Not working, what to do?



I see that you have received lots of good advice to try avoid boredom. Since you originally posted this thread in Jan, I hope that you have tried some of these good suggestions. In one of your responses you expressed an interest in quilting so I have a suggestion that I did not see posted already ... .... its a free site that was designed for the creative / visual person where you can "follow" people with similar interests. It's addicting!!! I would suggest that you join and follow other people that are interested in quilting (or anything else that interests you). If you need quilting instructions you will also find that on pinterest, just look for sewing and quilting "tutorials" that other people have pinned. And once you start quilting you can go one step further and start selling your creations on another site, such as Etsy. Good luck.


I see that you have received lots of good advice to try avoid boredom. Since you originally posted this thread in Jan, I hope that you have tried some of these good suggestions. In one of your responses you expressed an interest in quilting so I have a suggestion that I did not see posted already ... .... its a free site that was designed for the creative / visual person where you can "follow" people with similar interests. It's addicting!!! I would suggest that you join and follow other people that are interested in quilting (or anything else that interests you). If you need quilting instructions you will also find that on pinterest, just look for sewing and quilting "tutorials" that other people have pinned. And once you start quilting you can go one step further and start selling your creations on another site, such as Etsy. Good luck.


New member
Sue, I'm in the exact same situation and it is sooo annoying! I feel totally worthless and useless. I want a hobby really bad but I have no idea which one to persue. Ideally, I'd like to do something that could help others (especially animals) or at least make money off of it. The only thing I really like to do is jigsaw puzzles but that can get old after a while. But there's a lot of good ideas that people posted too. I hope you find something that you love doing.


New member
Sue, I'm in the exact same situation and it is sooo annoying! I feel totally worthless and useless. I want a hobby really bad but I have no idea which one to persue. Ideally, I'd like to do something that could help others (especially animals) or at least make money off of it. The only thing I really like to do is jigsaw puzzles but that can get old after a while. But there's a lot of good ideas that people posted too. I hope you find something that you love doing.


New member
I've taken up knitting because i often don't feel well enough to get out. It feels productive even though i'm kind of mindlessly knitting away. Just a thought!


New member
I've taken up knitting because i often don't feel well enough to get out. It feels productive even though i'm kind of mindlessly knitting away. Just a thought!