Now is the Time


New member
I spent the entire morning drafting my thoughts on what George Bush and his fellow cronies have done to us and why we need to hold him accountable.

Now is the time. Now is the time to try Bush and his cronies for crimes against humanity. In an interview, George Bush ADMITTED that he approved the use of torture. His defense of his approval was "to keep America safe", but I think we need to remember why it is in the first place that our leaders utilize torture, and blatantly go against the founding fathers who drafted the US Constitution.

All of this inhumane degradation began with the 9/11 attacks. 19 skyjackers armed with boxcutters took over a few planes and crashed them into the twin towers. Now this was NOT an attack posed by another country, it was 19 deluded men. But Bush, with Cheney shouting in his ear, reacted utilizing pure negative emotions, totally out of vengeance, opposed to rationality. He chose to use the vast American military, and all of our immeasurable power, to attack and occupy Afghanistan. Now Afghanistan was the purported base of operations of the culprits that actually attacked us, so that was not a hard pill to swallow. But all of a sudden, the Bush Administration set its sights on Iraq, claiming that it had WMDs . Now you don't have to be smarter then a 5th grader to acknowledge that the Mid East is not only less safe, but a lot more hostile after George Bush's invasions.

We had at one time been a shining beacon of light for all to see, and admired by the world over, but now we are hated, and the only reason countries put up with us is because of our immense military clout.
Now I really think that George Bush is in denial, and actually believes that he was doing the right thing, but had he thought things through, and acted on his own merit, opposed to Cheney and Rove's, and opted for a non-emotional, non-violent reaction to September 11, using diplomacy instead of military power, a lot of this mess could have been avoided. But by reacting to September 11, again which was only a crime committed by individuals as if it was a military attack by a foreign country, was and is an error committed deliberately by a criminal. Now Bill Clinton also committed an error, and was impeached for it, but to be honest here that "error" didn't cost American lives.

Now to press my point about us not being attacked by a military, and the whole reaction by Bush fundamentally absurd, well remember when McVeigh blew up those buildings in Oklahoma City? Well, Clinton did not attack, bomb, and invade a foreign nation, but instead gave the proper authorities the authority to find him and judge him accordingly. IMO it should have been exactly the same after 9/11. Now McVeigh was a US citizen while the "terrorists" were not, but we could have utilized the very same measures to get at the jist of their organization.

Now even if George Bush's "war on terror" was never hatched, I believe that individual terrorists would still exist. After all, any person can be indoctrinated by an individual filled with hate, and that translates to a person that's motivated by negative emotions, all the while thinking they are right. And as we witnessed, a simple box cutter and a able body is all that is needed to inflict damage to us. We just have to hope Barack Obama will not turn a blind eye to these crimes, and hold the previous administration accountable, so that we can begin to repair our reputation around the world, and put an end to GITMO and the war in Iraq, to put out a message to the world that the US has new leadership, and operates in a legal matter, opposed to utilizing invasions and occupations of other countries, thus creating more hatred in a vicious circle of reprisal and vendettas.

I am enthusiastic that George Bush and his cronies have less then a week to go, before they can spread the very same lies about Iran's nuclear intentions, invading them, thus creating some sort of "end scenario" when Jesus will return and save the righteous, while condemning the wicked.

The truth of the matter is that Donald Duck Rumsfeld ordered the torture tactics, George Bush authorized them, Dickhead Cheney defended the torture tactics, and Alberto Gonzalez lied and tried desperately to make them look legal. All these clowns need to be tried for war crimes as soon as President Obama takes the oath of office. When he places his hand on the bible and states that he will serve the constitution, how can he ignore the blatant abuses of power that the previous administration utilized? The Bush cronies are the most horrendous bunch of ejaculations I have ever seen, and are a huge tarnish on America.


New member
I spent the entire morning drafting my thoughts on what George Bush and his fellow cronies have done to us and why we need to hold him accountable.

Now is the time. Now is the time to try Bush and his cronies for crimes against humanity. In an interview, George Bush ADMITTED that he approved the use of torture. His defense of his approval was "to keep America safe", but I think we need to remember why it is in the first place that our leaders utilize torture, and blatantly go against the founding fathers who drafted the US Constitution.

All of this inhumane degradation began with the 9/11 attacks. 19 skyjackers armed with boxcutters took over a few planes and crashed them into the twin towers. Now this was NOT an attack posed by another country, it was 19 deluded men. But Bush, with Cheney shouting in his ear, reacted utilizing pure negative emotions, totally out of vengeance, opposed to rationality. He chose to use the vast American military, and all of our immeasurable power, to attack and occupy Afghanistan. Now Afghanistan was the purported base of operations of the culprits that actually attacked us, so that was not a hard pill to swallow. But all of a sudden, the Bush Administration set its sights on Iraq, claiming that it had WMDs . Now you don't have to be smarter then a 5th grader to acknowledge that the Mid East is not only less safe, but a lot more hostile after George Bush's invasions.

We had at one time been a shining beacon of light for all to see, and admired by the world over, but now we are hated, and the only reason countries put up with us is because of our immense military clout.
Now I really think that George Bush is in denial, and actually believes that he was doing the right thing, but had he thought things through, and acted on his own merit, opposed to Cheney and Rove's, and opted for a non-emotional, non-violent reaction to September 11, using diplomacy instead of military power, a lot of this mess could have been avoided. But by reacting to September 11, again which was only a crime committed by individuals as if it was a military attack by a foreign country, was and is an error committed deliberately by a criminal. Now Bill Clinton also committed an error, and was impeached for it, but to be honest here that "error" didn't cost American lives.

Now to press my point about us not being attacked by a military, and the whole reaction by Bush fundamentally absurd, well remember when McVeigh blew up those buildings in Oklahoma City? Well, Clinton did not attack, bomb, and invade a foreign nation, but instead gave the proper authorities the authority to find him and judge him accordingly. IMO it should have been exactly the same after 9/11. Now McVeigh was a US citizen while the "terrorists" were not, but we could have utilized the very same measures to get at the jist of their organization.

Now even if George Bush's "war on terror" was never hatched, I believe that individual terrorists would still exist. After all, any person can be indoctrinated by an individual filled with hate, and that translates to a person that's motivated by negative emotions, all the while thinking they are right. And as we witnessed, a simple box cutter and a able body is all that is needed to inflict damage to us. We just have to hope Barack Obama will not turn a blind eye to these crimes, and hold the previous administration accountable, so that we can begin to repair our reputation around the world, and put an end to GITMO and the war in Iraq, to put out a message to the world that the US has new leadership, and operates in a legal matter, opposed to utilizing invasions and occupations of other countries, thus creating more hatred in a vicious circle of reprisal and vendettas.

I am enthusiastic that George Bush and his cronies have less then a week to go, before they can spread the very same lies about Iran's nuclear intentions, invading them, thus creating some sort of "end scenario" when Jesus will return and save the righteous, while condemning the wicked.

The truth of the matter is that Donald Duck Rumsfeld ordered the torture tactics, George Bush authorized them, Dickhead Cheney defended the torture tactics, and Alberto Gonzalez lied and tried desperately to make them look legal. All these clowns need to be tried for war crimes as soon as President Obama takes the oath of office. When he places his hand on the bible and states that he will serve the constitution, how can he ignore the blatant abuses of power that the previous administration utilized? The Bush cronies are the most horrendous bunch of ejaculations I have ever seen, and are a huge tarnish on America.


New member
I spent the entire morning drafting my thoughts on what George Bush and his fellow cronies have done to us and why we need to hold him accountable.

Now is the time. Now is the time to try Bush and his cronies for crimes against humanity. In an interview, George Bush ADMITTED that he approved the use of torture. His defense of his approval was "to keep America safe", but I think we need to remember why it is in the first place that our leaders utilize torture, and blatantly go against the founding fathers who drafted the US Constitution.

All of this inhumane degradation began with the 9/11 attacks. 19 skyjackers armed with boxcutters took over a few planes and crashed them into the twin towers. Now this was NOT an attack posed by another country, it was 19 deluded men. But Bush, with Cheney shouting in his ear, reacted utilizing pure negative emotions, totally out of vengeance, opposed to rationality. He chose to use the vast American military, and all of our immeasurable power, to attack and occupy Afghanistan. Now Afghanistan was the purported base of operations of the culprits that actually attacked us, so that was not a hard pill to swallow. But all of a sudden, the Bush Administration set its sights on Iraq, claiming that it had WMDs . Now you don't have to be smarter then a 5th grader to acknowledge that the Mid East is not only less safe, but a lot more hostile after George Bush's invasions.

We had at one time been a shining beacon of light for all to see, and admired by the world over, but now we are hated, and the only reason countries put up with us is because of our immense military clout.
Now I really think that George Bush is in denial, and actually believes that he was doing the right thing, but had he thought things through, and acted on his own merit, opposed to Cheney and Rove's, and opted for a non-emotional, non-violent reaction to September 11, using diplomacy instead of military power, a lot of this mess could have been avoided. But by reacting to September 11, again which was only a crime committed by individuals as if it was a military attack by a foreign country, was and is an error committed deliberately by a criminal. Now Bill Clinton also committed an error, and was impeached for it, but to be honest here that "error" didn't cost American lives.

Now to press my point about us not being attacked by a military, and the whole reaction by Bush fundamentally absurd, well remember when McVeigh blew up those buildings in Oklahoma City? Well, Clinton did not attack, bomb, and invade a foreign nation, but instead gave the proper authorities the authority to find him and judge him accordingly. IMO it should have been exactly the same after 9/11. Now McVeigh was a US citizen while the "terrorists" were not, but we could have utilized the very same measures to get at the jist of their organization.

Now even if George Bush's "war on terror" was never hatched, I believe that individual terrorists would still exist. After all, any person can be indoctrinated by an individual filled with hate, and that translates to a person that's motivated by negative emotions, all the while thinking they are right. And as we witnessed, a simple box cutter and a able body is all that is needed to inflict damage to us. We just have to hope Barack Obama will not turn a blind eye to these crimes, and hold the previous administration accountable, so that we can begin to repair our reputation around the world, and put an end to GITMO and the war in Iraq, to put out a message to the world that the US has new leadership, and operates in a legal matter, opposed to utilizing invasions and occupations of other countries, thus creating more hatred in a vicious circle of reprisal and vendettas.

I am enthusiastic that George Bush and his cronies have less then a week to go, before they can spread the very same lies about Iran's nuclear intentions, invading them, thus creating some sort of "end scenario" when Jesus will return and save the righteous, while condemning the wicked.

The truth of the matter is that Donald Duck Rumsfeld ordered the torture tactics, George Bush authorized them, Dickhead Cheney defended the torture tactics, and Alberto Gonzalez lied and tried desperately to make them look legal. All these clowns need to be tried for war crimes as soon as President Obama takes the oath of office. When he places his hand on the bible and states that he will serve the constitution, how can he ignore the blatant abuses of power that the previous administration utilized? The Bush cronies are the most horrendous bunch of ejaculations I have ever seen, and are a huge tarnish on America.


New member
I spent the entire morning drafting my thoughts on what George Bush and his fellow cronies have done to us and why we need to hold him accountable.

Now is the time. Now is the time to try Bush and his cronies for crimes against humanity. In an interview, George Bush ADMITTED that he approved the use of torture. His defense of his approval was "to keep America safe", but I think we need to remember why it is in the first place that our leaders utilize torture, and blatantly go against the founding fathers who drafted the US Constitution.

All of this inhumane degradation began with the 9/11 attacks. 19 skyjackers armed with boxcutters took over a few planes and crashed them into the twin towers. Now this was NOT an attack posed by another country, it was 19 deluded men. But Bush, with Cheney shouting in his ear, reacted utilizing pure negative emotions, totally out of vengeance, opposed to rationality. He chose to use the vast American military, and all of our immeasurable power, to attack and occupy Afghanistan. Now Afghanistan was the purported base of operations of the culprits that actually attacked us, so that was not a hard pill to swallow. But all of a sudden, the Bush Administration set its sights on Iraq, claiming that it had WMDs . Now you don't have to be smarter then a 5th grader to acknowledge that the Mid East is not only less safe, but a lot more hostile after George Bush's invasions.

We had at one time been a shining beacon of light for all to see, and admired by the world over, but now we are hated, and the only reason countries put up with us is because of our immense military clout.
Now I really think that George Bush is in denial, and actually believes that he was doing the right thing, but had he thought things through, and acted on his own merit, opposed to Cheney and Rove's, and opted for a non-emotional, non-violent reaction to September 11, using diplomacy instead of military power, a lot of this mess could have been avoided. But by reacting to September 11, again which was only a crime committed by individuals as if it was a military attack by a foreign country, was and is an error committed deliberately by a criminal. Now Bill Clinton also committed an error, and was impeached for it, but to be honest here that "error" didn't cost American lives.

Now to press my point about us not being attacked by a military, and the whole reaction by Bush fundamentally absurd, well remember when McVeigh blew up those buildings in Oklahoma City? Well, Clinton did not attack, bomb, and invade a foreign nation, but instead gave the proper authorities the authority to find him and judge him accordingly. IMO it should have been exactly the same after 9/11. Now McVeigh was a US citizen while the "terrorists" were not, but we could have utilized the very same measures to get at the jist of their organization.

Now even if George Bush's "war on terror" was never hatched, I believe that individual terrorists would still exist. After all, any person can be indoctrinated by an individual filled with hate, and that translates to a person that's motivated by negative emotions, all the while thinking they are right. And as we witnessed, a simple box cutter and a able body is all that is needed to inflict damage to us. We just have to hope Barack Obama will not turn a blind eye to these crimes, and hold the previous administration accountable, so that we can begin to repair our reputation around the world, and put an end to GITMO and the war in Iraq, to put out a message to the world that the US has new leadership, and operates in a legal matter, opposed to utilizing invasions and occupations of other countries, thus creating more hatred in a vicious circle of reprisal and vendettas.

I am enthusiastic that George Bush and his cronies have less then a week to go, before they can spread the very same lies about Iran's nuclear intentions, invading them, thus creating some sort of "end scenario" when Jesus will return and save the righteous, while condemning the wicked.

The truth of the matter is that Donald Duck Rumsfeld ordered the torture tactics, George Bush authorized them, Dickhead Cheney defended the torture tactics, and Alberto Gonzalez lied and tried desperately to make them look legal. All these clowns need to be tried for war crimes as soon as President Obama takes the oath of office. When he places his hand on the bible and states that he will serve the constitution, how can he ignore the blatant abuses of power that the previous administration utilized? The Bush cronies are the most horrendous bunch of ejaculations I have ever seen, and are a huge tarnish on America.


New member
I spent the entire morning drafting my thoughts on what George Bush and his fellow cronies have done to us and why we need to hold him accountable.
<br />
<br />Now is the time. Now is the time to try Bush and his cronies for crimes against humanity. In an interview, George Bush ADMITTED that he approved the use of torture. His defense of his approval was "to keep America safe", but I think we need to remember why it is in the first place that our leaders utilize torture, and blatantly go against the founding fathers who drafted the US Constitution.
<br />
<br />All of this inhumane degradation began with the 9/11 attacks. 19 skyjackers armed with boxcutters took over a few planes and crashed them into the twin towers. Now this was NOT an attack posed by another country, it was 19 deluded men. But Bush, with Cheney shouting in his ear, reacted utilizing pure negative emotions, totally out of vengeance, opposed to rationality. He chose to use the vast American military, and all of our immeasurable power, to attack and occupy Afghanistan. Now Afghanistan was the purported base of operations of the culprits that actually attacked us, so that was not a hard pill to swallow. But all of a sudden, the Bush Administration set its sights on Iraq, claiming that it had WMDs . Now you don't have to be smarter then a 5th grader to acknowledge that the Mid East is not only less safe, but a lot more hostile after George Bush's invasions.
<br />
<br />We had at one time been a shining beacon of light for all to see, and admired by the world over, but now we are hated, and the only reason countries put up with us is because of our immense military clout.
<br />Now I really think that George Bush is in denial, and actually believes that he was doing the right thing, but had he thought things through, and acted on his own merit, opposed to Cheney and Rove's, and opted for a non-emotional, non-violent reaction to September 11, using diplomacy instead of military power, a lot of this mess could have been avoided. But by reacting to September 11, again which was only a crime committed by individuals as if it was a military attack by a foreign country, was and is an error committed deliberately by a criminal. Now Bill Clinton also committed an error, and was impeached for it, but to be honest here that "error" didn't cost American lives.
<br />
<br />Now to press my point about us not being attacked by a military, and the whole reaction by Bush fundamentally absurd, well remember when McVeigh blew up those buildings in Oklahoma City? Well, Clinton did not attack, bomb, and invade a foreign nation, but instead gave the proper authorities the authority to find him and judge him accordingly. IMO it should have been exactly the same after 9/11. Now McVeigh was a US citizen while the "terrorists" were not, but we could have utilized the very same measures to get at the jist of their organization.
<br />
<br />Now even if George Bush's "war on terror" was never hatched, I believe that individual terrorists would still exist. After all, any person can be indoctrinated by an individual filled with hate, and that translates to a person that's motivated by negative emotions, all the while thinking they are right. And as we witnessed, a simple box cutter and a able body is all that is needed to inflict damage to us. We just have to hope Barack Obama will not turn a blind eye to these crimes, and hold the previous administration accountable, so that we can begin to repair our reputation around the world, and put an end to GITMO and the war in Iraq, to put out a message to the world that the US has new leadership, and operates in a legal matter, opposed to utilizing invasions and occupations of other countries, thus creating more hatred in a vicious circle of reprisal and vendettas.
<br />
<br />I am enthusiastic that George Bush and his cronies have less then a week to go, before they can spread the very same lies about Iran's nuclear intentions, invading them, thus creating some sort of "end scenario" when Jesus will return and save the righteous, while condemning the wicked.
<br />
<br /> The truth of the matter is that Donald Duck Rumsfeld ordered the torture tactics, George Bush authorized them, Dickhead Cheney defended the torture tactics, and Alberto Gonzalez lied and tried desperately to make them look legal. All these clowns need to be tried for war crimes as soon as President Obama takes the oath of office. When he places his hand on the bible and states that he will serve the constitution, how can he ignore the blatant abuses of power that the previous administration utilized? The Bush cronies are the most horrendous bunch of ejaculations I have ever seen, and are a huge tarnish on America.
<br />


New member

You are definetely preaching to MY choir. I can join your rant about all the other horrible things that Bush did. In addition to the manufactured war for the benefit of his cronies -- remember Halliburton getting all the no bid deals, privatizing all former Army jobs, making billions off the oil industry by providing various support and security, inherited a surplus in the budget and destroyed that, Katrina, an assault on the environment, censorship, reversal even in his last days of vital environmental protections, making us hated everywhere in the world, allowing assault rifles back into our laws, didn't start it but helped along the regulations that allowed media giants to own everything so we now get all our news from 5 sources. Found obscure laws to back up anything he wanted to do. The Repulicans blocked any rumblings of any investigations, and this White Huuse hasn't known secrecy like this since Nixon. And they got away with it.

Bush did nothing when our housing and financial institutions were collapsing and the govenrnment is going to benefit by getting houses really cheap, did nothing in 8 years to broker peace in the middle east, including not even sending Rice until the last part of his reign trying to get last minute credit for doing something right.

I'm just jotting this down quickly, just skimming the top. To those who think he's kept us safe -- the kind of terrorism that was planned for 911 takes many years and money to plan. The terrorists don't have to attack again. They've destroyed our economy and our sense of well-being that lives with us every day. Life has never been the same and they know it. And come the cowboy couldn't get Bin Laden? I'm not even dealing with the fact of going to war with the wrong country and the ever changing reasons why we were there.

Shane my only disagreement with you is I don't think Bush is so innocent. His friends benefitted greatly immediately from everything he has done. Let's not forget Cheney and Halliburton. Amazing that all the excuses for raising the gas prises to nearly $5.00 a gallon stopped right before Bush was leaving. The oil executives were dragged out before an ineffectual Congress that chastised then let go off to raise prices again.

Under Bush, the health insurance companies got to raise their prices to unheard of levels. My group health insurance went from 500 a month to $1500 a month. Yet the insurance executives profited handsomely. As all CEO pay went through the roof with no regulations in place.

Obama is going to start fresh. They are not going to try anyone for war crimes. Remember how Ford pardoned Nixon? Lucky for Nixon, he left a legacy for his foreign policy. What will be Bush's legacy? He kept us safe? As if being attacked were the norm?

Bush has the lowest approval rating of ANY president. Which means that most Repubicans don't even like him. And for those who keep putting all the blame on Clinton, they had eight years to prove themselves. And looking around, most people are much worse now. Everywhere I look people are losing their jobs, their homes, their 401K's, their health insurance...

Obama was not my candidate of choice, but I am thrilled that this group of criminals and self-serving thieves will be gone.


New member

You are definetely preaching to MY choir. I can join your rant about all the other horrible things that Bush did. In addition to the manufactured war for the benefit of his cronies -- remember Halliburton getting all the no bid deals, privatizing all former Army jobs, making billions off the oil industry by providing various support and security, inherited a surplus in the budget and destroyed that, Katrina, an assault on the environment, censorship, reversal even in his last days of vital environmental protections, making us hated everywhere in the world, allowing assault rifles back into our laws, didn't start it but helped along the regulations that allowed media giants to own everything so we now get all our news from 5 sources. Found obscure laws to back up anything he wanted to do. The Repulicans blocked any rumblings of any investigations, and this White Huuse hasn't known secrecy like this since Nixon. And they got away with it.

Bush did nothing when our housing and financial institutions were collapsing and the govenrnment is going to benefit by getting houses really cheap, did nothing in 8 years to broker peace in the middle east, including not even sending Rice until the last part of his reign trying to get last minute credit for doing something right.

I'm just jotting this down quickly, just skimming the top. To those who think he's kept us safe -- the kind of terrorism that was planned for 911 takes many years and money to plan. The terrorists don't have to attack again. They've destroyed our economy and our sense of well-being that lives with us every day. Life has never been the same and they know it. And come the cowboy couldn't get Bin Laden? I'm not even dealing with the fact of going to war with the wrong country and the ever changing reasons why we were there.

Shane my only disagreement with you is I don't think Bush is so innocent. His friends benefitted greatly immediately from everything he has done. Let's not forget Cheney and Halliburton. Amazing that all the excuses for raising the gas prises to nearly $5.00 a gallon stopped right before Bush was leaving. The oil executives were dragged out before an ineffectual Congress that chastised then let go off to raise prices again.

Under Bush, the health insurance companies got to raise their prices to unheard of levels. My group health insurance went from 500 a month to $1500 a month. Yet the insurance executives profited handsomely. As all CEO pay went through the roof with no regulations in place.

Obama is going to start fresh. They are not going to try anyone for war crimes. Remember how Ford pardoned Nixon? Lucky for Nixon, he left a legacy for his foreign policy. What will be Bush's legacy? He kept us safe? As if being attacked were the norm?

Bush has the lowest approval rating of ANY president. Which means that most Repubicans don't even like him. And for those who keep putting all the blame on Clinton, they had eight years to prove themselves. And looking around, most people are much worse now. Everywhere I look people are losing their jobs, their homes, their 401K's, their health insurance...

Obama was not my candidate of choice, but I am thrilled that this group of criminals and self-serving thieves will be gone.


New member

You are definetely preaching to MY choir. I can join your rant about all the other horrible things that Bush did. In addition to the manufactured war for the benefit of his cronies -- remember Halliburton getting all the no bid deals, privatizing all former Army jobs, making billions off the oil industry by providing various support and security, inherited a surplus in the budget and destroyed that, Katrina, an assault on the environment, censorship, reversal even in his last days of vital environmental protections, making us hated everywhere in the world, allowing assault rifles back into our laws, didn't start it but helped along the regulations that allowed media giants to own everything so we now get all our news from 5 sources. Found obscure laws to back up anything he wanted to do. The Repulicans blocked any rumblings of any investigations, and this White Huuse hasn't known secrecy like this since Nixon. And they got away with it.

Bush did nothing when our housing and financial institutions were collapsing and the govenrnment is going to benefit by getting houses really cheap, did nothing in 8 years to broker peace in the middle east, including not even sending Rice until the last part of his reign trying to get last minute credit for doing something right.

I'm just jotting this down quickly, just skimming the top. To those who think he's kept us safe -- the kind of terrorism that was planned for 911 takes many years and money to plan. The terrorists don't have to attack again. They've destroyed our economy and our sense of well-being that lives with us every day. Life has never been the same and they know it. And come the cowboy couldn't get Bin Laden? I'm not even dealing with the fact of going to war with the wrong country and the ever changing reasons why we were there.

Shane my only disagreement with you is I don't think Bush is so innocent. His friends benefitted greatly immediately from everything he has done. Let's not forget Cheney and Halliburton. Amazing that all the excuses for raising the gas prises to nearly $5.00 a gallon stopped right before Bush was leaving. The oil executives were dragged out before an ineffectual Congress that chastised then let go off to raise prices again.

Under Bush, the health insurance companies got to raise their prices to unheard of levels. My group health insurance went from 500 a month to $1500 a month. Yet the insurance executives profited handsomely. As all CEO pay went through the roof with no regulations in place.

Obama is going to start fresh. They are not going to try anyone for war crimes. Remember how Ford pardoned Nixon? Lucky for Nixon, he left a legacy for his foreign policy. What will be Bush's legacy? He kept us safe? As if being attacked were the norm?

Bush has the lowest approval rating of ANY president. Which means that most Repubicans don't even like him. And for those who keep putting all the blame on Clinton, they had eight years to prove themselves. And looking around, most people are much worse now. Everywhere I look people are losing their jobs, their homes, their 401K's, their health insurance...

Obama was not my candidate of choice, but I am thrilled that this group of criminals and self-serving thieves will be gone.


New member

You are definetely preaching to MY choir. I can join your rant about all the other horrible things that Bush did. In addition to the manufactured war for the benefit of his cronies -- remember Halliburton getting all the no bid deals, privatizing all former Army jobs, making billions off the oil industry by providing various support and security, inherited a surplus in the budget and destroyed that, Katrina, an assault on the environment, censorship, reversal even in his last days of vital environmental protections, making us hated everywhere in the world, allowing assault rifles back into our laws, didn't start it but helped along the regulations that allowed media giants to own everything so we now get all our news from 5 sources. Found obscure laws to back up anything he wanted to do. The Repulicans blocked any rumblings of any investigations, and this White Huuse hasn't known secrecy like this since Nixon. And they got away with it.

Bush did nothing when our housing and financial institutions were collapsing and the govenrnment is going to benefit by getting houses really cheap, did nothing in 8 years to broker peace in the middle east, including not even sending Rice until the last part of his reign trying to get last minute credit for doing something right.

I'm just jotting this down quickly, just skimming the top. To those who think he's kept us safe -- the kind of terrorism that was planned for 911 takes many years and money to plan. The terrorists don't have to attack again. They've destroyed our economy and our sense of well-being that lives with us every day. Life has never been the same and they know it. And come the cowboy couldn't get Bin Laden? I'm not even dealing with the fact of going to war with the wrong country and the ever changing reasons why we were there.

Shane my only disagreement with you is I don't think Bush is so innocent. His friends benefitted greatly immediately from everything he has done. Let's not forget Cheney and Halliburton. Amazing that all the excuses for raising the gas prises to nearly $5.00 a gallon stopped right before Bush was leaving. The oil executives were dragged out before an ineffectual Congress that chastised then let go off to raise prices again.

Under Bush, the health insurance companies got to raise their prices to unheard of levels. My group health insurance went from 500 a month to $1500 a month. Yet the insurance executives profited handsomely. As all CEO pay went through the roof with no regulations in place.

Obama is going to start fresh. They are not going to try anyone for war crimes. Remember how Ford pardoned Nixon? Lucky for Nixon, he left a legacy for his foreign policy. What will be Bush's legacy? He kept us safe? As if being attacked were the norm?

Bush has the lowest approval rating of ANY president. Which means that most Repubicans don't even like him. And for those who keep putting all the blame on Clinton, they had eight years to prove themselves. And looking around, most people are much worse now. Everywhere I look people are losing their jobs, their homes, their 401K's, their health insurance...

Obama was not my candidate of choice, but I am thrilled that this group of criminals and self-serving thieves will be gone.


New member
<br />
<br />You are definetely preaching to MY choir. I can join your rant about all the other horrible things that Bush did. In addition to the manufactured war for the benefit of his cronies -- remember Halliburton getting all the no bid deals, privatizing all former Army jobs, making billions off the oil industry by providing various support and security, inherited a surplus in the budget and destroyed that, Katrina, an assault on the environment, censorship, reversal even in his last days of vital environmental protections, making us hated everywhere in the world, allowing assault rifles back into our laws, didn't start it but helped along the regulations that allowed media giants to own everything so we now get all our news from 5 sources. Found obscure laws to back up anything he wanted to do. The Repulicans blocked any rumblings of any investigations, and this White Huuse hasn't known secrecy like this since Nixon. And they got away with it.
<br />
<br />Bush did nothing when our housing and financial institutions were collapsing and the govenrnment is going to benefit by getting houses really cheap, did nothing in 8 years to broker peace in the middle east, including not even sending Rice until the last part of his reign trying to get last minute credit for doing something right.
<br />
<br />I'm just jotting this down quickly, just skimming the top. To those who think he's kept us safe -- the kind of terrorism that was planned for 911 takes many years and money to plan. The terrorists don't have to attack again. They've destroyed our economy and our sense of well-being that lives with us every day. Life has never been the same and they know it. And come the cowboy couldn't get Bin Laden? I'm not even dealing with the fact of going to war with the wrong country and the ever changing reasons why we were there.
<br />
<br />Shane my only disagreement with you is I don't think Bush is so innocent. His friends benefitted greatly immediately from everything he has done. Let's not forget Cheney and Halliburton. Amazing that all the excuses for raising the gas prises to nearly $5.00 a gallon stopped right before Bush was leaving. The oil executives were dragged out before an ineffectual Congress that chastised then let go off to raise prices again.
<br />
<br />Under Bush, the health insurance companies got to raise their prices to unheard of levels. My group health insurance went from 500 a month to $1500 a month. Yet the insurance executives profited handsomely. As all CEO pay went through the roof with no regulations in place.
<br />
<br />Obama is going to start fresh. They are not going to try anyone for war crimes. Remember how Ford pardoned Nixon? Lucky for Nixon, he left a legacy for his foreign policy. What will be Bush's legacy? He kept us safe? As if being attacked were the norm?
<br />
<br />Bush has the lowest approval rating of ANY president. Which means that most Repubicans don't even like him. And for those who keep putting all the blame on Clinton, they had eight years to prove themselves. And looking around, most people are much worse now. Everywhere I look people are losing their jobs, their homes, their 401K's, their health insurance...
<br />
<br />Obama was not my candidate of choice, but I am thrilled that this group of criminals and self-serving thieves will be gone.


New member
Nightwriter, did you watch Keith Olberman last night? He had a pundit on the show as a guest that made some excellent sense about this. While it's probably true that Congress doesn't have the cajones to put that war criminal Bush on trial, other countries may indeed force Obama's hand. He said there are numerous investigations being hatched in many countries, and they are building a case as we speak. If Obama plans to change America's image abroad, he must not overlook how Bush abused executive power. Haha, when asked before if Adam and Eve were real people, Bush replied, "That's not meant to be taken literally", apparently the US Constitution also isn't meant to be taken literally.
I would love it if Bush, Cheney and Rove get the orange jumpsuits and have to spend a day in the very same dungeon, GITMO, that they fashioned.
They cannot get away unscathed with the doom and gloom that they have perpetrated over the last 8 years.


New member
Nightwriter, did you watch Keith Olberman last night? He had a pundit on the show as a guest that made some excellent sense about this. While it's probably true that Congress doesn't have the cajones to put that war criminal Bush on trial, other countries may indeed force Obama's hand. He said there are numerous investigations being hatched in many countries, and they are building a case as we speak. If Obama plans to change America's image abroad, he must not overlook how Bush abused executive power. Haha, when asked before if Adam and Eve were real people, Bush replied, "That's not meant to be taken literally", apparently the US Constitution also isn't meant to be taken literally.
I would love it if Bush, Cheney and Rove get the orange jumpsuits and have to spend a day in the very same dungeon, GITMO, that they fashioned.
They cannot get away unscathed with the doom and gloom that they have perpetrated over the last 8 years.


New member
Nightwriter, did you watch Keith Olberman last night? He had a pundit on the show as a guest that made some excellent sense about this. While it's probably true that Congress doesn't have the cajones to put that war criminal Bush on trial, other countries may indeed force Obama's hand. He said there are numerous investigations being hatched in many countries, and they are building a case as we speak. If Obama plans to change America's image abroad, he must not overlook how Bush abused executive power. Haha, when asked before if Adam and Eve were real people, Bush replied, "That's not meant to be taken literally", apparently the US Constitution also isn't meant to be taken literally.
I would love it if Bush, Cheney and Rove get the orange jumpsuits and have to spend a day in the very same dungeon, GITMO, that they fashioned.
They cannot get away unscathed with the doom and gloom that they have perpetrated over the last 8 years.


New member
Nightwriter, did you watch Keith Olberman last night? He had a pundit on the show as a guest that made some excellent sense about this. While it's probably true that Congress doesn't have the cajones to put that war criminal Bush on trial, other countries may indeed force Obama's hand. He said there are numerous investigations being hatched in many countries, and they are building a case as we speak. If Obama plans to change America's image abroad, he must not overlook how Bush abused executive power. Haha, when asked before if Adam and Eve were real people, Bush replied, "That's not meant to be taken literally", apparently the US Constitution also isn't meant to be taken literally.
I would love it if Bush, Cheney and Rove get the orange jumpsuits and have to spend a day in the very same dungeon, GITMO, that they fashioned.
They cannot get away unscathed with the doom and gloom that they have perpetrated over the last 8 years.


New member
Nightwriter, did you watch Keith Olberman last night? He had a pundit on the show as a guest that made some excellent sense about this. While it's probably true that Congress doesn't have the cajones to put that war criminal Bush on trial, other countries may indeed force Obama's hand. He said there are numerous investigations being hatched in many countries, and they are building a case as we speak. If Obama plans to change America's image abroad, he must not overlook how Bush abused executive power. Haha, when asked before if Adam and Eve were real people, Bush replied, "That's not meant to be taken literally", apparently the US Constitution also isn't meant to be taken literally.
<br />I would love it if Bush, Cheney and Rove get the orange jumpsuits and have to spend a day in the very same dungeon, GITMO, that they fashioned.
<br />They cannot get away unscathed with the doom and gloom that they have perpetrated over the last 8 years.
<br />


I'm a U.S. Citizen living in a different country, and from what I've seen has been different.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Solo</b></i>

...Now is the time. Now is the time to try Bush and his cronies for crimes against humanity. In an interview, George Bush ADMITTED that he approved the use of torture. His defense of his approval was "to keep America safe", but I think we need to remember why it is in the first place that our leaders utilize torture, and blatantly go against the founding fathers who drafted the US Constitution. </end quote></div>

Unless it was on a news tape, I find it hard to believe Bush would admit to something like that. I find it hard to believe that you want to sling him to a tree just because he was doing the best of his ability to protect the U.S. security, like the same oath that Obama will take as President.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>All of this inhumane degradation began with the 9/11 attacks. 19 skyjackers armed with boxcutters took over a few planes and crashed them into the twin towers. Now this was NOT an attack posed by another country, it was 19 deluded men. </end quote></div>

It was 19 deluded men who were from an organization to "stomp U.S.", and they didn't have boxcutters, they had pilot licenses and knew how to aim (someone probably did research on how to turn a plane into a bomb!). What about those innocent workers who were detained and beheaded, just for helping to rebuild a country that was already been ignored for years? How many were military? From my sources, it was zero. Some innocent people who were kidnapped and beheaded were also Japanese Nationals, as well as from other parts of the world. I think a new constitution right should be as been stated by former President Ronald Reagan, "We don't Negotiate with Terrorists!".

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>We had at one time been a shining beacon of light for all to see, and admired by the world over, but now we are hated, and the only reason countries put up with us is because of our immense military clout.</end quote></div>

Currently, China has the bigger military, so I don't think the U.S. has had much clout there in the past few years. And I think its about time that the U.S. turns out the beacon and takes care of their own first, the rest of the world second.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Now I really think that George Bush is in denial, and actually believes that he was doing the right thing, but had he thought things through, and acted on his own merit, opposed to Cheney and Rove's, and opted for a non-emotional, non-violent reaction to September 11, using diplomacy instead of military power, a lot of this mess could have been avoided. But by reacting to September 11, again which was only a crime committed by individuals as if it was a military attack by a foreign country, was and is an error committed deliberately by a criminal. Now Bill Clinton also committed an error, and was impeached for it, but to be honest here that "error" didn't cost American lives.</end quote></div>

What Clinton did and Bush did are two seperate things. I had news feed that Clinton originally lied about his situation (a president who lies is liable for impeachement, not for cheating on his wife), Bush DID go through diplomatic channels to no avail, leaving the last option, which was retalliation for the loss of over 6,000 innocent non-military lives. There was proof that the 19 "individuals" were from an organization where there was a leader. We got to see the Video on TV, didn't you?

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Now to press my point about us not being attacked by a military, and the whole reaction by Bush fundamentally absurd, well remember when McVeigh blew up those buildings in Oklahoma City? Well, Clinton did not attack, bomb, and invade a foreign nation, but instead gave the proper authorities the authority to find him and judge him accordingly. IMO it should have been exactly the same after 9/11. Now McVeigh was a US citizen while the "terrorists" were not, but we could have utilized the very same measures to get at the jist of their organization.</end quote></div>

Again, you are comparing two different instances. One was a domestic act of terrorism, one was a foreign attack. Non of those 19 "individuals" were American born citizens, were they? I don't recollect. The Oklahoma City bombing was something to be contained, and since it was within the U.S., there was no need for "diplomatic assistance" from a foreign country to act upon the agressor of the attack. Again, the news I saw was that the diplomatic channels were used to no avail, and the second option (maybe third, but definitely last) was used.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Now even if George Bush's "war on terror" was never hatched, I believe that individual terrorists would still exist. After all, any person can be indoctrinated by an individual filled with hate, and that translates to a person that's motivated by negative emotions, all the while thinking they are right. </end quote></div>

This part I agree with..though it was strange that it was from a middle eastern man I met while he was visiting Japan that said there were never any "terrorists" before 1975. Now, they are all over. However, an added fact is that a terrist attack doesn't have to come from a foreigner. Besides the "Oklahoma City" incident, Japan has had several attacks, all of which were domestic, and it wasn't based on hate, but based on the individual's lack for the value of life.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>We just have to hope Barack Obama will not turn a blind eye to these crimes, and hold the previous administration accountable, so that we can begin to repair our reputation around the world, and put an end to GITMO and the war in Iraq, to put out a message to the world that the US has new leadership, and operates in a legal matter, opposed to utilizing invasions and occupations of other countries, thus creating more hatred in a vicious circle of reprisal and vendettas.</end quote></div>

Before getting on the bandwagon for a hanging, it'd be wise to go to who actually commited the crimes...did you forget that the presidency is only 1/3 of the country? What about congress? they had to APPROVE the invasion! Besides, the first constitutional right is "innocent until proven guilty", a right that is given to you by the police when they place you under arrest....wish they could do that in Japan, but they don't! The police in Japan can (and will) interrogate you on the spot! Count your prayers for the amount of freedom you do have.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I am enthusiastic that George Bush and his cronies have less then a week to go, before they can spread the very same lies about Iran's nuclear intentions, invading them, thus creating some sort of "end scenario" when Jesus will return and save the righteous, while condemning the wicked.</end quote></div>

I'm glad Bush is gone, too, but not for the same reasons as you. I received a chain mail once, and it said that Bush could've "planted" WMD in Iraq, but instead chose to be honest and say his intelligence (CIA?) information was who's to blame there?! (I'd bet on the one who gave the bogus info). However, from my sources, Bush is really trying to cooperate with Obama for a smooth transition, facing the problems like the Big Three, and the Economy. More than what I can say for here, cause all they are doing is bickering about who's gonna control the country next.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> The truth of the matter is that Donald Duck Rumsfeld ordered the torture tactics, George Bush authorized them, Dickhead Cheney defended the torture tactics, and Alberto Gonzalez lied and tried desperately to make them look legal.</end quote></div>
This is all new news to me...was this on CNN? And, are you suggesting "conspiracy"?

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> soon as President Obama takes the oath of office...</end quote></div>

I'd rather give Obama time to prove himself...I've already heard that his "Yes we can" turned into something like "Maybe we can't", about a week ago.

And the financial crisis that was the cause of "subprime loans", It seems it wasn't the U.S. Governments responsibility to regulate it. It also seems that it wasn't the real estate companies that allowed the bum loans, but the auto industry so they can sell expensive cars to those who couldn't afford it. Chain get repossesed, the loan goes default and I forgot what was next (I'm not a financial expert), but it went global, even Japan is getting the percussion (which is why I don't think the U.S. should be the "Beacon").


I'm a U.S. Citizen living in a different country, and from what I've seen has been different.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Solo</b></i>

...Now is the time. Now is the time to try Bush and his cronies for crimes against humanity. In an interview, George Bush ADMITTED that he approved the use of torture. His defense of his approval was "to keep America safe", but I think we need to remember why it is in the first place that our leaders utilize torture, and blatantly go against the founding fathers who drafted the US Constitution. </end quote></div>

Unless it was on a news tape, I find it hard to believe Bush would admit to something like that. I find it hard to believe that you want to sling him to a tree just because he was doing the best of his ability to protect the U.S. security, like the same oath that Obama will take as President.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>All of this inhumane degradation began with the 9/11 attacks. 19 skyjackers armed with boxcutters took over a few planes and crashed them into the twin towers. Now this was NOT an attack posed by another country, it was 19 deluded men. </end quote></div>

It was 19 deluded men who were from an organization to "stomp U.S.", and they didn't have boxcutters, they had pilot licenses and knew how to aim (someone probably did research on how to turn a plane into a bomb!). What about those innocent workers who were detained and beheaded, just for helping to rebuild a country that was already been ignored for years? How many were military? From my sources, it was zero. Some innocent people who were kidnapped and beheaded were also Japanese Nationals, as well as from other parts of the world. I think a new constitution right should be as been stated by former President Ronald Reagan, "We don't Negotiate with Terrorists!".

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>We had at one time been a shining beacon of light for all to see, and admired by the world over, but now we are hated, and the only reason countries put up with us is because of our immense military clout.</end quote></div>

Currently, China has the bigger military, so I don't think the U.S. has had much clout there in the past few years. And I think its about time that the U.S. turns out the beacon and takes care of their own first, the rest of the world second.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Now I really think that George Bush is in denial, and actually believes that he was doing the right thing, but had he thought things through, and acted on his own merit, opposed to Cheney and Rove's, and opted for a non-emotional, non-violent reaction to September 11, using diplomacy instead of military power, a lot of this mess could have been avoided. But by reacting to September 11, again which was only a crime committed by individuals as if it was a military attack by a foreign country, was and is an error committed deliberately by a criminal. Now Bill Clinton also committed an error, and was impeached for it, but to be honest here that "error" didn't cost American lives.</end quote></div>

What Clinton did and Bush did are two seperate things. I had news feed that Clinton originally lied about his situation (a president who lies is liable for impeachement, not for cheating on his wife), Bush DID go through diplomatic channels to no avail, leaving the last option, which was retalliation for the loss of over 6,000 innocent non-military lives. There was proof that the 19 "individuals" were from an organization where there was a leader. We got to see the Video on TV, didn't you?

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Now to press my point about us not being attacked by a military, and the whole reaction by Bush fundamentally absurd, well remember when McVeigh blew up those buildings in Oklahoma City? Well, Clinton did not attack, bomb, and invade a foreign nation, but instead gave the proper authorities the authority to find him and judge him accordingly. IMO it should have been exactly the same after 9/11. Now McVeigh was a US citizen while the "terrorists" were not, but we could have utilized the very same measures to get at the jist of their organization.</end quote></div>

Again, you are comparing two different instances. One was a domestic act of terrorism, one was a foreign attack. Non of those 19 "individuals" were American born citizens, were they? I don't recollect. The Oklahoma City bombing was something to be contained, and since it was within the U.S., there was no need for "diplomatic assistance" from a foreign country to act upon the agressor of the attack. Again, the news I saw was that the diplomatic channels were used to no avail, and the second option (maybe third, but definitely last) was used.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Now even if George Bush's "war on terror" was never hatched, I believe that individual terrorists would still exist. After all, any person can be indoctrinated by an individual filled with hate, and that translates to a person that's motivated by negative emotions, all the while thinking they are right. </end quote></div>

This part I agree with..though it was strange that it was from a middle eastern man I met while he was visiting Japan that said there were never any "terrorists" before 1975. Now, they are all over. However, an added fact is that a terrist attack doesn't have to come from a foreigner. Besides the "Oklahoma City" incident, Japan has had several attacks, all of which were domestic, and it wasn't based on hate, but based on the individual's lack for the value of life.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>We just have to hope Barack Obama will not turn a blind eye to these crimes, and hold the previous administration accountable, so that we can begin to repair our reputation around the world, and put an end to GITMO and the war in Iraq, to put out a message to the world that the US has new leadership, and operates in a legal matter, opposed to utilizing invasions and occupations of other countries, thus creating more hatred in a vicious circle of reprisal and vendettas.</end quote></div>

Before getting on the bandwagon for a hanging, it'd be wise to go to who actually commited the crimes...did you forget that the presidency is only 1/3 of the country? What about congress? they had to APPROVE the invasion! Besides, the first constitutional right is "innocent until proven guilty", a right that is given to you by the police when they place you under arrest....wish they could do that in Japan, but they don't! The police in Japan can (and will) interrogate you on the spot! Count your prayers for the amount of freedom you do have.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I am enthusiastic that George Bush and his cronies have less then a week to go, before they can spread the very same lies about Iran's nuclear intentions, invading them, thus creating some sort of "end scenario" when Jesus will return and save the righteous, while condemning the wicked.</end quote></div>

I'm glad Bush is gone, too, but not for the same reasons as you. I received a chain mail once, and it said that Bush could've "planted" WMD in Iraq, but instead chose to be honest and say his intelligence (CIA?) information was who's to blame there?! (I'd bet on the one who gave the bogus info). However, from my sources, Bush is really trying to cooperate with Obama for a smooth transition, facing the problems like the Big Three, and the Economy. More than what I can say for here, cause all they are doing is bickering about who's gonna control the country next.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> The truth of the matter is that Donald Duck Rumsfeld ordered the torture tactics, George Bush authorized them, Dickhead Cheney defended the torture tactics, and Alberto Gonzalez lied and tried desperately to make them look legal.</end quote></div>
This is all new news to me...was this on CNN? And, are you suggesting "conspiracy"?

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> soon as President Obama takes the oath of office...</end quote></div>

I'd rather give Obama time to prove himself...I've already heard that his "Yes we can" turned into something like "Maybe we can't", about a week ago.

And the financial crisis that was the cause of "subprime loans", It seems it wasn't the U.S. Governments responsibility to regulate it. It also seems that it wasn't the real estate companies that allowed the bum loans, but the auto industry so they can sell expensive cars to those who couldn't afford it. Chain get repossesed, the loan goes default and I forgot what was next (I'm not a financial expert), but it went global, even Japan is getting the percussion (which is why I don't think the U.S. should be the "Beacon").


I'm a U.S. Citizen living in a different country, and from what I've seen has been different.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Solo</b></i>

...Now is the time. Now is the time to try Bush and his cronies for crimes against humanity. In an interview, George Bush ADMITTED that he approved the use of torture. His defense of his approval was "to keep America safe", but I think we need to remember why it is in the first place that our leaders utilize torture, and blatantly go against the founding fathers who drafted the US Constitution. </end quote></div>

Unless it was on a news tape, I find it hard to believe Bush would admit to something like that. I find it hard to believe that you want to sling him to a tree just because he was doing the best of his ability to protect the U.S. security, like the same oath that Obama will take as President.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>All of this inhumane degradation began with the 9/11 attacks. 19 skyjackers armed with boxcutters took over a few planes and crashed them into the twin towers. Now this was NOT an attack posed by another country, it was 19 deluded men. </end quote></div>

It was 19 deluded men who were from an organization to "stomp U.S.", and they didn't have boxcutters, they had pilot licenses and knew how to aim (someone probably did research on how to turn a plane into a bomb!). What about those innocent workers who were detained and beheaded, just for helping to rebuild a country that was already been ignored for years? How many were military? From my sources, it was zero. Some innocent people who were kidnapped and beheaded were also Japanese Nationals, as well as from other parts of the world. I think a new constitution right should be as been stated by former President Ronald Reagan, "We don't Negotiate with Terrorists!".

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>We had at one time been a shining beacon of light for all to see, and admired by the world over, but now we are hated, and the only reason countries put up with us is because of our immense military clout.</end quote></div>

Currently, China has the bigger military, so I don't think the U.S. has had much clout there in the past few years. And I think its about time that the U.S. turns out the beacon and takes care of their own first, the rest of the world second.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Now I really think that George Bush is in denial, and actually believes that he was doing the right thing, but had he thought things through, and acted on his own merit, opposed to Cheney and Rove's, and opted for a non-emotional, non-violent reaction to September 11, using diplomacy instead of military power, a lot of this mess could have been avoided. But by reacting to September 11, again which was only a crime committed by individuals as if it was a military attack by a foreign country, was and is an error committed deliberately by a criminal. Now Bill Clinton also committed an error, and was impeached for it, but to be honest here that "error" didn't cost American lives.</end quote></div>

What Clinton did and Bush did are two seperate things. I had news feed that Clinton originally lied about his situation (a president who lies is liable for impeachement, not for cheating on his wife), Bush DID go through diplomatic channels to no avail, leaving the last option, which was retalliation for the loss of over 6,000 innocent non-military lives. There was proof that the 19 "individuals" were from an organization where there was a leader. We got to see the Video on TV, didn't you?

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Now to press my point about us not being attacked by a military, and the whole reaction by Bush fundamentally absurd, well remember when McVeigh blew up those buildings in Oklahoma City? Well, Clinton did not attack, bomb, and invade a foreign nation, but instead gave the proper authorities the authority to find him and judge him accordingly. IMO it should have been exactly the same after 9/11. Now McVeigh was a US citizen while the "terrorists" were not, but we could have utilized the very same measures to get at the jist of their organization.</end quote></div>

Again, you are comparing two different instances. One was a domestic act of terrorism, one was a foreign attack. Non of those 19 "individuals" were American born citizens, were they? I don't recollect. The Oklahoma City bombing was something to be contained, and since it was within the U.S., there was no need for "diplomatic assistance" from a foreign country to act upon the agressor of the attack. Again, the news I saw was that the diplomatic channels were used to no avail, and the second option (maybe third, but definitely last) was used.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Now even if George Bush's "war on terror" was never hatched, I believe that individual terrorists would still exist. After all, any person can be indoctrinated by an individual filled with hate, and that translates to a person that's motivated by negative emotions, all the while thinking they are right. </end quote></div>

This part I agree with..though it was strange that it was from a middle eastern man I met while he was visiting Japan that said there were never any "terrorists" before 1975. Now, they are all over. However, an added fact is that a terrist attack doesn't have to come from a foreigner. Besides the "Oklahoma City" incident, Japan has had several attacks, all of which were domestic, and it wasn't based on hate, but based on the individual's lack for the value of life.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>We just have to hope Barack Obama will not turn a blind eye to these crimes, and hold the previous administration accountable, so that we can begin to repair our reputation around the world, and put an end to GITMO and the war in Iraq, to put out a message to the world that the US has new leadership, and operates in a legal matter, opposed to utilizing invasions and occupations of other countries, thus creating more hatred in a vicious circle of reprisal and vendettas.</end quote></div>

Before getting on the bandwagon for a hanging, it'd be wise to go to who actually commited the crimes...did you forget that the presidency is only 1/3 of the country? What about congress? they had to APPROVE the invasion! Besides, the first constitutional right is "innocent until proven guilty", a right that is given to you by the police when they place you under arrest....wish they could do that in Japan, but they don't! The police in Japan can (and will) interrogate you on the spot! Count your prayers for the amount of freedom you do have.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I am enthusiastic that George Bush and his cronies have less then a week to go, before they can spread the very same lies about Iran's nuclear intentions, invading them, thus creating some sort of "end scenario" when Jesus will return and save the righteous, while condemning the wicked.</end quote></div>

I'm glad Bush is gone, too, but not for the same reasons as you. I received a chain mail once, and it said that Bush could've "planted" WMD in Iraq, but instead chose to be honest and say his intelligence (CIA?) information was who's to blame there?! (I'd bet on the one who gave the bogus info). However, from my sources, Bush is really trying to cooperate with Obama for a smooth transition, facing the problems like the Big Three, and the Economy. More than what I can say for here, cause all they are doing is bickering about who's gonna control the country next.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> The truth of the matter is that Donald Duck Rumsfeld ordered the torture tactics, George Bush authorized them, Dickhead Cheney defended the torture tactics, and Alberto Gonzalez lied and tried desperately to make them look legal.</end quote></div>
This is all new news to me...was this on CNN? And, are you suggesting "conspiracy"?

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> soon as President Obama takes the oath of office...</end quote></div>

I'd rather give Obama time to prove himself...I've already heard that his "Yes we can" turned into something like "Maybe we can't", about a week ago.

And the financial crisis that was the cause of "subprime loans", It seems it wasn't the U.S. Governments responsibility to regulate it. It also seems that it wasn't the real estate companies that allowed the bum loans, but the auto industry so they can sell expensive cars to those who couldn't afford it. Chain get repossesed, the loan goes default and I forgot what was next (I'm not a financial expert), but it went global, even Japan is getting the percussion (which is why I don't think the U.S. should be the "Beacon").


I'm a U.S. Citizen living in a different country, and from what I've seen has been different.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Solo</b></i>

...Now is the time. Now is the time to try Bush and his cronies for crimes against humanity. In an interview, George Bush ADMITTED that he approved the use of torture. His defense of his approval was "to keep America safe", but I think we need to remember why it is in the first place that our leaders utilize torture, and blatantly go against the founding fathers who drafted the US Constitution. </end quote>

Unless it was on a news tape, I find it hard to believe Bush would admit to something like that. I find it hard to believe that you want to sling him to a tree just because he was doing the best of his ability to protect the U.S. security, like the same oath that Obama will take as President.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>All of this inhumane degradation began with the 9/11 attacks. 19 skyjackers armed with boxcutters took over a few planes and crashed them into the twin towers. Now this was NOT an attack posed by another country, it was 19 deluded men. </end quote>

It was 19 deluded men who were from an organization to "stomp U.S.", and they didn't have boxcutters, they had pilot licenses and knew how to aim (someone probably did research on how to turn a plane into a bomb!). What about those innocent workers who were detained and beheaded, just for helping to rebuild a country that was already been ignored for years? How many were military? From my sources, it was zero. Some innocent people who were kidnapped and beheaded were also Japanese Nationals, as well as from other parts of the world. I think a new constitution right should be as been stated by former President Ronald Reagan, "We don't Negotiate with Terrorists!".

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>We had at one time been a shining beacon of light for all to see, and admired by the world over, but now we are hated, and the only reason countries put up with us is because of our immense military clout.</end quote>

Currently, China has the bigger military, so I don't think the U.S. has had much clout there in the past few years. And I think its about time that the U.S. turns out the beacon and takes care of their own first, the rest of the world second.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Now I really think that George Bush is in denial, and actually believes that he was doing the right thing, but had he thought things through, and acted on his own merit, opposed to Cheney and Rove's, and opted for a non-emotional, non-violent reaction to September 11, using diplomacy instead of military power, a lot of this mess could have been avoided. But by reacting to September 11, again which was only a crime committed by individuals as if it was a military attack by a foreign country, was and is an error committed deliberately by a criminal. Now Bill Clinton also committed an error, and was impeached for it, but to be honest here that "error" didn't cost American lives.</end quote>

What Clinton did and Bush did are two seperate things. I had news feed that Clinton originally lied about his situation (a president who lies is liable for impeachement, not for cheating on his wife), Bush DID go through diplomatic channels to no avail, leaving the last option, which was retalliation for the loss of over 6,000 innocent non-military lives. There was proof that the 19 "individuals" were from an organization where there was a leader. We got to see the Video on TV, didn't you?

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Now to press my point about us not being attacked by a military, and the whole reaction by Bush fundamentally absurd, well remember when McVeigh blew up those buildings in Oklahoma City? Well, Clinton did not attack, bomb, and invade a foreign nation, but instead gave the proper authorities the authority to find him and judge him accordingly. IMO it should have been exactly the same after 9/11. Now McVeigh was a US citizen while the "terrorists" were not, but we could have utilized the very same measures to get at the jist of their organization.</end quote>

Again, you are comparing two different instances. One was a domestic act of terrorism, one was a foreign attack. Non of those 19 "individuals" were American born citizens, were they? I don't recollect. The Oklahoma City bombing was something to be contained, and since it was within the U.S., there was no need for "diplomatic assistance" from a foreign country to act upon the agressor of the attack. Again, the news I saw was that the diplomatic channels were used to no avail, and the second option (maybe third, but definitely last) was used.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Now even if George Bush's "war on terror" was never hatched, I believe that individual terrorists would still exist. After all, any person can be indoctrinated by an individual filled with hate, and that translates to a person that's motivated by negative emotions, all the while thinking they are right. </end quote>

This part I agree with..though it was strange that it was from a middle eastern man I met while he was visiting Japan that said there were never any "terrorists" before 1975. Now, they are all over. However, an added fact is that a terrist attack doesn't have to come from a foreigner. Besides the "Oklahoma City" incident, Japan has had several attacks, all of which were domestic, and it wasn't based on hate, but based on the individual's lack for the value of life.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>We just have to hope Barack Obama will not turn a blind eye to these crimes, and hold the previous administration accountable, so that we can begin to repair our reputation around the world, and put an end to GITMO and the war in Iraq, to put out a message to the world that the US has new leadership, and operates in a legal matter, opposed to utilizing invasions and occupations of other countries, thus creating more hatred in a vicious circle of reprisal and vendettas.</end quote>

Before getting on the bandwagon for a hanging, it'd be wise to go to who actually commited the crimes...did you forget that the presidency is only 1/3 of the country? What about congress? they had to APPROVE the invasion! Besides, the first constitutional right is "innocent until proven guilty", a right that is given to you by the police when they place you under arrest....wish they could do that in Japan, but they don't! The police in Japan can (and will) interrogate you on the spot! Count your prayers for the amount of freedom you do have.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I am enthusiastic that George Bush and his cronies have less then a week to go, before they can spread the very same lies about Iran's nuclear intentions, invading them, thus creating some sort of "end scenario" when Jesus will return and save the righteous, while condemning the wicked.</end quote>

I'm glad Bush is gone, too, but not for the same reasons as you. I received a chain mail once, and it said that Bush could've "planted" WMD in Iraq, but instead chose to be honest and say his intelligence (CIA?) information was who's to blame there?! (I'd bet on the one who gave the bogus info). However, from my sources, Bush is really trying to cooperate with Obama for a smooth transition, facing the problems like the Big Three, and the Economy. More than what I can say for here, cause all they are doing is bickering about who's gonna control the country next.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> The truth of the matter is that Donald Duck Rumsfeld ordered the torture tactics, George Bush authorized them, Dickhead Cheney defended the torture tactics, and Alberto Gonzalez lied and tried desperately to make them look legal.</end quote>
This is all new news to me...was this on CNN? And, are you suggesting "conspiracy"?

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> soon as President Obama takes the oath of office...</end quote>

I'd rather give Obama time to prove himself...I've already heard that his "Yes we can" turned into something like "Maybe we can't", about a week ago.

And the financial crisis that was the cause of "subprime loans", It seems it wasn't the U.S. Governments responsibility to regulate it. It also seems that it wasn't the real estate companies that allowed the bum loans, but the auto industry so they can sell expensive cars to those who couldn't afford it. Chain get repossesed, the loan goes default and I forgot what was next (I'm not a financial expert), but it went global, even Japan is getting the percussion (which is why I don't think the U.S. should be the "Beacon").


I'm a U.S. Citizen living in a different country, and from what I've seen has been different.
<br />
<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Solo</b></i>
<br />
<br />...Now is the time. Now is the time to try Bush and his cronies for crimes against humanity. In an interview, George Bush ADMITTED that he approved the use of torture. His defense of his approval was "to keep America safe", but I think we need to remember why it is in the first place that our leaders utilize torture, and blatantly go against the founding fathers who drafted the US Constitution. </end quote>
<br />
<br />Unless it was on a news tape, I find it hard to believe Bush would admit to something like that. I find it hard to believe that you want to sling him to a tree just because he was doing the best of his ability to protect the U.S. security, like the same oath that Obama will take as President.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>All of this inhumane degradation began with the 9/11 attacks. 19 skyjackers armed with boxcutters took over a few planes and crashed them into the twin towers. Now this was NOT an attack posed by another country, it was 19 deluded men. </end quote>
<br />
<br />It was 19 deluded men who were from an organization to "stomp U.S.", and they didn't have boxcutters, they had pilot licenses and knew how to aim (someone probably did research on how to turn a plane into a bomb!). What about those innocent workers who were detained and beheaded, just for helping to rebuild a country that was already been ignored for years? How many were military? From my sources, it was zero. Some innocent people who were kidnapped and beheaded were also Japanese Nationals, as well as from other parts of the world. I think a new constitution right should be as been stated by former President Ronald Reagan, "We don't Negotiate with Terrorists!".
<br />
<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>We had at one time been a shining beacon of light for all to see, and admired by the world over, but now we are hated, and the only reason countries put up with us is because of our immense military clout.</end quote>
<br />
<br />Currently, China has the bigger military, so I don't think the U.S. has had much clout there in the past few years. And I think its about time that the U.S. turns out the beacon and takes care of their own first, the rest of the world second.
<br />
<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Now I really think that George Bush is in denial, and actually believes that he was doing the right thing, but had he thought things through, and acted on his own merit, opposed to Cheney and Rove's, and opted for a non-emotional, non-violent reaction to September 11, using diplomacy instead of military power, a lot of this mess could have been avoided. But by reacting to September 11, again which was only a crime committed by individuals as if it was a military attack by a foreign country, was and is an error committed deliberately by a criminal. Now Bill Clinton also committed an error, and was impeached for it, but to be honest here that "error" didn't cost American lives.</end quote>
<br />
<br />What Clinton did and Bush did are two seperate things. I had news feed that Clinton originally lied about his situation (a president who lies is liable for impeachement, not for cheating on his wife), Bush DID go through diplomatic channels to no avail, leaving the last option, which was retalliation for the loss of over 6,000 innocent non-military lives. There was proof that the 19 "individuals" were from an organization where there was a leader. We got to see the Video on TV, didn't you?
<br />
<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Now to press my point about us not being attacked by a military, and the whole reaction by Bush fundamentally absurd, well remember when McVeigh blew up those buildings in Oklahoma City? Well, Clinton did not attack, bomb, and invade a foreign nation, but instead gave the proper authorities the authority to find him and judge him accordingly. IMO it should have been exactly the same after 9/11. Now McVeigh was a US citizen while the "terrorists" were not, but we could have utilized the very same measures to get at the jist of their organization.</end quote>
<br />
<br />Again, you are comparing two different instances. One was a domestic act of terrorism, one was a foreign attack. Non of those 19 "individuals" were American born citizens, were they? I don't recollect. The Oklahoma City bombing was something to be contained, and since it was within the U.S., there was no need for "diplomatic assistance" from a foreign country to act upon the agressor of the attack. Again, the news I saw was that the diplomatic channels were used to no avail, and the second option (maybe third, but definitely last) was used.
<br />
<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Now even if George Bush's "war on terror" was never hatched, I believe that individual terrorists would still exist. After all, any person can be indoctrinated by an individual filled with hate, and that translates to a person that's motivated by negative emotions, all the while thinking they are right. </end quote>
<br />
<br />This part I agree with..though it was strange that it was from a middle eastern man I met while he was visiting Japan that said there were never any "terrorists" before 1975. Now, they are all over. However, an added fact is that a terrist attack doesn't have to come from a foreigner. Besides the "Oklahoma City" incident, Japan has had several attacks, all of which were domestic, and it wasn't based on hate, but based on the individual's lack for the value of life.
<br />
<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>We just have to hope Barack Obama will not turn a blind eye to these crimes, and hold the previous administration accountable, so that we can begin to repair our reputation around the world, and put an end to GITMO and the war in Iraq, to put out a message to the world that the US has new leadership, and operates in a legal matter, opposed to utilizing invasions and occupations of other countries, thus creating more hatred in a vicious circle of reprisal and vendettas.</end quote>
<br />
<br />Before getting on the bandwagon for a hanging, it'd be wise to go to who actually commited the crimes...did you forget that the presidency is only 1/3 of the country? What about congress? they had to APPROVE the invasion! Besides, the first constitutional right is "innocent until proven guilty", a right that is given to you by the police when they place you under arrest....wish they could do that in Japan, but they don't! The police in Japan can (and will) interrogate you on the spot! Count your prayers for the amount of freedom you do have.
<br />
<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I am enthusiastic that George Bush and his cronies have less then a week to go, before they can spread the very same lies about Iran's nuclear intentions, invading them, thus creating some sort of "end scenario" when Jesus will return and save the righteous, while condemning the wicked.</end quote>
<br />
<br />I'm glad Bush is gone, too, but not for the same reasons as you. I received a chain mail once, and it said that Bush could've "planted" WMD in Iraq, but instead chose to be honest and say his intelligence (CIA?) information was who's to blame there?! (I'd bet on the one who gave the bogus info). However, from my sources, Bush is really trying to cooperate with Obama for a smooth transition, facing the problems like the Big Three, and the Economy. More than what I can say for here, cause all they are doing is bickering about who's gonna control the country next.
<br />
<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> The truth of the matter is that Donald Duck Rumsfeld ordered the torture tactics, George Bush authorized them, Dickhead Cheney defended the torture tactics, and Alberto Gonzalez lied and tried desperately to make them look legal.</end quote>
<br />This is all new news to me...was this on CNN? And, are you suggesting "conspiracy"?
<br />
<br /><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> soon as President Obama takes the oath of office...</end quote>
<br />
<br />I'd rather give Obama time to prove himself...I've already heard that his "Yes we can" turned into something like "Maybe we can't", about a week ago.
<br />
<br />And the financial crisis that was the cause of "subprime loans", It seems it wasn't the U.S. Governments responsibility to regulate it. It also seems that it wasn't the real estate companies that allowed the bum loans, but the auto industry so they can sell expensive cars to those who couldn't afford it. Chain get repossesed, the loan goes default and I forgot what was next (I'm not a financial expert), but it went global, even Japan is getting the percussion (which is why I don't think the U.S. should be the "Beacon").
<br />