know ohw you feel to some extent. I don't recall ever having the crash my car into a tree thought, but there were others.

I was diagnosed with CF at 1 yr old. I have dealt with being sick my entire life in and out of hospitals that became my norm. Though I only had 1 hospital stay a year for most of my life. When I hit about 17-18 yrs old I started to have more issues. I started to live my life really fast cause I wanted to fit everything in. I slwoed down at around 21 because I had done all the things that kids my age were supposed to do and I was over it. I started to get much worse at around that age. I was sick more often, going in the hospital more frequently and so on. Things just were not as stable as they had been in the past. I was able to maintain a good attitude until about 2005 (when I turned 23).

After my 23rd birthday, I had a partial lung collapse and lost about 10-15% of my lung function (which was already at 40-45% before the collapse). I struggled to get that back with no luck. I was hospitalized 4 times in 2006 and started to see the end speeding toward me. I didn't want to get to "that point" where my whole world was over and I was just barely getting by. I went through the process for transplant and had a lung transplant in May of this year. What I realize now is that even though I didn't want to get to that point I did and I did okay. My life in my mind was spinning out of control and there was no way for me to stop it or slow it down or anything. Everything I tried that helped other people just seemed to make me worse or do nothing at all.

I started counselling at the encouragement of my mom and my fiance and it helped me tremendously. Just the coping - it didn't make things more stable really - nothing but my mind anyway. I did find that it is normal to be overwhelmed, confused, upset and so on. It is important to keep yourself from being consumed with those feelings though. Just knowing how much therapy/counseling helped me I think it may be something you would find beneficial as well. Just make sure if you pursue it that you find someone you feel comfortable with - even if it means you go to several different people before deciding on one in particular. You will know when you find them - if you go looking at all.

I hope things start to settle in your life and you are able to find some joy and happiness within the craziness.

Take Care


New member

Welcome to the site and you will find alot of helpful info here!

As to your post....I was pretty much like you. I had a "mild" case (or I at least like to think I did) and only ever took my enzymes up until I went to college at 17. I never did my aerosals or CPT but told the docs I did. When I went to college reality hit. I lived at home and commuted and after 3 months I was so sick I could barely walk. I couldn't breath, I had lost 11 pounds (I was only 106 to begin with) and I looked like a ghost literally. When I walked into my docs office 2 days before new years he couldn't believe I was walking. He admmitted me 3 days later and I finally knew what it was like to be a CF patient. From that point on I did my meds when I was supposed to (most of the time - I was still only 18) and tried to live normally. I started a new school because I thought the one I was at had made me sick, NOT me and my lack of treatments. That lasted a couple years till I decided I hated life and CF and didn't give a sh*t anymore. At 20 I was back in the hospital (around new years) and when I came out I hated everyone that was healthy. I went along with life and finally started doing what I was supposed to but deep down inside all I wanted was a normal life like my friends. I wanted to be able to stay at my boyfriend's without having to take meds. I wanted to meet new people and not explain about my "little" cough. When I turned 23 I hit my very low point...I stopped all treatments except enzymes and said F*ck it I hope I die. I was forced into the hospital when I caught the flu around new years (anyone noticing a pattern here). I guess I was lucky they have locks on the med cabinets and windows because otherwise I know I would have jumped or shot myself with something. I hated that my friends were worrying about what colors to paint their living rooms and I was worrying about if I would ever live to see age 30. It sucked and I felt so alone and like no one could understand (if I had known about this site back then I think I would have been a lot better off!). Every day I would drive over this bridge that is over a highway and I would envision myself plunging to my death and how I would be able to run and breathe in heaven finally. The only thing that stopped me was my brother and how he would feel if I killed myself.

Finally my best friend sat me down with her mother who got diabetes when she was pregnant with her second baby and told me how she went through all the same stuff and that I needed to get help before I did something rash. That was when I started to see a therapist. Now I still hate that I have CF and that I have to do all my meds but I know that without them I won't live and with them I can be as normal as possible. It is all a matter of mind and how you deal with it. Some people take it very hard and that is understandable. But we all have to realize that no matter what we do it isn't going away and all we can do is treat it the best way we and our doctors know how. So now when I start to feel like I don't want to live and get really depressed I think about how many people out there have it worse than me and they are still kicking so why should I give up. I have been very depressed lately since my boyfriend and I split because if the CF. I have gone through alot of the "why me" and "what is the point of even living" thoughts. Talking to someone and getting those thoughts out in the air really helps and makes them seem less dooming. And they even sound stupid when you say them out loud to your best friend who is staring at you like an idiot because you are talking about killing yourself and she thinks you are nuts for it - its actually quite comical if your a fly on the wall!

Well anyway. I hope that you can find the help that you need and feel free to PM me anytime.

And rememebr we also have a chance that this could be cured. Or it could be controled like diabetes is. But either way, do you want to give up before you know?

Live life like there is nothing wrong and remember that everyone has their health issues, our are just more obvious and pesky <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

Welcome to the site and you will find alot of helpful info here!

As to your post....I was pretty much like you. I had a "mild" case (or I at least like to think I did) and only ever took my enzymes up until I went to college at 17. I never did my aerosals or CPT but told the docs I did. When I went to college reality hit. I lived at home and commuted and after 3 months I was so sick I could barely walk. I couldn't breath, I had lost 11 pounds (I was only 106 to begin with) and I looked like a ghost literally. When I walked into my docs office 2 days before new years he couldn't believe I was walking. He admmitted me 3 days later and I finally knew what it was like to be a CF patient. From that point on I did my meds when I was supposed to (most of the time - I was still only 18) and tried to live normally. I started a new school because I thought the one I was at had made me sick, NOT me and my lack of treatments. That lasted a couple years till I decided I hated life and CF and didn't give a sh*t anymore. At 20 I was back in the hospital (around new years) and when I came out I hated everyone that was healthy. I went along with life and finally started doing what I was supposed to but deep down inside all I wanted was a normal life like my friends. I wanted to be able to stay at my boyfriend's without having to take meds. I wanted to meet new people and not explain about my "little" cough. When I turned 23 I hit my very low point...I stopped all treatments except enzymes and said F*ck it I hope I die. I was forced into the hospital when I caught the flu around new years (anyone noticing a pattern here). I guess I was lucky they have locks on the med cabinets and windows because otherwise I know I would have jumped or shot myself with something. I hated that my friends were worrying about what colors to paint their living rooms and I was worrying about if I would ever live to see age 30. It sucked and I felt so alone and like no one could understand (if I had known about this site back then I think I would have been a lot better off!). Every day I would drive over this bridge that is over a highway and I would envision myself plunging to my death and how I would be able to run and breathe in heaven finally. The only thing that stopped me was my brother and how he would feel if I killed myself.

Finally my best friend sat me down with her mother who got diabetes when she was pregnant with her second baby and told me how she went through all the same stuff and that I needed to get help before I did something rash. That was when I started to see a therapist. Now I still hate that I have CF and that I have to do all my meds but I know that without them I won't live and with them I can be as normal as possible. It is all a matter of mind and how you deal with it. Some people take it very hard and that is understandable. But we all have to realize that no matter what we do it isn't going away and all we can do is treat it the best way we and our doctors know how. So now when I start to feel like I don't want to live and get really depressed I think about how many people out there have it worse than me and they are still kicking so why should I give up. I have been very depressed lately since my boyfriend and I split because if the CF. I have gone through alot of the "why me" and "what is the point of even living" thoughts. Talking to someone and getting those thoughts out in the air really helps and makes them seem less dooming. And they even sound stupid when you say them out loud to your best friend who is staring at you like an idiot because you are talking about killing yourself and she thinks you are nuts for it - its actually quite comical if your a fly on the wall!

Well anyway. I hope that you can find the help that you need and feel free to PM me anytime.

And rememebr we also have a chance that this could be cured. Or it could be controled like diabetes is. But either way, do you want to give up before you know?

Live life like there is nothing wrong and remember that everyone has their health issues, our are just more obvious and pesky <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

Welcome to the site and you will find alot of helpful info here!

As to your post....I was pretty much like you. I had a "mild" case (or I at least like to think I did) and only ever took my enzymes up until I went to college at 17. I never did my aerosals or CPT but told the docs I did. When I went to college reality hit. I lived at home and commuted and after 3 months I was so sick I could barely walk. I couldn't breath, I had lost 11 pounds (I was only 106 to begin with) and I looked like a ghost literally. When I walked into my docs office 2 days before new years he couldn't believe I was walking. He admmitted me 3 days later and I finally knew what it was like to be a CF patient. From that point on I did my meds when I was supposed to (most of the time - I was still only 18) and tried to live normally. I started a new school because I thought the one I was at had made me sick, NOT me and my lack of treatments. That lasted a couple years till I decided I hated life and CF and didn't give a sh*t anymore. At 20 I was back in the hospital (around new years) and when I came out I hated everyone that was healthy. I went along with life and finally started doing what I was supposed to but deep down inside all I wanted was a normal life like my friends. I wanted to be able to stay at my boyfriend's without having to take meds. I wanted to meet new people and not explain about my "little" cough. When I turned 23 I hit my very low point...I stopped all treatments except enzymes and said F*ck it I hope I die. I was forced into the hospital when I caught the flu around new years (anyone noticing a pattern here). I guess I was lucky they have locks on the med cabinets and windows because otherwise I know I would have jumped or shot myself with something. I hated that my friends were worrying about what colors to paint their living rooms and I was worrying about if I would ever live to see age 30. It sucked and I felt so alone and like no one could understand (if I had known about this site back then I think I would have been a lot better off!). Every day I would drive over this bridge that is over a highway and I would envision myself plunging to my death and how I would be able to run and breathe in heaven finally. The only thing that stopped me was my brother and how he would feel if I killed myself.

Finally my best friend sat me down with her mother who got diabetes when she was pregnant with her second baby and told me how she went through all the same stuff and that I needed to get help before I did something rash. That was when I started to see a therapist. Now I still hate that I have CF and that I have to do all my meds but I know that without them I won't live and with them I can be as normal as possible. It is all a matter of mind and how you deal with it. Some people take it very hard and that is understandable. But we all have to realize that no matter what we do it isn't going away and all we can do is treat it the best way we and our doctors know how. So now when I start to feel like I don't want to live and get really depressed I think about how many people out there have it worse than me and they are still kicking so why should I give up. I have been very depressed lately since my boyfriend and I split because if the CF. I have gone through alot of the "why me" and "what is the point of even living" thoughts. Talking to someone and getting those thoughts out in the air really helps and makes them seem less dooming. And they even sound stupid when you say them out loud to your best friend who is staring at you like an idiot because you are talking about killing yourself and she thinks you are nuts for it - its actually quite comical if your a fly on the wall!

Well anyway. I hope that you can find the help that you need and feel free to PM me anytime.

And rememebr we also have a chance that this could be cured. Or it could be controled like diabetes is. But either way, do you want to give up before you know?

Live life like there is nothing wrong and remember that everyone has their health issues, our are just more obvious and pesky <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

Welcome to the site and you will find alot of helpful info here!

As to your post....I was pretty much like you. I had a "mild" case (or I at least like to think I did) and only ever took my enzymes up until I went to college at 17. I never did my aerosals or CPT but told the docs I did. When I went to college reality hit. I lived at home and commuted and after 3 months I was so sick I could barely walk. I couldn't breath, I had lost 11 pounds (I was only 106 to begin with) and I looked like a ghost literally. When I walked into my docs office 2 days before new years he couldn't believe I was walking. He admmitted me 3 days later and I finally knew what it was like to be a CF patient. From that point on I did my meds when I was supposed to (most of the time - I was still only 18) and tried to live normally. I started a new school because I thought the one I was at had made me sick, NOT me and my lack of treatments. That lasted a couple years till I decided I hated life and CF and didn't give a sh*t anymore. At 20 I was back in the hospital (around new years) and when I came out I hated everyone that was healthy. I went along with life and finally started doing what I was supposed to but deep down inside all I wanted was a normal life like my friends. I wanted to be able to stay at my boyfriend's without having to take meds. I wanted to meet new people and not explain about my "little" cough. When I turned 23 I hit my very low point...I stopped all treatments except enzymes and said F*ck it I hope I die. I was forced into the hospital when I caught the flu around new years (anyone noticing a pattern here). I guess I was lucky they have locks on the med cabinets and windows because otherwise I know I would have jumped or shot myself with something. I hated that my friends were worrying about what colors to paint their living rooms and I was worrying about if I would ever live to see age 30. It sucked and I felt so alone and like no one could understand (if I had known about this site back then I think I would have been a lot better off!). Every day I would drive over this bridge that is over a highway and I would envision myself plunging to my death and how I would be able to run and breathe in heaven finally. The only thing that stopped me was my brother and how he would feel if I killed myself.

Finally my best friend sat me down with her mother who got diabetes when she was pregnant with her second baby and told me how she went through all the same stuff and that I needed to get help before I did something rash. That was when I started to see a therapist. Now I still hate that I have CF and that I have to do all my meds but I know that without them I won't live and with them I can be as normal as possible. It is all a matter of mind and how you deal with it. Some people take it very hard and that is understandable. But we all have to realize that no matter what we do it isn't going away and all we can do is treat it the best way we and our doctors know how. So now when I start to feel like I don't want to live and get really depressed I think about how many people out there have it worse than me and they are still kicking so why should I give up. I have been very depressed lately since my boyfriend and I split because if the CF. I have gone through alot of the "why me" and "what is the point of even living" thoughts. Talking to someone and getting those thoughts out in the air really helps and makes them seem less dooming. And they even sound stupid when you say them out loud to your best friend who is staring at you like an idiot because you are talking about killing yourself and she thinks you are nuts for it - its actually quite comical if your a fly on the wall!

Well anyway. I hope that you can find the help that you need and feel free to PM me anytime.

And rememebr we also have a chance that this could be cured. Or it could be controled like diabetes is. But either way, do you want to give up before you know?

Live life like there is nothing wrong and remember that everyone has their health issues, our are just more obvious and pesky <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

Welcome to the site and you will find alot of helpful info here!

As to your post....I was pretty much like you. I had a "mild" case (or I at least like to think I did) and only ever took my enzymes up until I went to college at 17. I never did my aerosals or CPT but told the docs I did. When I went to college reality hit. I lived at home and commuted and after 3 months I was so sick I could barely walk. I couldn't breath, I had lost 11 pounds (I was only 106 to begin with) and I looked like a ghost literally. When I walked into my docs office 2 days before new years he couldn't believe I was walking. He admmitted me 3 days later and I finally knew what it was like to be a CF patient. From that point on I did my meds when I was supposed to (most of the time - I was still only 18) and tried to live normally. I started a new school because I thought the one I was at had made me sick, NOT me and my lack of treatments. That lasted a couple years till I decided I hated life and CF and didn't give a sh*t anymore. At 20 I was back in the hospital (around new years) and when I came out I hated everyone that was healthy. I went along with life and finally started doing what I was supposed to but deep down inside all I wanted was a normal life like my friends. I wanted to be able to stay at my boyfriend's without having to take meds. I wanted to meet new people and not explain about my "little" cough. When I turned 23 I hit my very low point...I stopped all treatments except enzymes and said F*ck it I hope I die. I was forced into the hospital when I caught the flu around new years (anyone noticing a pattern here). I guess I was lucky they have locks on the med cabinets and windows because otherwise I know I would have jumped or shot myself with something. I hated that my friends were worrying about what colors to paint their living rooms and I was worrying about if I would ever live to see age 30. It sucked and I felt so alone and like no one could understand (if I had known about this site back then I think I would have been a lot better off!). Every day I would drive over this bridge that is over a highway and I would envision myself plunging to my death and how I would be able to run and breathe in heaven finally. The only thing that stopped me was my brother and how he would feel if I killed myself.

Finally my best friend sat me down with her mother who got diabetes when she was pregnant with her second baby and told me how she went through all the same stuff and that I needed to get help before I did something rash. That was when I started to see a therapist. Now I still hate that I have CF and that I have to do all my meds but I know that without them I won't live and with them I can be as normal as possible. It is all a matter of mind and how you deal with it. Some people take it very hard and that is understandable. But we all have to realize that no matter what we do it isn't going away and all we can do is treat it the best way we and our doctors know how. So now when I start to feel like I don't want to live and get really depressed I think about how many people out there have it worse than me and they are still kicking so why should I give up. I have been very depressed lately since my boyfriend and I split because if the CF. I have gone through alot of the "why me" and "what is the point of even living" thoughts. Talking to someone and getting those thoughts out in the air really helps and makes them seem less dooming. And they even sound stupid when you say them out loud to your best friend who is staring at you like an idiot because you are talking about killing yourself and she thinks you are nuts for it - its actually quite comical if your a fly on the wall!

Well anyway. I hope that you can find the help that you need and feel free to PM me anytime.

And rememebr we also have a chance that this could be cured. Or it could be controled like diabetes is. But either way, do you want to give up before you know?

Live life like there is nothing wrong and remember that everyone has their health issues, our are just more obvious and pesky <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
@lance2020: Is that you holding the chick in the pic? Rock on man. THE LAHD O THA DANCE!!!!!!

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
@lance2020: Is that you holding the chick in the pic? Rock on man. THE LAHD O THA DANCE!!!!!!

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
@lance2020: Is that you holding the chick in the pic? Rock on man. THE LAHD O THA DANCE!!!!!!

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
@lance2020: Is that you holding the chick in the pic? Rock on man. THE LAHD O THA DANCE!!!!!!

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
@lance2020: Is that you holding the chick in the pic? Rock on man. THE LAHD O THA DANCE!!!!!!

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
That would be me, I was a dancer up until last September:
<img src="">
<img src="">
<img src="">
<img src="">

I would highly suggest dance classes to ANYONE with CF


New member
That would be me, I was a dancer up until last September:
<img src="">
<img src="">
<img src="">
<img src="">

I would highly suggest dance classes to ANYONE with CF


New member
That would be me, I was a dancer up until last September:
<img src="">
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I would highly suggest dance classes to ANYONE with CF


New member
That would be me, I was a dancer up until last September:
<img src="">
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I would highly suggest dance classes to ANYONE with CF


New member
That would be me, I was a dancer up until last September:
<img src="">
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I would highly suggest dance classes to ANYONE with CF